Marbled White

Melanargia galathea


WINGSPAN 5.3 to 5.8cm (2⅛ to 2¼in)

HABITAT Grasslands, woodland clearings, roadside verges

DISTRIBUTION Most of Europe, South Russia, Asia Minor and Iran

LIFESPAN 2 to 3 months

MALES AND FEMALES Similar colouring but males are purer white and their underside is grey; females’ underside is greyish brown

With its slow, distinctive flight and beautiful black-and-white pattern, it’s hard to mistake a Marbled White. Interestingly, despite its name, it belongs to a family of ‘Browns’ known as Satyrinae. Most often seen fluttering above tall grasses or feeding on purple flowers, this striking butterfly’s favourite nectar plants are wild marjoram, knapweeds, thistles and brambles. Although grassland is its habitat of choice, it can occasionally be spotted in gardens.