
Chapter Twenty-Two


Heather pulled into the parking lot at the new station. She shifted the gear into park and twisted her keys to turn off the engine. She inhaled sharply and stared at the building with a pounding heart. She felt unnaturally hot and fanned herself with a receipt that happened to be casually draped across her cupholders.

“I can do this,” she coaxed herself. “I have my speech prepared. I won’t forget it. I’ve gone over it dozens of times.”

She had, in fact, practiced her resignation speech on the drive over. She didn’t care if she had a restraining order against Kevin and shouldn’t be in the same room with him. This wouldn’t take long. She was going to tell him what she needed to say in order to achieve the euphoria of closure through her venting, and that was it. Plain and simple.

Only it wasn’t that easy. Nothing ever went as smoothly as you planned out in your head. She climbed out of the car and slammed the driver door shut. Her legs felt wobbly, but she squared her shoulders with confident pride. As long as she kept the façade in place on the outside, she could crumble on the inside as soon as this confrontation was over.

Heather swiped her key card against the door frame. Once it beeped green, she swung the door open with a burst of pride and strutted her way in. If she didn’t keep going, she would stumble over her own raw emotions.

This was for the best. She would find something else to do, a job she could be passionate about. There were plenty of options out there for her; she just needed to keep her eyes open to the possibilities.

She couldn’t live this way anymore. She wasn’t going to allow anyone to control her, man or woman. Heather owed that much self-respect to herself. She couldn’t burden her emotions with the suffocating grip that Kevin had over her any longer.

She was strong and self-sufficient. She would find her way. The path might be rocky, but at least now she had Asher by her side. He was an enormous support system for her. The universe would help her out. All she had to do was have faith. She turned down the hallway leading to Kevin’s office.

“If I have to spend one more day working for him, I’m going to snap.” It was something she had to tell herself to keep her bravery on the surface.

“I’d rather have no job at all than to suffer working under him another second,” she mumbled and turned one more corner.

She took a deep breath and stood in front of his closed door. The blinds were drawn, but she could tell that the lights were on because of the yellow glow that leaked through the cracks under the door and the slits in the blinds themselves.

She was prepared. She was practiced. The blackmailing and the suffering was going to end today. It was time for Heather to gain control of the situation. Kevin was already wounded, she reminded herself. He no longer had the upper hand to take advantage of her.

She was in love with Asher. It was time for her to focus on her relationship with him. She couldn’t move on if she still had Kevin looming over her shoulder.

Heather placed her hand on the door knob and gripped it for a pause before swinging it open. It was now or never. It was time to rip off the band aid that had covered up years of suffering but made no repairs.

She opened her mouth to start spewing out her defiance against Kevin, but she halted in her mouth and stood there, completely in shock at what she saw. Her mouth curved into an oval of surprise.


Janetta was standing behind Kevin’s desk. Towers of brown boxes were stacked on top of each other around the room. Janetta was holding a piece of paper in her hand and studying it when Heather burst through the door.

“Oh, hi Heather.” Janetta beamed, showing a perfect set of pearly white teeth.

Heather glanced around. “What are you doing in here?” She asked.

Janetta set the piece of paper down on the desk and took a step towards Heather. She was grinning from ear to ear. Her curly black hair bounced with every vibrant step Janetta took in Heather’s direction.

“I’m so sorry I didn’t get a chance to tell you yet...” she trailed off, still smiling.

Did Kevin die or something? No, if that were the case, Janetta wouldn’t seem so cheery. Even though Janetta wasn’t a fan of Kevin either, she still had a soul.

“What is it?” The breath suspended in Heather’s lungs. She waited expectantly, bracing herself for whatever information Janetta would divulge.

“Girl, it’s the best news ever!’ Janetta practically squealed and did a subtle hop. Her eyes flashed vibrantly with glee.

Heather chuckled, having no choice but to feed off of Janetta’s obvious excitement. “What is it then? Spit it out already.” She almost forgot about her quitting speech to Kevin.

“Kevin is gone,” Janetta said.

“Gone?” Heather shook her head and frowned with confusion. “Gone where? Did he have to go back to jail?”

“No,” Janetta shook her head. “But he won’t be back here.”

Heather’s heart pounded with relief, but she still had a lot of unanswered questions to dig out from underneath Janetta. “What happened?”

“Remember when I told you over the phone the other day about Kevin making bail and getting his job back?”

“Yeah...” Heather trailed off cautiously and waited for Janetta to continue.

“Well,” Janetta said and raised her hands to the ceiling as if she were praying gratitude for a miracle already taking place, “that was all a sham.”

“You mean a sham that Kevin did?” Heather asked, still working through her internal confusion.

“No,” Janetta said and shook her head. “The General Manager set him up.”

“Set Kevin up?” Heather asked.

