Permissions & Credits
A few portions of the book have been published previously in a different form in The Log of Mystic Seaport 55 (2004); Maritime Life and Traditions 25 and 31 (2004 and 2006); Beyond the Anchoring Grounds: More Cross-Currents in Irish and Scottish Studies (2005); Natural History 118 (2009); and Wracklines (Fall/Winter 2012).
I am grateful to the Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation for permission to publish Amy Clampitt’s “The Cormorant in Its Element,” to University of Queensland Press to publish John Blight’s “Cormorants,” and to Jack Schmitt to publish his translation of Pablo Neruda’s “Guanay Cormorant.” Robinson Jeffers’s “Birds and Fishes” is copyright 1963 by Steuben Glass, used by permission of Random House, Inc., and copyright 1987, Jeffers Literary Properties, published with the permission of Stanford University Press,
Kind permission and credit for the images are as follows. Figures 1 and 3: courtesy of Williams College; figure 2: courtesy of Kazuto Hino and the Gifu Convention and Visitors Bureau; figures 4, 5, 11, 14, 17, 18, and 21: author’s photograph or personal collection; figures 6, 7, and 12: courtesy of Connecticut College; figure 8: Ralph Lee Hopkins, National Geographic Stock; figure 9: Daniel Roby, Bird Research Northwest; figure 10; Adam Peck-Richardson, Bird Research Northwest; figure 13: courtesy Angling Trust, UK; figure 15: Ingo Arndt, Minden Pictures, National Geographic Stock; figure 16; Heather Carr (; figure 19: courtesy Gebr. Mann Verlag; figure 20: courtesy Nola Parsons, SANCCOB; figure 22: Chris Ross, Aurora Collection, Getty Images. Susan Schnur created the world map of cormorant distribution. Thanks to Brian Andrews, Susan Schnur, and Linda Wires for their creation of the North American map. Audubon’s “Florida Cormorant” on the cover is courtesy Lilly Library, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.