
Chapter 44




Nimrod was awaiting the arrival of his comrades to assist with his illicit reaction in the shed. He was concerned if anyone saw a lot of activity out there it would raise suspicion so he had raised his concerns with Warrior had who come up with a plan. Two disciples of the cause would provide a distraction by stripping down a troublesome bicycle in the garden whilst Nimrod and Warrior set to work in the shed. A sunshade which could be angled at the top was erected in the garden doubling as protection from the summer evening sun and a screen from prying eyes in the house.

Nimrod had also ascertained his housemates’ routines and had managed to find an evening when only one other member of the house was in residence. Nimrod had also put his washing in the rather old and noisy machine on a long hot wash so that the sound would mask some of the activity in the garden. Orion and Thor who were servicing the bike could also act as lookouts. No plans were ever foolproof but this was the best they could do under the circumstances.

Nimrod had been unable to concentrate all day so when 7.30 p.m. arrived he felt an overwhelming feeling of relief. He ushered them around to the rear of the property and for a while they sat on the grass, chatting and drinking cans of beer. Nimrod would dearly have loved to have several beers but he and Warrior had to keep their wits about them. They could not afford to be clumsy.

The lookouts began to dismantle the bike and Warrior and Nimrod entered the shed where they donned the protective equipment they had left in there on the previous occasion. Each had safety glasses and a face visor over the top. They zipped up some protective coveralls as if they were about to begin painting. Over the top of rubber gloves, they placed long thick gauntlets to protect their arms and then placed the wooden screen they had used before, between themselves and the reaction.

‘Ready?’ asked Warrior.

‘Yes, the water is here to pour it into.’

‘Right, on the count of three. One, two, three,’ and they picked up the drum containing the reaction medium and crystals and slowly poured it into the water.

‘Looking good,’ said Nimrod.

‘It is. That’s excellent, now rinse the drum with some water and we can get the rest of the material out.’

They added some more water to the container and swirled it to release any stubborn crystals from the sides and poured that into the container. The crystals sank to the bottom in the water and coated the whole of the base. The crystals looked innocuous and beautiful but contained within was energy which was desperate to be released.

‘Right, I’ll remove some of this liquid and we can add some more clean water.’ Warrior used a jug to remove the liquid sitting above the crystals and then more clean water was added. By repeating this process several times they had the product sitting beneath the almost clean water. Nimrod consulted his preparatory details and judged by eye how much water to leave in the drum. By leaving the material wet and beneath water it should sit happily until the final stage of isolation when it would be filtered off and transferred to the containers for transportation and its final journey.

‘That looks about right from these details’ he said.

‘Let me see?’ asked Warrior.

‘I reckon that’s OK. Jeez. I can stop holding my breath now!’ Warrior covered the drum and stepped back. He and Nimrod high-fived each other and smiled.

‘Good work,’ said Warrior. ‘Are you OK?’

‘Sure. That worked a treat. Also, thank your source for the method.’

‘No problem. I’ll be in touch for the final stage. It won’t be me for that part of the process. We have an expert ready and waiting.’

‘Is the target identified?’

‘Almost. This will be supplied to you verbally when the device is prepared. Too risky to send by any other means.’

They stripped off their protective gear and stowed it in the shed. Nimrod’s T-shirt was soaked and his hair was sticking to his forehead. The two friends looked up and nodded, acknowledging the deed. The evening had been a success. Nimrod lay down on the lawn. Adrenaline was coursing through his blood and he had a terrific high. He wondered how he would sleep tonight. For once in his life, he felt he had a cause and purpose. The support and comradeship of like-minded individuals had given him such a boost. His parents had never shown much interest in him as they had been too busy making ends meet. They had worked all their lives and had achieved nothing. No status, no savings, no prospects. Yet people who came to the country and abused it by claiming benefits and treating English girls badly were taking over. It was time to redress the balance. If the politicians wouldn’t do anything about it, he would.



Nick and Polly were making sure they spent as much time together as possible prior to Nick’s trip to India. Polly was worried about him going alone but he’d shown her his itinerary and had promised to keep in touch regularly throughout the day except when in meetings.

‘Shall we go out tomorrow evening? Have a meal, do something special?’ asked Nick. ‘Obviously, on Saturday, we won’t be able to do much as the taxi will be coming at 4 p.m. for my evening flight. Besides, I won’t be able to concentrate on anything. I might go for a run then do a bit of gardening.’

‘I think we should eat here. I’ve been feeling so tired this week,’ replied Polly.

Nick raised his eyebrows. ‘So, does that mean, you know?’

‘Nick, don’t get too excited, I don’t want to tempt fate. I could be pregnant but I could just be tired. It’s been a busy week at work.’

‘I understand, whatever suits you best.’

‘Did I tell you that we have to examine whether we had enough security for the talk on Monday evening and whether it could have been handled better?’

‘No, you didn’t say. There were really ugly scenes. Adam and Hannah told me about it. Anyway, tomorrow evening, we’re going to stay in, yes?’

‘Yes, I’ll get one of those special meals from the supermarket. One you just have to put in the oven and some prepared vegetables. Salmon OK for you?’

‘Excellent. I’m going to stick to vegetarian food whilst I’m out there. I think that’s the safest.’

‘Good idea. I’m going to miss you. We’ve not been apart for so long all the time we’ve been together.’

‘Just think what I’ll be like when I get back. I’ll be insatiable!’ Nick grabbed Polly and started kissing her all down her neck and face. She laughed and struggled but he held her tightly in his embrace.

‘Too much! cried Polly, ‘I can’t breathe, let me go!’ she was laughing as she tried to escape.

Nick paused and held her by the hands. ‘I love you so much, Polly. I want to be with you always. Never forget that. I’m so excited about us having a family. You’ll make a wonderful mother.’

‘How do you know? It’s a bit daunting. Some babies are really difficult. It’s not all playing with them and cuddling them. What about all the sleepless nights? All the illnesses they get?’

‘We’ll face it together. Don’t worry. I’m going to be a modern Dad!’

She looked at him for a few moments. ‘Oh, Nick, I love you too. You are my world.’

They stayed huddled together on the sofa until the light finally faded then made their way to bed.