For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness .
2 P ETER 1:5–6 NIV
B ELIEVERS, IT IS not easy to walk in your calling. The Bible lets us know that many are called (invited) but few are chosen (Matthew 22:14); however, we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us (Philippians 4:13). And, if we submit ourselves to God and resist the devil, then he ( temptation) will flee from us (James 4:7). Glory to God! When you submit to someone, you are in position to receive from him or her. That means you have turned your back on everything else, and that person has your undivided attention.
In the garden of Eden, Eve messed up when she decided to have a conversation with the serpent (the wicked one). Once the serpent had her attention, it began to speak into her ear, and she listened. Where was God? Right there listening and viewing the entire episode. The enemy cannot make you do anything. He can only make suggestions. Believers, we need to stop having conversations with the enemy and instead rely on the Word to preserve us. Although Eve messed up, God forgave her. When you mess up, confess your sin to God and He will forgive you. Like Adam and Eve, you will suffer consequences for your sin against God. Learn from your mistakes. The old folks used to say, “A hard head makes a soft behind.”
On October 22, 2015, there was an article written by Gillian Mohney titled “Couple Happy That ‘Purity Certificate’ Stirred Up Debate on Premarital Sex.” 2 During an interview with ABC News, Brelyn Bowman stated that she made a pledge at the age of thirteen to God and her father to remain a virgin until marriage, and this continued to be an important goal as she grew up. Some on social media denounced her stance and even her wedding picture. The twenty-two-year-old bride, Brelyn Bowman, and her new husband, Tim Bowman, a gospel singer, said they were shocked to find the picture had sparked such a reaction when they arrived home from their honeymoon in Dubai to find their phones buzzing. Brelyn stated that she wanted to give the certificate, which she said was signed by her doctor, as a surprise to her father, Mike Freeman, a pastor, after her sister did the same thing at her wedding. Additionally, her husband stated that he also abstained from sexual intercourse before marriage and that he was also shocked about the response.
Based on God’s Word, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4, Brelyn ended the article by stating, “I hoped this article would spark discussion about the possibility of avoiding sexual intercourse before marriage.” It is my belief that as believers it is our responsibility to have several conversations in regard to sex with our sons and daughters at an early age.
The church has a responsibility to teach young men and women the importance of abstaining from premarital sex. We need to send the message that the more partners one has, the more likely it is that one will be exposed to an STD. Furthermore, people with multiple partners tend to choose partners who have had multiple partners. This means that each person they are having sex with is probably more likely to contract an infection than someone with whom they choose to be monogamous.
The church can no longer remain quiet when young women in the church continue to have children out of wedlock and be forced to care for children they cannot afford to support financially. Do we offer love and support? Of course we do. However, they need to be taught that their bodies belong to God until God gives them to their husbands. We need to go back to offering purity clubs and teaching our young women and men the importance of offering their bodies as a living sacrifice to God. “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship” (Romans 12:1 NIV ). The definition of the term sacrifice is as follows: “an act of offering to a deity something precious.” God wants all of you to serve Him with all of yourselves in spirit and in truth, for this is your true and proper worship.