

No matter what you believe, attending a multi- or interfaith event on campus is a great way to learn about different faiths. Some multifaith events might honor certain religious holidays or festivals, giving you the chance to observe ones that differ from your own faith tradition. These are also great opportunities for learning and socializing. Other events might focus on bringing different traditions together to break down “us versus them” attitudes, like when Jewish, Catholic, and Muslim students come together for open dialogue and a deeper sense of community.

When checking out a multifaith event on campus, you’ll be encouraged to explore how people of different religious identities can learn from each other—promoting diversity, acceptance, understanding, and respect. Your college might even have a multifaith center through its campus ministry department, with rooms available for prayer, meditation, reflection, and conversation. Or you can see if any multifaith clubs exist to bring together students of different spiritual backgrounds on a more regular basis.