Eastern Tiger Swallowtail

Papilio glaucus


WINGSPAN 8 to 14cm (3 to 5½in)

HABITAT Woodlands, fields, creeks, gardens, roadsides


LIFESPAN Around 2 weeks

MALES AND FEMALES The male is yellow with four black tiger stripes on each forewing; females are dimorphic and can be yellow with a band of blue spots or almost completely black

The Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, aptly named for its colour and tiger-like stripes, has adapted well to almost any terrain and has been known to stray into urban areas. A super-strong flier, this butterfly produces two or three broods a year. The males are often seen in large groups mud-puddling, where they gather in muddy puddles to collect nutrients. This swallowtail’s favourite nectar plants include Honeysuckle, Azaleas, Milkweed and Thistles, although it will feed on many other species including Magnolias and Cottonwoods.