
Danaus plexippus


WINGSPAN 9 to 10cm (3½ to 4in)

HABITAT Open fields and meadows

DISTRIBUTION Mexico, North America, and Canada (a rare migrant to the British Isles)

LIFESPAN Usually up to 5 weeks, but Monarchs born at the end of summer migrate to Mexico where they remain until spring, living for approximately 8 months

MALES AND FEMALES Males have a black spot at the centre of each hindwing that is not present in females

Adventurers with wings, some Monarchs migrate thousands of miles each year from Canada to the South of Mexico. They know the direction even though they’ve never made the journey before, as they have an inner compass that leads the way. One old wives’ tale suggests that if you see a swarm of Monarchs, you’ll be blessed with sunshine; this is most likely because of the bright orange hue of their wings. Monarchs are poisonous, as the caterpillars feed on Milkweed which builds up toxins in their system that remain into adulthood.