Chapter 9


1. I was watching the sun go down over the ocean: Interview with Thomas Biskup. All quotes from Thomas Biskup come from interviews conducted between 2012 and 2014.


2. On July 12th, 1994: "Technical Stuff 'N' Statistics." Ancient Domains of Mystery.


3. Ecstatic that he was performing for an audience: Ibid. (Author's note: From this point on in the chapter, I refrained from citing dates on which updates to ADOM were released, since they can easily be found on the ADOM history page.)


4. ADOM climbed to new heights: "I.D. Licensing ADOM and other commercial ventures." The ADOM Fluff FAQ. (Author's note: is now defunct.)


5. All tallied, Biskup raised: "Resurrect ADOM Development."



Epilogue: The Future of Play


1. I think games have lost the idea that dying matters: Interview with Matthew Davis. All quotes from Matthew Davis come from interviews conducted from 2012-2014 via email and Skype.


2. When you're making these decisions, if there isn't this sense of impending doom: Interview with Justin Ma. All quotes from Justin Ma come from interviews conducted from 2012-2014 via email and Skype.


3. The game's random nature ensures that while there's a singular objective: "FTL: Faster Than Light review." Eurogamer.


4. Roguelikes always convey an overall goal for what you're trying to do: Interview with David Brevik. All quotes from David Brevik come from interviews conducted from 2009-2014.


5. We made Hardcore happen, and everybody loved it: Interview with Erich Schaefer. All quotes from Erich Schaefer come from interviews conducted from 2009-2014.


6. Let me put this as simply as I can: "If You're Not Playing Diablo III Hardcore, You're Doing It Wrong."


7. The data I have on hand is from yesterday: "I am (we are) Wyatt Cheng, Andrew Chambers, and Jay Wilson, game designers for Diablo III. AMAA!"


8. One week later, Blizzard had sold 6.3 million units: "Diablo III Breaks PC Sales Records."


9. Ibid.


10. By July, "more than 10 million people [had] played Diablo III,": "Diablo III has More Than 10 Million Players."


11. It seemed like something I could do by myself: Interview with Ido Yehieli. All quotes from Ido Yehieli come from interviews conducted in 2013.


12. I think every designer now has to ask themselves, at the start of every project these days: "'Roguelikes': Getting to the heart of the it-genre." Gamasutra.


13. Pull up the Steam digital distribution platform: "Browsing Rogue-like." Steam.


14. You don't hear as much about it, but in some ways, Rogue is still the best roguelike: Interview with John Harris. All quotes from John Harris come from interviews conducted between 2012 and 2014.


15. Despite a lot of opinions to the contrary: "April 3, 2015 Announcement."


16. There's someone who famously starts out with no weapons or torch: Interview with Erik Osheim. All quotes from Erik Osheim come from interviews conducted during 2014.


17. For me, it's about a playable, thinking game: Interview with Darren Grey. All quotes from Darren Grey come from interviews conducted between 2012 and 2014.


18. The character classes alone give you a sense of the game's depth: "All-TIME 100 Video Games."