Chapter 10: When Should You Write?
Anytime is a good time to write if you have something to say. Sometimes are better than others. Do not misunderstand and get the impression that being a poet means that you must write all the time.
Upon Rising
If you wake up even 15 minutes to an hour early, be glad. Those early morning thoughts contain more creativity than you think. Poems do well with fresh thoughts in them.
At The End Of The Day
At the end of the day is a great time to write, especially if you cannot initially fall asleep. Perhaps something is on your mind. Writing about it may relieve the stress that is keeping you awake in the first place.
During Insomnia
Having insomnia is another opportunity to write. This can occur when you wake up hours ahead of time or a little while after falling asleep. If nothing else, you will develop a steady writing habit in just days.
In Long Lines
If you must wait in long lines, writing can help the time pass quickly. You will be amazed at how fast the time can go when you are busy while you are waiting. For future reference, plan on writing when you know you will have a long wait.
At Appointments
You are supposed to be punctual yet end up waiting for the doctor or dentist. Now there is something else to do besides reading all those waiting room magazines. Plan ahead, take your writing materials to make more constructive use of your time when you are waiting to be seen for an appointment.
Between Classes
Between classes, you may not think you have time to write anything. However, if you get to class early, i.e., before class starts, you can be writing while you wait.
After Class Assignments
Also, if you finish your in-class assignment during class, it will not become homework. That gives you time to write before class ends.
Other Opportunities
You can also write while waiting to be picked up after school or in the car or during the bus ride home. In time, you will notice plenty of chances to write and take advantage of them. The quality of your writing will be reflected in your effort.
You have more opportunities to write than you realize. Seize every opportunity you have to write, especially during times where you have to sit and wait. In no time, you will see how much you have accomplished.