Janetta fervently nodded with clarification. “Yes.”

“I don’t understand.” Heather scratched her head and glanced around the room. “How did the General Manager set him up?”

“Kevin tried to bribe the GM to give him his job back. The GM pretended to go along with it, even though Kevin was none the wiser. The GM was holding private board meetings behind his back, looking for a way to fire his ass.”

“Is that what happened?” Heather suddenly felt the euphoria she was searching for as it filled her body.

“Yes.” Janetta nodded proudly. “It was a trap that was diligently put into place by the higher ups, and vigorously enforced. Long story short, Kevin got the boot in the end.”

Heather clutched the side of her head and began laughing hysterically. She couldn’t believe this was really happening. It was like the best dream she’d ever had. She never wanted to wake up if that was the case.

“What are you laughing about?” Janetta’s face displayed confusion. “What is so funny girlfriend?”

Heather leaned against the side of a chair for support. “I’m sorry,” she continued to chuckle and wiped a tear of joy out of the corner of her eye. “It’s just...I’m so extremely happy right now.”

Janetta’s features relaxed. “Girl, me too.”

Heather looked around nostalgically. “I’m not even mad that I didn’t get to tell him my quitting speech.”

Janetta’s eyes widened and her mouth opened in shock. She pointed a finger at Heather. “Is that what you came in here to do?”

Heather nodded and took a deep breath to compose herself. She no longer needed to clutch the side of the chair for support. “Well, I guess not anymore. Not if Kevin isn’t in charge.”

“Nope.” Janetta grinned. “He will never be allowed to show his face here again.”

Heather frowned and glanced around at all the boxes still piling up to the ceiling. “If Kevin is gone, who is the newly appointed News Director?”

Janetta opened her arms at her side and gave a triumphant smile to Heather. “You’re looking at her darlin.”

Heather gasped. “What? Are you serious?” She shrieked with enthusiasm.

“That’s right.” Janetta nodded.

Heather took a few steps towards Janetta and reeled her in for an enormous hug, squeezing fondness and respect into her friend by the embrace.

“Congratulations,” Heather said. “I’m so happy for you. I can’t imagine anyone else more deserving of the job.”


When Heather pulled away, she noticed that Janetta’s eyes were glistening with tears. “I just kept my head up and had patience that everything would work out, and in the end, I was right.”

Heather gave Janetta a heartfelt smile. “What an incredible motto to live by.”

Janetta shrugged humbly. It’s the only way to live if you ask me.”

Heather took a step back to admire Janetta. “So, all of these boxes belong to you then, huh?”

“That’s right,” Janetta smiled and sighed. “It’s going to take some time, but I’ll get everything situated in a few weeks.”

“If you need any help, I will be there in a heartbeat,” Heather admitted.

“Thanks, girl.” Janetta smiled warmly. “I might just have to take you up on that offer.”

“Well.” Heather slapped her thighs. “I guess if I’m not quitting today, I will go ahead and clock in so I can get to work.” She smiled and gave Janetta one more hug. “Congratulations again.”

She spun around on a heel to leave the office, but Janetta called her back. “Heather, wait a second.”

“Yeah?” Heather turned around and gave Janetta a curious glance.

“As News Director, there’s something I wanted to discuss with you.”

Heather’s heart raced. Janetta’s demeanor became poised and professional. Was she about to be reprimanded for something? Heather briefly racked her brain but came up empty of any scenarios where she would be in trouble with anyone other than Kevin.

“What is it?” Heather croaked. Her throat suddenly felt swollen.

Janetta smiled. “I’m not the only one being offered a promotion,” Janetta said with a ring in her voice.

“Really?” Heather asked. “Who else is?”

“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about,” Janetta said, getting right down to business. “I have been given authority to offer you a News Producer job in the five o’clock segment, Monday through Friday.”

“Oh my God are you kidding?” Heather shouted. Her cheeks felt hot. Her insides sizzled with elation.

“Yes, I’m serious.” Janetta nodded. “They need some extra help on that team. I suggested you, saying you would fit in perfectly and had the experience and the motivation to get the job done.”

“Thank you.” Heather’s vision blurred as her eyes pooled with tears.

“So, is that an acceptance of the job offer? Janetta asked.

“Yes.” Heather nodded and drew her hands up to her cheeks. “Absolutely, yes. I accept.”

It was a huge promotion. Heather was drifting through the clouds. She was thrilled, and no one could burst her bubble of excitement.

“I’m just going to call Asher,” she said as she left the room.

“Take your time,” Janetta said. “We can do the paperwork later today.”

Heather stepped into the hallway and with shaking hands, dialed Asher’s number. He picked up on the second ring.

“Asher?” Heather cried happy tears into the phone. “Guess what? You’ll never believe it. I have the most amazing news.”