Bhutanitis lidderdalii
WINGSPAN 8.5 to 11cm (3⅜ to 4⅜in)
HABITAT Treetops, hills and ridges
DISTRIBUTION Bhutan, north-eastern parts of India and south-eastern parts of Asia
LIFESPAN 14 days
MALES AND FEMALES Males and females are almost identical in appearance
This mysterious swallowtail butterfly has quite a reputation. Preferring to fly in foggy, wet conditions, folklore suggests it makes an appearance once a year after a monsoon. A high flier, it swoops and coasts sedately above the trees, which means it’s the almost transparent, grey underside that is mostly seen. This view also gives it a ghost-like appearance as it blends into the canopy above. During the rainy season it perches on leaves and uses its front wings like a cloak to conceal any colouration that might reveal its presence.