The Most Amazing Facts

  1. In September 2012, David was involved in a go-kart crash with band ‘The Wanted’ at his son Romeo’s 10th birthday party.
  2. David has even been an inspiration in the film world - think Keira Knightley and friends in Bend it like Beckham.
  3. David was solely blamed by some to be responsible for England’s exit from the 1998 world cup, due to his red card after tempestuously kicking Diego Simeone.
  4. Over 250,000 LA Galaxy Beckham shirts were sold BEFORE he even signed for the team.
  5. When he did finally sign, his 5-year Galaxy deal was worth $250m.
  6. David’s business manager is actually ex-Spice Girls manager (and American Idol star) Simon Fuller.
  7. David has a phobia of birds.
  8. David and Victoria’s LA home was bought by them for $22m.
  9. David suffers to some extent from OCD - according to Victoria, he is compelled to line up objects in their home in a symmetrical way.
  10. His legs are insured for $70m