Chapter Eight


'Bring the defendants into the dock.'

It was dark now and all the lights had been turned on in the reception rooms where the 'court' had been created. Mick and Paul sat behind the table that had been arranged to form the 'bench'. They had found two wigs, relatively short black wigs, and wore these balanced precariously on their heads, with black sheets draped around their shoulders to form robes.

Andrew sat behind the small table to one side of them and all the former slaves were arrayed in the various chairs set out in front. There were bottles of spirits and wine everywhere.

Stephanie had not seen Devlin since they had got back to the castle, nor been able to exchange a single word with him. She had been taken down to the cellars as soon as they'd got back and locked in her cell all afternoon. Devlin had been taken upstairs by Amanda, and it was Amanda, wearing a tight gold-sequinned leotard and matching leggings, who had come to collect her from the cell. Once again she had allowed her to shower and use the toilet under Amanda's eagle eye but this time she had been allowed to dry herself.

'Put this on,' Amanda commanded.

They had selected something deliberately lewd. It was a black leather leotard with full-length sleeves but with round cut-outs to expose the breasts and a similar arrangement for each cheek of her buttocks, seemingly spreading and separating them obscenely.

As soon as she had wriggled into the garment Amanda had produced a hood, also in black hide, which she pulled down over Stephanie's head. It laced tightly at the back, the soft leather stretching over the contours of Stephanie's face and taking their shape. There were small oval openings for her eyes but none for her mouth. As soon as she was satisfied the hood was in place Amanda used two straps to secure Stephanie's arms behind her back, one at the elbow, which forced Stephanie's exposed breasts forward, and one at the wrists.

After allowing her back into her shoes, she had led the way upstairs. In the main hall Devlin was waiting. He too had been laced into a tight leather hood and his arms strapped behind him but otherwise he was naked. There were red welts on his buttocks to testify to what Amanda had already subjected him to that afternoon. Venetia dressed again in the black leather she had worn last night in the cellars, stood beside him.

At the word from inside the 'court' they were pushed forward. A chorus of boos and hisses from the assembled company greeted their arrival. The slaves were all in various stages of undress, the men as well as the women decked out in lingerie from the castle's extensive collection. A couple of the men wore only tiny white lacy panties that hardly covered their cocks, while some of the females wore no panties at all and were dressed in red satin basques or leather corsets with stockings and ridiculously high-heeled shoes. Some wore bras but had turned the cups down to expose their breasts. Many carried whips and aimed blows at Stephanie's rudely exposed rump, or at Devlin's as they passed down the middle of the two rows of chairs.

At the front of the court they were pushed into the two wing chairs that stood side by side. A long leather strap was buckled around the back of each chair and across the top of their waists, effectively securing them in place.

'Order, order, order,' Paul shouted over the catcalls and shouted comments that filled the room. He banged the table with a poker from the fireplace. Silence eventually fell.

'That's better. Now we are gathered here today, members of the jury, to try a heinous crime. The two accused are charged with serious offences including robbery of personal freedom and obscene behaviour. Do you find them guilty or not guilty?'

'Guilty,' everyone cried at once.

'No, no, there's been no evidence yet,' Andrew said, standing up and looking exasperated.

'But everyone knows they're guilty,' Mick said.

'We're having a trial first. Call the first witness.'

'I want to be a witness,' one of the male slaves called out.

'You're on the jury,' Paul objected.

'Amanda's the first witness,' Andrew said.

'Call Amanda then.'

Amanda got up from the seat she had taken next to Venetia on the front row and came over to the small table where Andrew sat.

'Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?'

'I do.'

'Will you please tell the court what happened to you on the night of the fifth of June,' Andrew said, getting to his feet.

'I was working for a company owned by this man...' She pointed at the bound figure of Devlin.


'I was told by my immediate superior to report immediately to an office in the City of London.'


'When I arrived I was shown into Devlin's office. He told me he had documentary evidence that I had been embezzling from his company and that unless I agreed to be a slave, a sex slave...' these words provoked a bout of boos and hisses from the jury, '...for the next three months he would go to the police and have me prosecuted.'

'And what did you do?'

'I agreed, reluctantly.'

'And you can positively identify this man as being in this court today?'

'I just did. Devlin, over there.'

'And now will you tell the court what happened at the castle?'

