

Yes, comics, cartoons, and graphic novels all count as reading—and they’re an easy way to stretch your mental muscles. For one thing, the more you read (regardless of the material), the smarter you become. Better yet, research indicates that comics in particular actually change the neuron activity in your brain, promoting deep reading. In simpler terms, you have to focus on the layout of each page while reading the dialogue and also paying attention to important visuals. Making meaning out of visual, spatial, and textual elements is a complex activity for your brain—and much more than just “looking at pictures.” The improved comprehension and analytical skills that come from reading comics are also beneficial to your brain’s ability to make connections, increase vocabulary, and process nuanced themes. In other words, reading comics can actually make you smarter—and make understanding those long, complicated texts in your classes a breeze (well, a bit easier, at least).

Not sure what comics you should read? Start by asking a student library assistant for recommendations or checking out any manga or comic book clubs on campus. Your school may also offer workshops that teach you how to write and design your own comics!