Forty-five miles from New Canaan, in his Manhattan townhouse, General James Raleigh watched his assistant hang up the phone on his desk. He had only heard Mary Jane’s side of the conversation.

“She thinks you’re pulling my strings, does she?” he said with a wry smile.

“Pity the person who would try such a thing.”

“How did she handle the news that I would not be coming up to Connecticut?”

“Not well. As you predicted, she tried fear tactics. And I’m afraid I need to apologize. I realize that when I first called her assistant, Grace, I mentioned the name of your publisher. She’s connected it to Jason Gardner’s book.”

The General waved off the apology as unnecessary. “I’m actually surprised no one realized earlier that Jason’s agent and editor were both friends of mine. I see nothing wrong with the fact that I encouraged a man who knew that woman’s dark side to tell the truth about her.”

“She also mentioned Mark Templeton.”

The General steepled his fingers. “I knew when she first mentioned his name to Andrew in the library that she’d be going down that road.”

The General and Mary Jane had been on their way to Connecticut when Andrew sent Mary Jane a text message, warning them that Ryan Nichols had been asking extensive questions about the foundation and Mark Templeton. The General had immediately ordered the driver to turn around.

“Do you think she knows the truth about the foundation?” Mary Jane asked.

He shook his head. He had spoken to Mark Templeton personally. He could not imagine that Mark would be stupid enough to cross him.

“She still wanted to interview me, too,” Mary Jane said. “Apparently Casey told her that Hunter despised me and was determined to have me fired. Is that true? Did Hunter dislike me?”

The General smiled. One of the reasons he trusted Mary Jane was because, like him, she never let emotions get in her way. She, too, came across to others as cold as steel. But, also like him, she did have feelings. He had never told her how much Hunter distrusted her, because he knew she would be hurt.

“Of course not,” he said briskly. “Hunter liked you.”

He could tell she wasn’t completely satisfied with his answer. “Did he know about my last job?” she asked.

“No,” he assured her. “Regardless, I would never fire you, Mary Jane. What would I do without you?”