These jokes stink!

Why do fish live in salt water?

Because pepper makes them sneeze!

Where do killer whales go to hear music?

The orca-stra!

What do you call a fish without an eye?

A fsh!

How do you make a goldfish old?

Take away the “g”!

“Now what on earth would that be?” asked the Pelican. “I have heard of a fish-pie and a fish-cake and a fish-finger, but I have never heard of a fish-monger. Are these mongers good to EAT?

Where do fish keep their money?

In a riverbank!

What do whales eat?

Fish and ships!

Which part of a fish weighs the most?

The scales!

Which day do fish hate?


What do you get from a bad-tempered shark?

You get as far away as possible!

What’s the difference between a fish and a piano?

You can’t tuna fish!

Which fish only swims at night?

A starfish.

What did the sardine call the submarine?

A can of people.

What do fish take to stay healthy?

Vitamin sea!

Why was the mouse afraid of the water?

Because of the catfish!

What’s the worst thing about being an octopus?

Washing your hands before dinner!

Where are sharks from?


Why don’t fish like tennis?

Because they’re afraid of the net!

Why don’t lobsters like to share?

Because they’re shellfish!

What is a pirate’s favorite’s fish?

A swordfish!

How do oysters call their friends?

On shell phones!