'She happened.' Amanda pointed at Stephanie.

'Let the record show the witness has identified the other defendant,' Andrew said solemnly.

'The bitch.'

'And what did she do to you?'

'She made my life a bloody misery, that's what. Wouldn't leave me alone. Always on my back for the slightest thing. Not putting my garden fatigues on quickly enough, not calling her mistress.'

'And she had you punished for this?'

'Whipped by that maniac Bruno or used by the guests, men and women.'

'Used in what way?'

'In any way they wanted. Sucking off the men and women. Being fucked. Anything they wanted.'

'And did you complain?'

'All the time, and every time I complained I was punished again. Whipped or made to work for longer in the gardens. All by her.' She pointed at Stephanie again. There were cries of 'yes' from the other slaves.

'Now Amanda, remember you are under oath. We come to the crucial question. Did you embezzle money from Devlin's company?'

'Absolutely not. Not guilty.'

Other slaves leapt to their feet with cries of 'Right', 'Exactly', and 'Not guilty' and 'Me too'.

'You may step down,' Paul said.

'No,' Andrew objected again. 'She's got to be cross-examined.'

'There's no one to cross-examine her,' Paul said.

'Mick can do it,' Amanda suggested.

'I'm a judge.'

'I'll do it,' Venetia said, getting to her feet.

'Good idea,' Paul said, banging the poker on the table to restore order, as talking had broken out in the jury.

Venetia stood in front of the bench.

'Cross-examine, then,' Andrew prompted.

'Didn't you enjoy everything that was done to you?'

'Objection,' Andrew cried, jumping to his feet.

'Objection sustained,' Mick declared. 'It's irrelevant whether she enjoyed it or not.'

'Were you forced to do anything against your will?'

'Yes,' Amanda replied, 'everything.'

'No further questions,' Venetia said, sitting down.

Stephanie tried to say something but her voice was muffled in the leather hood. Devlin moved his knee against hers. He was right. There was no point in saying anything.

'You may stand down now, and the court would like to thank you for your evidence,' Paul said to Amanda.

'Thank you, your worship.'

'Next witness.'

'Venetia is the next witness,' Andrew said.

'But she's acting for the defence,' Mick said.

'I believe the defendants have waived their right to a defence, is that correct?' Andrew was grinning.

'Yes, your honour,' Venetia said.

'Oh well, that's all right then. You can be a witness,' Paul pronounced.

'Call Venetia,' Mick added.

Venetia got to her feet again and stood in front of Andrew at the small table. She repeated the oath.

'Well, perhaps you'd tell the court your sad story in your own words.' Andrew said.

Venetia was silent.

'Devlin abused you,' he prompted again.

'Yes. That's right. He found me embezzling like Amanda...'

Amanda jumped to her feet. 'I wasn't embezzling!'

'I mean...' Venetia corrected herself, 'I mean, he accused me of embezzling from one of his companies. I was offered the same chance as Amanda but because he needed my computer skills so he could make sure his computer programs couldn't be tampered with again, I was allowed freedom and not made to live at the castle.'

'But you were still a sex slave?'

'Yes, he let his girlfriend use me while he watched. She really hurt me.'

That much, Stephanie knew, was true. Venetia had told her about it when she first described the history of her relationship with Devlin.

'That was the defendant?'

'No, before she came on the scene...'

'But she has used you too?'

'Oh yes. I had an agreement with Devlin that I would never be used by a man but they broke it. I tried to defend her, help her, stop her being beaten by a cruel and wicked man who Devlin desperately needed to save a major business deal. But she didn't help me in return. The bastard wanted to see me used by a man...' Venetia shuddered at the memory. 'She watched, they all watched.' Venetia spat the words out with real bile.

'Not a nice lady,' Andrew commented.

'And she's used me ever since.'

Stephanie felt her heart sink for the second time that day. She had hoped against hope that Venetia was still on their side, that she was pretending to cooperate to gain some advantage but from the bitterness in her tone she found that hard to believe any longer. What she said was all perfectly true. Gianni, the man Devlin had needed for business reasons, had insisted she was fucked in front of him, the first time she had ever had a man. And Stephanie had watched too and done nothing. It was obvious that Venetia had not forgotten or forgiven and that their supposed special relationship since had counted for less than Stephanie had imagined. It appeared that Venetia too wanted her revenge.

