Chapter 13: Critiques and Critics

What Is A Critique?

A critique of your work is a review or commentary on its content, construction, and mechanics. In other words, it is an opinion of your poetry. It is not the first or the last word. Think of it as a tool for your poetic growth. When you critique a poem, you become the critic or reviewer.

Purpose Of A Critique Or Review

The primary purpose of a critique or review of someone’s work is to give them another opinion of their work. After going through the series of drafts and creating something so close to your heart, it is not always easy to know if your work is as good as you think it is. It is always best to have an expert in that field read the work for validation. If they give you honest comments, good or bad, it is to help you grow as a writer not to be hurtful.

Methods For Critiques

In the case of the critique being performed by a writers’ group, some critiques are verbal, and others include written notes on the copies of the work you submit. They are usually completed in your presence, so you don’t have to worry about someone walking off with your poems. Generally, a panel of several people will be given one copy each to write their comments. All the copies will be given to you when they are done. Occasionally, a panel will have to share one copy. Each in his or her turn will write comments on the copy or make verbal comments about it.

Giving And Getting Critiques

In fact, you can offer to be on the panel that does a critique of someone else’s work instead. Be as kind and thoughtful as you would hope another would be of your poetry. Try to consider what the poet is trying to say. Anything creative, including poetry, can have more than one interpretation. Don’t feel inferior or wrong if your opinion of a poem differs from those of other reviewers. Reviewing someone else’s work helps you, as a critic, grow your creativity and technique.

It also does the same thing for a good poet. A serious writer wants to develop no matter the level of greatness already achieved. Comments cause you to think even more, especially about what you write. You do want to know just how your poems communicate to others. Of course, a formal critique is not necessary to show you that.

Do not let a critique of your work get to you whether it is good or bad. A critique is just someone else’s opinion. This applies even to teachers who may grade your poetry assignments. Just because they are adults who disagree with you does not mean that your efforts were in vain. The work is still yours and valid. Stay down to earth. Believe in your effort. That same piece of work may win awards in the future. Keep polishing it.


A critique is just a review of or comment on your work. Be kind when you analyze someone’s poetry. There is something of the poet in it. Others should do the same for you. Some comments may be harsh or thoughtless. Be big enough to see beyond them; in time, you won’t see them at all.

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