
Chapter 25




Maureen had found a couple of gardens to visit and had made a note of them. Perhaps she would get some inspiration for some new plants to get for her own humble garden. Ron must have had landscape gardeners to design his extensive grounds. It had been done so expertly with shaped beds and paths which led the eye to take in the whole vista where everything seemed in perfect proportion. There wasn’t really time now but next week she would need to mow the lawn and have a concerted effort at dead-heading the spent blooms in order to encourage more flowering.

The doorbell rang. Maureen looked at her watch. It was coming up to 8 p.m. She rarely had callers she wasn’t expecting apart from during the day when there were people touting for replacement windows or driveways. As she approached the door she spotted the familiar figure of Hubert and her heart sank. What on earth did he want? Surely not more papers to sign from their property business.

‘Hubert,’ she said. ‘You normally let me know you are going to call in, is it something important?’

‘Sorry, love, forgot to charge my phone, the battery is dead,’ he said waving his phone in front of her.

‘I’m not your love, please don’t call me that!’

‘Sorry, force of habit, can I come in?’

‘Yes, what’s it about?’

‘Let me come in and explain.’

She stepped aside and Hubert stepped into the hallway. He marched straight into the kitchen without being asked and started to peruse her jottings about the gardens to visit.

‘Going on a trip?’

‘Hubert, it’s none of your business, please don’t read my private notes.’

‘Going with your boyfriend are you?’

Maureen stared at Hubert. She’d not noticed when she’d first let him in but he seemed very agitated. He was stepping from foot to foot as if he had trouble standing still. His eyes looked different as well. He had a wild look about him she’d not seen before. Could she smell whisky?

‘Are you OK? Have you been drinking?’

‘Just a small one. I can handle my drink.’

‘You’ve not said what you wanted to see me about?’

‘Oh, haven’t I? Silly me. I forgot. I just wanted to see you.’

‘Stop messing about. Is it about the business? I thought I’d signed the papers the other night.’

‘You did. Just before you went out to Brensford Manor to see Ronnie.’

Maureen was furious. He’d obviously followed her. What a nerve. Hubert would never change, he was always the jealous controlling type and would be like that until the end of his days.

‘Where I go and who I see is no business of yours. We are separated, soon to be divorced. You can see who you want and I can do the same. Now please leave.’

‘Not yet, we are having such a nice little chat. Let’s have a drink? Unless you are expecting lover boy?’

‘I think you’ve had quite enough, now piss off and leave me alone.’

Maureen headed out of the kitchen into the hallway. Suddenly Hubert grabbed a knife out of the block in the kitchen and strode after her. He seized her around the neck and held the knife to her throat.

‘What? Get off me, you bastard. Let me go!’ screamed Maureen as she struggled against him. She kicked at him and tried to run to the front door but he grabbed her legs and rugby tackled her to the ground. Maureen fell heavily banging her elbow and crying out in pain. Hubert had regained the knife and sat astride his wife with the knife to her throat. He was panting and his face was flushed puce coloured. A vein throbbed angrily at his right temple. Saliva dribbled from his mouth in a long trail and landed on her T-shirt. He wiped his mouth with his left hand whilst continuing to press the tip of the knife into the flesh of her neck. A small drop of blood appeared and Maureen became paralysed.

‘You make things so difficult. I just want to talk. Let’s be grown-up about this.’

‘Grown-up, don’t make me laugh! You’re an animal! You won’t get away with this! You are completely unstable! What’s got into you?’

He got up and waved the knife at her. ‘Get up.’

She complied. Her mobile was in the kitchen. For the moment there was no way she could reach it and besides, could she risk phoning the police with Hubert in the state he was? He’d made it quite clear he might cut her throat. He was much stronger and bigger than her, she wouldn’t have a chance. She got up slowly from the floor and straightened her clothes.

‘Upstairs,’ he pointed. ‘After you.’

‘Please, don’t be ridiculous, just go. I won’t say anything if you leave now. Just leave me alone.’

‘I don’t want to hurt you. I just want to chat. That’s all.’

‘We can chat down here. Why don’t I open some wine? Let’s sit in the garden?’

‘I want to lie down, on my old bed, with you beside me. Get upstairs.’

Was he going to try to rape her? Please God she intoned. Don’t let me suffer that indignity when I am so close to being rid of him. She made her way slowly up the stairs to her bedroom. Hubert followed, still holding the knife. As she entered he slammed the door shut. She also heard a metallic sound, then felt something being fastened around her wrist. Too late she realised what it was. He had handcuffed her! She struggled to reach the door but Hubert just grabbed her arm and dragged her back. She kicked out at his shins but he evaded her using his own foot to sweep her feet from under her. She fell to her knees on the carpet feeling powerless. As she fell the handcuff scraped the skin on her wrist, breaking the skin and creating a red welt. Hubert stooped slightly and snapped the other handcuff around his left hand. They were now shackled together. This was a nightmare. He was completely deranged.