'No more questions,' Andrew said, sitting down.

'Cross-examine,' Mick said.

'Does the witness want to cross-examine herself?'

'The defendants have waived their right to a defence,' Andrew reminded them.

'Oh, right.'

'That concludes the case for the prosecution.'

'No,' came cries from the jury, 'I want to say something'; 'Let me say something'; 'I want to give evidence'.

'Order, order...' Paul shouted, banging the poker.

'Let them speak,' Andrew said.

And they did. One after another the former slaves stood in front of the table and told stories of how they had been forced to come to the castle on trumped-up charges of fraud, theft and embezzlement, and had been used sexually by men and women. As their descriptions of what had been done to them became more and more graphic it was obvious that members of the jury were becoming aroused. In the front row of seats one of the men, who was wearing one of Stephanie's black lace teddies, had got an enormous erection. Two women on either side of him had extracted it from the silky material and while one sucked it enthusiastically, the other began kissing him on the mouth.

Paul banged the poker on the table to try and restore order.

'Will the jury please consider their verdict?'

'Guilty,' everyone shouted at once.

The sight of the woman bending over kissing the man provoked another male to get up and begin stroking the tight curves of her buttocks. She was wearing a white lace basque and white stockings but no panties and his hands rapidly slipped between the cleft of her arse down to the folds of her cunt which was sparsely haired and very visible. She moaned as he pushed two fingers inside her.

'Order, order...' Paul tried to continue. 'And that is the verdict of you all?'

'Yes,' came the shouted reply.

The second man's cock had hardened. He pulled down the white shorts - Devlin's - he was wearing and replaced his fingers with his penis, driving it home. The woman moaned but did not stop kissing the first man.

'It is our job to pass sentence,' Paul said solemnly, trying to ignore what was going on in front of his eyes.

The woman whose mouth was impaled on the first man's cock reached out between the second man's legs. She caught his balls in her hand and pulled them down as he pistoned in and out of the other woman's cunt, his penis slick with her juices. He moaned, his hands holding her hips slipped under the long suspenders of the basque.

'I sentence you, Devlin, to serve Amanda for as long as she so may choose.' Paul's own cock was hardening as he spoke.

'And I sentence you, Stephanie,' Mick said, 'to serve Andrew for as long as he may choose.'

'Is there anything the prisoners wish to say?' Neither Stephanie nor Devlin moved or tried to speak.

'Good, then the court is adjourned.' Paul banged the poker one final time and then virtually vaulted over the table to join the melee among the jury.

One of the female slaves was watching the little circle of fucking. She was dressed in one of the black satin suspender belts from the wardrobes in the cellar and very sheer shiny stockings, as well as black spike-heeled shoes. She had been wearing a short summer dress too but pulled this off as the foursome developed in front of her eyes. She was not wearing a bra and her big breasts trembled as she sat with her legs wide open and fingered her clitoris with one hand and pinched her right nipple with the other. Her cunt, like the woman who was being fucked in front of her, was almost hairless, its labia thin. Exposed as it was, her cunt looked small and extremely round like lips pouted to say 'oh' and Paul could not resist it. Pulling the tracksuit bottoms he had worn under the black sheets down and the sheets off, he knelt in front of her, his cock sticking up from his loins.

'Well, you're just what I need,' the girl said, hooking her arms round his neck and sliding forward until her wet cunt felt his hard cock on her labia. Using his hand, Paul guided it home.

All around the 'court' the scene degenerated into sex. Andrew headed for the foursome. The woman who was sucking the man's cock had a large plum-shaped arse. She had slipped onto her knees in front of him and the white panties she wore covered only a small triangle of her buttocks. Paul pulled the panties down as far as they would go, which wasn't far, and watched his cock sink into the deep cleft of flesh. She reared her backside up at him and his cock slid effortlessly into her wet sex.

Stephanie watched Molly, the petite blonde, turn to kiss the girl next to her. Almost immediately Molly's hand was rubbing the girl's tits and her mouth followed it, until she got to her knees, opened the girl's legs and pulled the crotch of the girl's panties aside to get at the auburn hair of her labia. The girl responded by hooking her thighs over Molly's shoulders, pressing her sex onto Molly's eager mouth.

