Ornithoptera richmondia
WINGSPAN Up to 13cm (5in) in males and 16cm (6in) in females
HABITAT Sub-tropical rainforest and gardens
LIFESPAN 4 to 6 weeks
MALES AND FEMALES Males are striking black and green with a bright-red splash on the thorax; females are dark brownish with white, cream or yellowish markings in the hindwing
This beautiful birdwing is one of Australia’s largest butterflies. Although active throughout the day, they’re usually spotted early in the morning or late in the afternoon, gliding through forests or in gardens. They’re attracted to vibrant blooms and will feed on flowers like Buddleia, Pentas, Bauhinia, Honeysuckle and Impatiens. Threats to this butterfly’s survival include loss of habitat and the introduction of a non-native vine, Dutchman’s pipe (Aristolochia elegans). Any Richmond Birdwing eggs laid on this vine are doomed as the plant is highly toxic and kills all the caterpillars.