Miss Trunchbull’s BANNED school jokes

Tell these to your friends and you’ll be thrown straight in the chokey!

Why did the teacher turn the lights on?

Because the class was so dim!

Who invented fractions?

Henry the Eighth!

Why was Miss Trunchbull worried?

Because there were too many rulers in school!

MISS TRUNCHBULL: What do we call the outer part of a tree?

BRUCE BOGTROTTER: Don’t know, Miss!

MISS TRUNCHBULL: Bark, silly! Bark!


Why is six afraid of seven?

Because seven eight nine!

“If you get on the wrong side of Miss Trunchbull, she can liquidize you like a carrot in a BLENDER.”

TEACHER: Make up a sentence using the word “lettuce.”

PUPILS: Let us out of school early!

TEACHER: What are you reading?

PUPIL: I dunno!

TEACHER: But you’re reading aloud!

PUPIL: Yeah, but I’m not listening!

If two’s company and three’s a crowd, what are four and five?


How did you find school today?

Well, I just got off the bus and there it was!

TEACHER: You aren’t paying attention. Are you having trouble hearing?

PUPIL: No, sir. I’m having trouble listening!

How do bees get to school?

By school buzz!

What is a snake’s favorite subject?


What is an archaeologist?

Someone whose career is in ruins!

Why did the nose hate school?

It was tired of being picked on!

What do elves learn in school?

The elf-abet!

What happens when you take the school bus home?

The police make you bring it back!

What’s the best way to get straight As?

Use a ruler!

What grade did the pirate get at school?

High Cs!

What’s a witch’s favorite subject?


Which animal cheats in school?

A cheetah!

What is a pirate’s favorite subject?


LITTLE BOY: I can’t go to school today, I have a tummy ache.

MOM: Where does it hurt?

LITTLE BOY: In school!

How do you make the number one disappear?

Add the letter “g” and it’s “gone”!

Why did the teacher write on the window?

To make her lesson very clear!

Why was the broom late for school?

He over-swept!

Why didn’t the skeleton go to the school dance?

He had no body to take!