Another scene had developed with the two remaining females. One had stripped completely naked and pulled one of the men down onto the thick carpet, clearing away the chairs. He lay on his back as the second woman sucked him to erection, then made way for the first to kneel over him, helping her to guide his cock into her hot wet cunt. At the same time the second woman swivelled round and knelt above his head, her glistening labia right over his mouth. As his cock slid into one woman, his tongue slid into another, and the two women leant forward to kiss each other hard on their mouths, their hands playing with the other's breasts.

But that didn't complete the picture. Mick knelt behind the girl whose cunt was already being fucked. Slowly he nosed his cock into the puckered opening of her anus.

'Yes,' she said enthusiastically. 'Oh yes, do it. I love it.'

She wriggled her arse back at him by way of encouragement. He pushed forward into the tight rear passage made even tighter by the presence of a cock reaming into her cunt.

The second girl saw what was happening and began to feel left out. She caught the hand of one of the only other two men not engaged in sex, both of whom were watching this performance.

'Do it to me,' she said.

He didn't hesitate. His cock was fully erect. He knelt behind her, seeing the other man's head between her thighs, his tongue still working on her cunt. He pushed his cock forward and felt the tongue too. Pulling back he found the entrance to her arse.

'Yes, there,' the girl said excitedly. As he pressed his cock home she moaned, gripping the first woman's breasts more tightly, her fingernails digging into her nipples.

The last man got up and rid himself of shirt and trousers. The writhing mass of bodies in front of him had taken up a rhythm like some monstrous many-headed animal trying to bring itself off. Three cocks and one tongue plunged home in perfect synchronisation, the two women so full of sensation they were coming almost continuously, almost unable to catch their breath between huge shockwaves of feeling.

The last man stood beside them. Both girls were blonde, one with long hair and the other with her hair cut into a neck-length bob. It was the one with the long hair who had both cocks buried in her body but both girls looked wild, their eyes unfocused, their bodies trembling. They were clinging to each other so tightly it was as if they feared to let go, feared they might drown in sensation.

They kissed each other continuously, not tonguing kisses but little nibbles and sucks. The last man put his hands on the back of their heads and pushed his cock between their lips as they met.

'Mmm...' the long-haired woman mumbled at once.

They both licked and sucked enthusiastically, yet another notch to rack up their excitement. They felt the cock throbbing between their lips, just as the other cocks throbbed in their bodies. Their orgasm continued to roll over them. Their cunts were so wet their juices ran out over the men's balls. The man who was licking out the second woman had to swallow her juice, there was so much. The women had never been wetter, nor the men harder.

If it hadn't been for the indulgences of last night they would have all come in seconds. But they held on, wallowing in the feelings of being completely engulfed in sex. It was the man in the long-haired blonde's cunt who came first, unable to stand the excitement any longer, never having seen or felt anything like this. He bucked his hips one final time, then held his cock still as he felt it spasm and jet spunk into her sex. This throbbing, spunking cock, separated from his only by the thin membranes of the woman's body, set Mick off too, plunging him over the edge of a shattering climax, his spunk jetting out into the hot tight passage of her arse, as he felt the other shaft jerking against him.

The man embedded in the other woman's arse felt all this as though it were vibrations directly in her body, the orgasm transmitted from one woman to the other like musical harmony. He too felt his cock spasm and spunk as he felt the other man's tongue still licking underneath him. All the bodies were trembling, all in a kind of shock, all shaking uncontrollably from the aftermath of orgasm.

The last man could stand it no longer either. His penis began to spasm. The other's view was restricted but he could see everything, see the two women, their lips wrapped around either side of his cock, their breasts squeezed tightly in each other's hands, their cunts open, their thighs bent as they knelt over the man's prostrate body. As the shorter-haired blonde felt the cock begin to twitch she moved her mouth round quickly and took it between her lips. Not a moment too soon because just as the cock invaded her throat she felt its spunk pumping out in great hot gobs.

But she wasn't selfish. She waited until the man's crisis had passed and his cock had shrunk slightly, then pulled away from him and leant forward to kiss the other woman, using her tongue to give her a share of the spoils. They both swallowed spunk. Some escaped and dribbled from their mouths.

Amanda decided it was time to join the party. But she wanted to be alone. Quickly she unbuckled the leather strap that held Devlin into the wing chair. She pulled him to his feet.

