Prime Iteration
2029—The Asian Cold War ends with the assimilation of China into the Greater Asian Republic which includes parts of Old Russia, Mongolia, North and South Korea, Japan, China, Myanmar, Nepal, Bangladesh, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand
2037—Borders close as tensions between the South African Union and the Commonwealth of South America battle for oil rights in the Southern Ocean
2039—Ellen Meeks, of Trinidad and Tobago, proposes the UN take on a more formal role as a legislative body
2044—Dr. Abdul Emir presents his graduate thesis about the iterations of time and designs the first model of the Mechanism for Iteration Alignment
2045—Samantha Rose is born in the United Northern Territories of America
2046—The UN consolidates into the World Council, the Congress of Earth, and the Court of Justice
2049—The last of the Amazon rain forest is cut down for housing space and access to oil reserves
2050—Overpopulation concerns push the Ruling Council to consider measures of eugenics
2051—Citizens deemed Suitable by the Ruling Council are moved to controlled cities, remaining areas are bombed under Project New Life
2055–2062—Widespread rebellion leads to worldwide population purges and the Undeclared War
2064—Dr. Abdul Emir is granted executive powers by the Ruling Council
2065—Year 1 of Progress
2069—The Prime Iteration loses dominance
2070—Decoherence expected
Iteration 2
2029—First human clone born
2037—Mexico, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Belize, and Guatemala sign the Central American Charter to form the Central American Territories
2043—The World Plague begins in China; an estimated 3 billion people die in the next six years
2044—First law requiring all clones to have a genetic marker passed in Canada
2045—First clone with a genetic marker is created in the United States of America under the direction of an international team
2050—Canada signs the United Charter with the Central American Territories to form the United Territories
2053—The United dollar becomes the standard currency in North America
2057—European Recession cripples the world economy
2064—The United States of America votes to sign the United Charter
2065—The Commonwealth of North America is formed, and the first national elections are held in preparation for the writing of the North American Constitution
2069—Dr. Abdul Emir creates the first working time machine, a completion of his Grand Theory of Movement Through Time
2070—Sam Rose and Lynsey MacKenzie travel back in time to 2065, then move to Australia