

When you have a pocket of free time in your busy life as a college student, you probably fill it up right away with all the things you think you “should” be doing. Or, you default to activities that feel good in the moment, like endless internet videos or episodes of your favorite show, but then stress about wasting that opportunity to play catch-up. Another option? Give yourself unstructured time each day—time to do nothing. Consider it old-school playing or relaxing, where you simply do whatever you want for a half hour: nap, draw on a piece of paper, read part of a magazine, clean out your bedroom dresser drawer. You don’t have to be productive, but if you’re in one of those moods to tackle a random chore, go for it. Having unstructured time is like a breath of fresh air. You can view this break as a chance to reflect and practice mindfulness, or connect to a higher power by way of letting your mind wander.