

It might have been a short walk to Dr. Woo’s hospital had it not been for a bright red obstruction.

“Stop right there.” The bossy voice belonged to Mrs. Mulberry, who stood directly in their path. She wore red overalls and a matching red baseball cap with the words WELCOME WAGON printed on it. This was her uniform, for she was the president of Buttonville’s Welcome Wagon Committee, a group dedicated to welcoming newcomers. But ever since the old button factory closed down, people rarely moved to Buttonville. So Mrs. Mulberry found other things to do—like spying on everyone who already lived there. She was a professional busybody. “I suppose you two are on your way to Dr. Woo’s Worm Hospital,” she said.

“We can’t talk right now,” Pearl said. What she really meant was, We don’t want to talk to you, but that would be a rude thing to say. “We’re in a hurry.”

“We don’t want to be late,” Ben added.

Mrs. Mulberry was an expert at blocking people’s paths. She stood, legs wide apart, in the center of the sidewalk, holding out her arms like a traffic cop. A small red wagon was parked next to her. “Not so fast. I’ve got a few questions for you two.”

Drat! Pearl groaned. “Fine, but please make it quick.”

Ben stood at Pearl’s side. They’d dealt with Mrs. Mulberry before. Ever since Dr. Woo moved into the old button factory, Mrs. Mulberry had been trying to make an appointment to meet her. She was curious about Dr. Woo and desperate to snoop inside the hospital. So far, she hadn’t been successful, and the apprentices were determined to keep it that way.

Mrs. Mulberry narrowed her eyes. “How is the doctor?”

“Fine,” Pearl said.

“If she’s fine, how come nobody in town has ever seen her?”

“My grandfather met her,” Ben pointed out. “So did Pearl’s mom.”

“Well, I haven’t.” Mrs. Mulberry folded her arms and scowled. “I’m mighty suspicious about this hospital of hers. I asked around. No one in Buttonville has a pet worm. So why would Dr. Woo come all the way from Iceland to open a worm hospital in a place where no one keeps worms?”

Pearl didn’t have a good answer. She looked at Ben. He was quite talented at making up stories on the spot. He cleared his throat, buying time. Then, with a smile, he said, “Iceland is full of volcanoes, and Dr. Woo got tired of shoveling lava off her front porch. That’s why she moved.”