

Planks might be a part of your physical workout, but they’re also a great way to build mental toughness too. Did you ever wonder why personal trainers and celebrity athletes often talk about how your mind gives up before your body? That’s because it’s true! A strong mind really does equal a strong body, and positions like the plank force you to face both physical and mental discomfort and push past it. When you practice holding a plank, you practice mental endurance: you overcome self-critical thoughts, encourage yourself, and commit to seeing it through to the end.

These same qualities can be applied to any difficulty you may face during your college career, from finishing a complicated assignment to learning a new trade to getting over a toxic relationship. Planks are a simple way of mentally conditioning yourself—and working on those abs. Anytime you need an extra dose of empowerment, set a timer for a 1-minute plank. Research the many variations of plank poses: for example, to the side or straight across; on your forearms and feet; or on your hands and knees.