Gardening is like a moving meditation: it teaches you about growth, change, patience, and the power of both roots and blooms. Plants hold fast to the cycles of life and death, so they can inspire spiritual exploration into both the meaning of and your beliefs about the afterlife—things you may already find yourself questioning in different classes, in conversations with friends, and on your own as you continue to grow. Plus, caring for a plant mimics the importance of caring for your own body; you need to give it sunshine, water, and extra TLC whenever you start to notice signs of depletion. Keeping any sort of greenery in your dorm room can also make you feel more relaxed during a hectic week, because it reminds you of the beauty around you. If you aren’t too sure about your ability to keep things alive, you can start with a low-maintenance plant like a bamboo palm or aloe vera. Then, test your green thumb with an orchid or banana plant (bananas not included).