'Follow me,' she said, striding out of the room. He nearly tripped over one of the slaves as he hurried to follow her.

Stephanie looked around for Venetia. She had slipped away. Not that that gave Stephanie any grounds for hope. After the way Venetia had testified with such venom, any hope she had in that department had gone. Venetia had disappeared for no other reason than she had no desire to see what she did not care to do.

For the moment no one paid any attention to Stephanie. It was just as well. Left to the not-at-all-tender mercies of Andrew and Amanda, she could imagine that her life, and Devlin's, was going to be very unpleasant from now on.

It was going to be a long time before any of the company grew bored of this situation. There was lots of money to buy food from the mainland and enough booze to keep the party going for months. Their sexual appetites would not be satiated quickly either, not with the extra ingredient, for the slaves at least, of being able to savour something that had been so long forbidden.

Tied and helpless, Stephanie cursed herself again. If she had only paid attention to her instincts none of this would have happened...


Stephanie had spent the night in her cell. The evening's proceedings after the trial had left the whole company exhausted and in no mood to play further games with their newly sentenced slaves. She had heard Amanda locking Devlin away in the next-door cell and then, once again, silence had descended on the cellars and not a sound was to be heard.

For the first time since the slaves had taken over, food was provided. A tray of bread, cheese and fruit was left in the cell. Stephanie had not eaten since breakfast the day before and she had consumed avidly everything they had given her.

It was a long time, in the darkness of the cell, before anyone came again and Stephanie could only sleep fitfully. With no mattress the stone floor provided little comfort and even though her arms had been freed and she was bound only by the ankle chain, it was difficult to find a position that afforded a good chance of sleep. Her mind refused to stop working either. Now that she was convinced Venetia had thrown her lot in with the rebels, there seemed little possibility of escape. The future that stretched ahead seemed bleak. The tables had been turned and, effectively and completely, she and Devlin were now the slaves of the castle.

In the morning, at least Stephanie assumed it was the morning since her watch now belonged to Amanda and she had no other means of telling the time, one of the former female slaves came to unlock Stephanie from the ankle cuff and took her to wash and use the toilet. But she was returned to her cell immediately and the ankle cuff was reattached. Hours later, how many she could not tell as time dragged so slowly, a tray of food - water, bread, cheese and fruit again - was pushed into the cell and the light left on.

Again Stephanie ate everything and the food made her feel better. She had to try and think positively. Andrew and Amanda would inevitably get bored with the castle. The former slaves would all gradually drift away and the castle would become increasingly more difficult to live in with no servants to clean up the mess that was being made. Sooner or later they would be free.

But as much as she tried to be optimistic, there were still nagging doubts. Venetia might go into the village - where they all knew her - and persuade the servants to return to serve a new master. There was plenty of money in the safe to pay them and Venetia knew how, through the computer, to get more transferred to the local bank. Andrew and Amanda could live a life of total luxury for months to come, with Devlin and herself to amuse them and satisfy their every whim.

Stephanie shivered. They had stripped her out of the leather leotard before putting her in the cell and she was naked again. The experience reminded her of the time she had spent in Gianni's cellars after he had kidnapped her: cold and helpless. Then, as now, she had been naked and available for use.

She would have given anything to be able to speak to Devlin. She tried knocking on the stone wall with the links of the metal chain, hoping Devlin would hear and respond. Even a couple of meaningless taps would have been important to her; it would be contact, however limited. But though she listened intently there was not a sound in reply and she sunk back into listless depression, leaning against the cold stone wall and closing her eyes.

She must have fallen asleep because the cell door being thrust open woke her with a start.

'Playtime,' Amanda announced. Again she was dressed in one of Stephanie's outfits, this time a crimson red silk creation. It was backless with a halter neck and a tight knee-length skirt. Her legs were sheathed in sheer black nylon and her feet in red shoes with very high heels, the heels themselves clad in a chrome metal casing. She wore long crimson suede gloves that covered her arms to well above the elbow. She had taken her time with her make-up and hair. She wore a dark red lipstick to match the dress and an eye-shadow in a similar shade that made her light brown eyes look deeper and more alluring. Her short black hair had been brushed out and seemed to have a noticeable sheen to it.

