In the Situation Room beneath the West Wing of the White House, the conversation took a turn for the worse as the president aimed pointed questions at the next man in the military chain of command. The president was seated at the head of the conference table, flanked on his left by Secretary of Defense Nelson Jennings and Captain Steve Brackman, while on his right sat chief of staff Kevin Hardison and Secretary of State Lindsay Ross. The rest of the chairs around the table were empty. Jennings had planned to bring along the Joint Chiefs of Staff for today’s meeting, but at the last minute decided to leave them in the Pentagon for a final review of Pacific Command’s plan for full response, now that three additional carrier strike groups were almost within striking distance of Taiwan. Jennings was well briefed on the plan and could explain it to the president. But first, he had to explain what had happened to the first two strike groups.
“How the hell did they sink one of our carriers?” the president asked.
“We almost lost both carriers,” Jennings clarified, not helping the situation. The president stared at Jennings, waiting for an answer. Jennings continued, “China was able to insert malware into our Aegis software build, then activate it via our own tactical data links. The malware disrupted the Aegis Warfare Systems aboard our cruisers and destroyers, and they couldn’t shoot down most of the incoming missiles.
“The good news, however, is that Lake Erie was able to bring up her Aegis fire control system using a software build that was loaded on the cruiser for developmental testing. It’s a new version, which didn’t have the malware embedded in the Fleet release software.”
“What are we doing about this malware and China’s hijacking of our tactical data links?”
“General Krae at Cyber Warfare Command, along with everyone at N6, is working to identify and close the holes in our tactical data links. Concerning the malware in our Aegis software, now that we know what to look for, NAVSEA has already identified the malicious code and has developed a software patch to remove it.
“As far as the larger malware issue goes, we’re combating a difficult problem. All China has to do is flip a programmer at one of our defense contractors, who inserts a segment of code that lies dormant during normal operations. If the code remains dormant during developmental and operational testing, there’s really no way for us to find it.
“We’re actually very lucky, Mr. President,” Jennings continued. “If NAVSEA hadn’t been able to identify the malware and confirm they can remove it, I’d be sitting here advising you to throw in the towel. Without the ability to shoot down China’s DF-21 missile, we couldn’t risk bringing our carriers within launch range of Taiwan. And without carrier strike group support, we can’t land our Marine Expeditionary Forces. It would have been game over. China has prepared incredibly well for this campaign and we’re still in it by sheer luck.”
“It could have been far worse,” Captain Brackman added. “Our war plans called for initial support with only two strike groups. If we had waited and engaged with the entire fleet, we could have lost every Pacific Fleet carrier. At first blush, it seems like losing a carrier was a serious blow, but in hindsight, we were fortunate. We forced China to reveal their hand, and now we can compensate when the entire fleet engages.”
“Speaking of engaging,” the president replied, turning to Secretary of State Ross, “how are we doing on the diplomatic front? I’ve talked with Russia’s president and Japan’s prime minister, and although they agree with our response, I haven’t been able to convince them to assist us militarily. What are you seeing at your level?”
“We’ve had discussions with the Japanese,” Ross answered, “but Article 9 of their constitution prohibits offensive military action. Since Japan hasn’t been attacked, they can’t aid our defense of Taiwan. Russia is unwilling to intervene, fearing a potential land battle against a standing army of over one million men, with another two million reserves who can be called up.”
Ross added, “South Korea has North Korea breathing down its neck, and it can’t afford to suffer significant losses in an engagement with China. Our other Pacific Rim allies have also refused to assist, afraid of provoking China into a retaliatory attack.”
“What about a U.N. resolution, condemning China and authorizing military force to defend Taiwan?” Hardison asked.
“Member nations are extremely upset at China’s use of force to unify the two Chinas, and a resolution condemning China’s aggression should be approved within the next day or two. However, a resolution authorizing military force by the United Nations must come from the Security Council. Unfortunately, China is one of the five permanent members on the Security Council and will veto any resolution authorizing the United Nations to intervene militarily.”
Ross examined the solemn faces of the men at the table, then returned her attention to the president. “I’m afraid that no one in the region is willing to engage China.”
The president frowned. “So it looks like we’re going it alone.” He paused for a moment, then directed his next question at SecDef Jennings. “How are we going to compensate for the Aegis malware and new Chinese surface-to-air missiles? I don’t want to lose another four carriers and their air wings.”
Jennings replied, “First, we’ll download the Aegis software patch to all our cruisers and destroyers in the Pacific. It’s risky, since it hasn’t gone through operational testing, but it’s our only option.”
“Why not use the new version Lake Erie used?” the president asked.
“It doesn’t have full functionality,” Jennings replied. “It was loaded to test new variants of our Standard SM-2 and SM-6 missiles, and thankfully it had SM-3 capability. But it’s not fully integrated with the rest of the Aegis Warfare System yet.”
The answer appeared acceptable to the president, so Jennings continued. “Second, we need to address the new Chinese surface-to-air missiles. They’re a mix of new-generation radar-guided and heat-seeking missiles. We’ll compensate for the radar-guided missiles by doubling the number of radar-jamming Growlers accompanying each cycle of fighters, and using the telemetry data we received during the first encounter, we’re modifying the Growler’s infrared-red jammers to be more effective against these new heat-seeking missiles. These changes should significantly increase the air wings’ survival rate.
“One piece of good news,” Jennings added, “is that Christine made it safely aboard USS Michigan. She suffered a minor injury—a gunshot wound to her arm—but will be fine. The even better news is that she delivered the flash drive she was given by the head of President Xiang’s security detail, and it’s been transported by one of Michigan’s UAVs to Okinawa. Unfortunately, we don’t know what’s on the flash drive, because the drive is encrypted. It’s being transported to a cryptology center at the Office of Naval Intelligence, and they’ll inform us once it’s been decrypted.”
“That is good news,” the president affirmed. “I’ve been worried about Christine. Should we wait to find out what’s on this flash drive before we engage China again?”
“We don’t have that luxury,” Jennings answered. “We have no idea how long it will take to decrypt the drive, and we can’t wait. We have to land our MEFs before we lose the last beachhead on Taiwan. At the current rate of China’s advance across the island, we can’t delay.”
The president sat back in his chair for a moment, evaluating the information discussed this evening. Finally, he sat up, a hard gaze focused on SecDef Jennings. “I realize things don’t go as planned during war, gentlemen, and China has had a few surprises up their sleeve, giving them the advantage up to now. It’s time we turn the table on our Chinese friends. When will the rest of Pacific Fleet be ready to engage?”
“The three additional strike groups will be within launch range by tomorrow night, Mr. President. Nimitz is conducting repairs and should also be able to participate.” The president nodded as Jennings continued. “I have to warn you, sir, that we’re placing the entire Pacific Fleet at risk. Everything hinges on this Aegis software patch—it’s not fully tested. We’ll be bringing all four carriers within range of their DF-21 missiles, and if the patched Aegis software build malfunctions, we could lose every carrier.”
After a moment of quiet reflection, the president replied, “I understand. Continue with your plans.”