


AS I’VE SAID BEFORE, nobody writes a book in a vacuum. I want to thank the following for their assistance in making sure this book is as accurate as possible. Any errors are mine, either for the sake of the story (it IS fiction, after all), or due to my misinterpretation of their responses to my myriad questions.

First, my critique partners, Karla Brandenburg and Steve Pemberton. Their sharp eyes and ability to see the big picture keep me on track. And thanks again for a title, Karla.

To my author friends at Booklover’s Bench who are always there to help: Nancy J. Cohen, James M. Jackson, Tina Whittle, Maggie Toussaint, and Karla Brandenburg.

To Wally Lind and everyone at Crimescenewriters. No matter what the question, there’s always someone there who’ll jump in with answers.

To John Gilstrap, Tom Fuller, Josh Moulin, Jessica Odell, and Jason Odell for their expertise.

And always, to Dan who has supported me since my first foray into writing.

Thanks to Kim Killion of The Killion Group for her cover.

Last, but certainly not least, thanks to my editor, Brittiany Koren of Written Dreams.