‘What are you doing? Undo the cuffs! Have you lost your mind?’

‘I just want to spend one final night with you. Before we go our separate ways. Is that too much to ask? Now lie down on the bed.’

‘This is absurd! Let me go!’

Hubert stared down at her and then suddenly slapped her across the face. Maureen screamed and started to cry. With her free hand, she felt her cheek. This was the first time in their marriage he’d ever assaulted her although he had come close on many occasions when he’d been unreasonable and had started questioning her about where she’d been and so on. In those days he’d frequently grabbed her by the upper arms causing bruising but this was on an entirely different scale.

‘Stand up and get on the bed!’

Slowly she struggled to her feet. For the moment she felt it best to humour him. Perhaps once the effect of the drink wore off she would be able to reason with him. He climbed on the bed next to her and they lay side by side. It was completely bizarre. How long was this going to last?

‘So, has he slept in this bed then?’


‘You know who I mean. Ronnie. Your new beau.’

‘Mind your own business. Have you slept with anybody recently?’

‘No, I’ll never want another woman. No-one could replace you.’

‘Ha, it’s a pity you weren’t more considerate when we were married.’

‘I always cared for you. You had the best of everything. You still can, I can change. Please just give me a chance?’

‘You blew your chances a long time ago. And after this, well, don’t take me for an idiot.’

‘I never regarded you as an idiot. Vulnerable, yes. You need protecting. You are easily hurt.’

‘I need protecting from you! You are the one who just hurt me!’

‘Sorry about that, truly I am. I don’t know what came over me. Please forgive me?’

Maureen remained silent. She was seething with anger. Not only that, she was soon going to need to go to the toilet. Perhaps then she might be able to get Hubert to release her. Then she would have her chance. Just now he was too fired up to think rationally, she would have to wait a while.

Quite suddenly, Hubert started to cry. The cries became more emotional and soon he was sobbing. Maureen turned to look at him. He was a complete mess. How had he become like this? He needed to seek professional help. It was awful to see him like this. Although she hated him for what he’d just subjected her to she felt herself swallow hard and her eyes began to prick with tears. They had spent such a long time together it was hard not to feel some sadness for him. She turned over to him and cradled his head. He continued to cry and his tears soaked her T-shirt.

‘Hubert, let’s talk. You need to get help. Give me the key to the handcuffs and we’ll go downstairs and I’ll make some tea.’

He pointed at his trouser pocket and she retrieved the key. She undid the handcuffs and rubbed her wrists. Now that she had both hands free she quickly reached across and took the knife. She dropped it to the floor between the bed and the bedside table. Hubert didn’t seem to notice, he was in such an emotional state.

‘I’m not well,’ said Hubert, ‘I’ve something to tell you. I went to see a specialist recently.’

‘What is is?’

‘I’ve got cancer. Bowel cancer. It’s not looking too good.’

‘Oh, Hubert, I’m sorry. Are you going to have an operation?’

‘Yes, quite soon. They will need to take out a section of bowel and I’ll have a colostomy bag for a few months then they’ll join it back up again. I’ll have to have some chemotherapy as well.’

‘I’m so sorry. They can do so much nowadays. You must stay positive.’

‘I know, I’m scared though. I should have gone earlier but I was so busy with the business I kept ignoring things. Men just aren’t good at going to the doctor.’

‘Look, let’s go and have that cup of tea?’

They went downstairs. Maureen headed to the kitchen but Hubert went to the front door.

‘No, I’m going, I’m so embarrassed. I’ll leave you in peace. Please forget all those things I said. I love you Maureen but I realise I’ve lost you now. Look after yourself.’

With that, he ran down the driveway and disappeared from view.

Maureen leaned against the front door as it closed. She knew she should phone the police but she couldn’t face having to bring charges. Deep down she knew that Hubert would never have injured her, he loved her too much. Still, it had been an unnerving experience and she needed a drink, She poured herself a whisky and sat down in the lounge. As she relaxed she put her head back and her neck stung. She felt with her fingers and they came away covered in blood. The cut on her neck had started to open up. Taking a piece of kitchen roll she pressed it against it to staunch the flow of blood whilst she went to find a plaster.

After finishing the whisky she went to have a bath. She needed an early night before her trip tomorrow. Thankfully she’d already packed her overnight bag. Ron had texted her to say he couldn’t wait to see her and she replied that she too felt the same but would be getting an early night. Hopefully, tomorrow would herald a better day and help her forget her recent ordeal.