
I WOULD LIKE TO THANK Suzan Postel, who worked closely for years with Cathy and me, for her dedicated help and support with the entire writing process. Special thanks also to Joan Lader, Candace Goetz, Jamie Leonhart, Judith Clurman, Trebbe Johnson, Carrie Jacquith, Chris Simpson, Darren Aronofsky, Megan Frummer, Steven Lutvak, Ruth Williams Hennessy, Elissa Lewis, and Ohashi. I would also like to thank Mike Saijo, Michelle Joo, and Miguel (the three Ms!) for their dedication to creating the essential and beautiful illustrations to complement my mother’s text, and all of our clients who have provided themselves for the development of the material. Thank you to everyone at Inner Traditions/Healing Arts Press for making the publishing process a pleasure. I’d also like to thank my husband, Brandon Lewis, for always supporting and motivating me and patiently helping me bring this project to you. I would like to thank my daughter, Adela, for giving me motivation and her wonderful nanny, Ariane, who made it possible.
