Golden Birdwing

Troides aeacus


WINGSPAN 15 to 16cm (6 to 6¼in)

HABITAT Rainforest

DISTRIBUTION Northern India, Nepal, Burma, China, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Taiwan, Cambodia, peninsular Malaysia and Indonesia

LIFESPAN 4 to 6 weeks

MALES AND FEMALES The male Birdwing is black with golden hindwings; the females are dark brown and larger than the male

The Golden Birdwing is a large butterfly that belongs to the swallowtail family. It’s known for its bright yellow hindwings, which catch the eye in flight. Although it’s classed as vulnerable, this Birdwing is fairly common and not generally under threat. It feeds on a number of flowering plants in the Pipevine family (Aristolochiaceae).