What’s the difference between a symphony and a whizzpop?
One is music to your ear and the other is music from your rear!
What do you get if you cross onions and beans?
Tear gas!
What’s invisible and smells like carrots?
A bunny whizzpop!
Why is a whizzpop the sharpest thing in the world?
It can go through almost any fabric and it never leaves a hole!
“Kings and Queens are WHIZZPOPPING.
Presidents are WHIZZPOPPING.
Glamorous film stars are WHIZZPOPPING.
Little babies are WHIZZPOPPING.
But where I come from, it is not polite to talk about it.”
What are the queen’s whizzpops made of?
Noble gas!
Somewhere in the world a person whizzpops every other second.
We must find this person and stop them!
Did you hear about the man who was giving out anti-whizzpop leaflets?
He accidentally let one rip!
Why couldn’t the skeleton whizzpop?
It didn’t have the guts to do it!