Rid Your House of Toxic Chemicals
Go room to room and eliminate potentially hazardous products as you go.
When you enter your house, take your shoes off at the door.
Use houseplants as natural air filters.
Opt for hardwood floors or washable rugs instead of carpeting.
Buy furniture that has no stain proofing or flame retardants.
Use paint without volatile organic compounds.
Buy pillows and mattresses that are toxin-free.
Filter your drinking water.
Use natural, nontoxic cleaning products (a mixture of vinegar and water is ideal).
Avoid any products with scent.
Limit Toxins on Your Body
Check the ingredients of all body products like shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, and deodorant. Gradually switch to less-toxic options.
Update your makeup with products that are free of harmful chemicals.
Reduce your use of chemical-laden hair dyes and artificial products for your hair.
Buy toxin-free laundry detergent, dishwasher detergent, and dish soap.
Reduce Toxins in Your Body
Eat organic.
Store food in glass rather than plastic.
Use food-grade stainless-steel or cast-iron cookware.
Use wood cutting boards.
Put filters on showerheads.
Don’t microwave food in plastic.
Interact Carefully with the Outside World
Keep your cell phone away from your body.
Use natural, nontoxic products to clean your car.
Air out dry cleaning before bringing into your home or closet.
Look for dry cleaners that use alternative, green technology.