Alpine Black Swallowtail

Papilio maackii


WINGSPAN 12 to 14cm (4¾ to 5½in)

HABITAT Forest borders, grasslands and by the coast

DISTRIBUTION Japan, Asia, South Korea, China

LIFESPAN 21 days

MALES AND FEMALES Both sexes have iridescent wings; the female colouring is more intense

The Alpine Black Swallowtail is known for its gorgeous shimmering wings. The first part of its Japanese name, Miyama, means ‘mountain beauty’, but it’s usually spotted at the edge of thick vegetation, hovering near Azalea bushes. Its food of choice is the nectar of the Mikan tree, but it also feeds from other fruit trees such as the Mandarin. In Japanese folklore, the butterfly is associated with good luck in love and is thought to represent a happy marriage between soulmates. Alpine Blacks reinforce this idea by performing an elaborate courtship dance to secure a mate and can often be seen flying in tandem through the sky.