Squirrel NUTS

Nuttier than Wonka’s Nutty Crunch Surprise!

What do you get if you cross a suitcase and a squirrel?

A nut-case!

Where did the squirrel store his food?

In his pan-tree!

How do you catch a squirrel?

Climb up a tree and act like a nut!

How do you catch a sophisticated squirrel?

Climb up a tree and act like a cashew nut!

What do squirrels eat on vacation?


Why did the red squirrel ask for help with some work?

It was a bit of a gray area!

Why couldn’t the squirrel eat the walnut?

It was one tough nut to crack!

“All right,” said Mr. Wonka, stop here for a moment and catch your BREATH, and take a peek through the glass panel of this door. But don’t go in! Whatever you do, don’t go into THE NUT ROOM! If you go in, you’ll disturb the SQUIRRELS!

Why do woodland animals not eat all their food in one go?

They like to squirrel it away!

Why can’t you be friends with a squirrel?

They drive everyone nuts!

Why did the squirrel take apart the car?

To get down to the nuts and bolts!