As she got down on her haunches to unlock the metal ankle cuff, Stephanie saw the time on the Patek Phillipe watch, her Patek Phillipe watch, was nine o'clock.

'Up,' she ordered. Stephanie got to her feet. With the high heels, Amanda was taller than her for once. 'Are you going to behave or do I have to cuff you again?'

'I'll do what you want,' Stephanie said.

'Very sensible. Follow me, then.'

Amanda led the way to the small door of the back staircase that led directly to Stephanie's bedroom. The vaulted corridor outside the cells was still a mess, with empty bottles of booze and mattresses strewn about the floor. One of the garden overseers was lying on a mattress, his arms bound behind his back with leather straps and his legs tied together with thick white rope so it was impossible for him to move a muscle. A leather strap had also been tied tightly around his cock and under his balls. Judging from the way it glistened and from the strong aroma of sex, he had been used by one of the females recently, though clearly she had been careful not to let him have any gratification.

Stephanie mounted the stone staircase first, with Amanda following. The stairwell was always cold, getting no sun and being sunk right in the heart of the thick stone walls. Stephanie shivered and felt her nipples pucker as the air chilled her to the bone.

Emerging in her bedroom, she was amazed to find most of the mess she had seen last time had been cleared away. The wardrobes and drawers were closed and all the clothes and items of equipment had been put away. The doors to the terrace were open and Stephanie could see Andrew standing near the parapet, looking over the lake to the mainland where, in the distance, the lights from occasional houses and the one village shone like stars against the dark canopy of night.

Hearing their arrival, Andrew walked back into the bedroom and closed the terrace doors. He was wearing one of Devlin's silk Sulka robes, knotted at the waist.

'Good evening,' he said. 'You look as though you could do with a wash and brush-up, and some make-up. That's no way to appear in front of your master, is it?' He came up to her and twisted a lock of her hair around his finger.

'No,' Stephanie said, resisting the temptation to add that she didn't have any choice.

'No what?'

She knew the answer to that question straight away. 'No, master,' she said unenthusiastically.

Amanda pulled her towards the bathroom. 'So get yourself looking decent,' she said, pushing her inside and closing the door.

Being in her own bathroom was not much of a relief. It reminded her of what she had won and what she had lost. She ran a hot bath, washed her hair and sat down to apply make-up for the first time in three days. She applied a mascara and blusher to her cheeks,' which looked pale from lack of sunlight already, she thought, and painted on a very red lipstick. She had not seen herself in a mirror for three days.

With her make-up on and her hair dried and brushed out she looked good: apart from the slight paleness there was no sign, in her face at least, of the deprivations she had suffered.

The bathroom door opened and Andrew entered, closing it behind him. Stephanie faced his cold, unwavering eyes. For once he had the power over her, total power. He could do anything with her and she knew he would. He had been her slave, now she was his.

'Oh that's much better,' he said. 'You're a very beautiful woman aren't you, slave?'

'Yes, master,' she said demurely. It was the role she knew she would have to play. There was no point railing against it. For the immediate future Andrew was her master. He would decide what she ate, what she wore, when she slept and where. She belonged to him and she knew there was nothing else to do but accept it, just like the sensible slaves at the castle had done. The line of least resistance, the line Andrew and Amanda had never learned to follow.

'So what shall I do with you tonight?'

'Anything you want master,' Stephanie said, not looking at him.

'Very good. You learn fast, don't you? Get on your knees.'

As he said the words, Stephanie felt an unexpected surge of excitement course through her body. Andrew was not an unattractive man. She had played the dominant role for so long she had forgotten the thrills of being submissive. But that could be a thrill too. Not being in control. Giving yourself totally to someone else. Letting them have the power to decide what you would do or not do. She had experienced it before. It had thrilled her before. She was a natural dominant - she had discovered that about herself - but submission was the flipside of the coin, the other side of a two-faced mask, and perhaps it was not possible to enjoy one completely without the experience of the other. As she slid to her knees on the cold marble tiles of the bathroom floor she felt her body, the big engine of her sexual sensations, begin to throb.

He came to stand in front of her. 'Undo my robe.'

She reached up and undid the knot of the silk sash. The robe fell open. Andrew's smooth cock was beginning to unfurl from its bed of blond curly pubic hair. 'Get it hard,' he ordered. 'With your mouth.'

