Chapter 11: Do You Like to Read?

Reading Material

To improve your knowledge and become a better writer of poetry, it helps if you read poetry written by someone else. In general, reading is the best source of inspiration and ideas. Reading makes the mind work.

The mind becomes filled with imagination and creativity forming ideas and thoughts, therefore, giving you something to write about. Reading also expands your vocabulary.

There are many categories of reading materials. A few of them are listed below:

Novels – There are many genres to choose from such as fiction, non-fiction, romance, horror, sci-fi, biographical, How-To, DYI
Comic Books

Reading can be for pleasure, for motivation, for education, or for other work as part of your job. Whatever the case may be, reading is a great teacher and very inspiring. It helps you to master languages and keeps you abreast of what is happening in the world each day.

Some of the larger bookstores can be beneficial for making friends and contacts if you are interested in publishing your poetry or reading your poetry aloud to an audience. Some bookstores host poetry readings. Call your local bookstores to find out what is offered in your area. If none are offered, talk up the idea of starting your own and proposing your idea to the store. You can also ask for referrals to others who can help with this or may have more information.


Naturally, one of the greatest things about libraries is being able to read the literature without purchasing it. Another great thing about it is the large, choice collection of books, magazines, and other periodicals. There is so much to read in a library. You can borrow materials for weeks at a time to study them or just enjoy them.

Librarians are incredibly knowledgeable people when you ask them specific questions. They are just waiting for someone to need their expertise. Make a point of getting it.

Poetry Websites

There are entire websites dedicated to poetry and poets. Some of them are classified by age or the type of poem written. Others are specially geared toward the fans of certain poets, famous or not.

Some poets choose to showcase their work online on websites just for their readers, followers, and fans. It also helps them develop a poetic reputation of sorts, especially when set up in a blog format. Like-minded people have a way of following each other over time. Perhaps you will do the same.


Reading helps develop your writing by keeping you aware of how others write and what attracts a reader’s attention .It shows you how a language works. You may also come across others who share reading interests that you have, which can lead to friendships and the broadening of your social circle.

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