Eagerly, Stephanie had to admit, she gobbled the cock into her mouth, her hands moving round to the back of his thighs as her tongue cruised the rim of his circumcised glans and she felt the blood flowing into it. He was soon too big to be contained totally in her mouth, but she tried, feeling the tip right at the back of her throat.

She began a rhythm, bobbing her head up and down, using her saliva to make the movement frictionless, flicking her tongue along the underside of his cock. She heard him moan.

'Lick my balls,' he ordered.

The marble floor was hard on her knees but she concentrated on what she was doing. She dropped her head down under his cock and put her arms up behind him onto the back of his thighs, sucking on his balls one by one just as she'd done the day before. Then she went back to his long hard shaft and plunged her mouth down on it again. Her fingers worked up over his buttocks until she found the little crater of his anus. She paused there, waiting for instructions.

'Yes, do it,' he said.

She obeyed immediately. As her mouth swung up and down on his erection her finger pressed up into his arse, deeper and deeper until it was right up inside him and she could get at the bunch of nerves that lay hidden there. As soon as her finger touched their target she felt his body jerk and his cock pulse in her mouth. It was like a trigger, she knew, like a button that opened the floodgates of the dam, and Stephanie pressed it hard.

'Don't...' he said, trying to control himself as he felt his spunk flowing up into his cock.

But she knew he didn't mean it and she pressed again while, at the same time, she sucked hard on his cock.

'Yes...' He changed his mind. It was too late to hold back.


Her finger was insistent, it pressed hard, massaging the tiny gland that she had exposed. Her mouth was like a cunt, hot and incredibly wet and clingy. He couldn't believe he could come so quickly again after the experiences of the last three days, but he did. Spunk jetted out into her willing mouth, white gobs of spunk over her tongue and down her throat. She swallowed it all.

His cock slipped from her mouth, glistening with a mixture of saliva and spunk. She withdrew her finger carefully and knelt on the floor, her hands on her knees, her eyes looking down. The perfect slave. If that was the role fate had cast her in, she might as well play it perfectly.

Andrew sat on the edge of the bath.

'You think you're very clever, don't you?' he said, annoyed with himself now for coming so quickly.

'No master, I thought that was what you wanted.'

He got up and pulled her to her feet, leading her by the arm back into the bedroom, his robe still flapping open.

While Andrew had been in the bathroom, Amanda had brought Devlin up from the cellars. He was kneeling at the foot of the bed. His hands were cuffed behind his back and he was naked. Amanda was lying on her back on the bed, still wearing the crimson dress and long gloves. She had wriggled the tight skirt up over her hips to reveal a red suspender belt and tiny matching red panties as well as the thick black welts of the stockings pulled into chevrons on her meaty thighs by the taut suspenders. Her legs were hooked over Devlin's shoulders, the tips of the chrome-clad heels digging into his back between his bound arms, spurring him on to greater efforts like a rider on a horse. His tongue was trying to push aside the crotch of her panties to get at her labia but it was tight, caught under her arse, and kept springing back into place.

'You,' she said as Stephanie emerged from the bathroom. 'Hold this back so he can get at me.'

Stephanie looked at Andrew for permission.

'Do it,' he said.

She went to the side of the bed and pulled the elasticated crotch to one side. It slipped into the crease where the top of Amanda's thigh met her pelvis. Over the bush of her hair, dark and very tight curls of pubic hair, Devlin looked into Stephanie's eyes. It was a tender look, a look that said it all. What else could either of them do? They were trapped. His tongue freed of impediment, licked Amanda's clitoris in long broad strokes.

'Do my tits,' Amanda said to Stephanie.

Stephanie knelt at the side of the bed and reached under the halter top. Amanda's nipples were hard and swollen. She kneaded the soft spongy flesh, then pinched the nipple between her fingernails. She repeated the process with the other breast, watching Amanda bucking her hips off the bed, her cunt undulating against Devlin's mouth.

'Both tits at the same time,' she mouthed breathlessly. Andrew stripped off his robe and came to prop himself up against the headboard alongside Amanda, his eyes on her body.

Stephanie did as she was told, pummelling and pinching Amanda's breasts and nipples under the red silk as Devlin's tongue licked her cunt, moving from her clitoris right the way down to the bud of her anus and back up again, feeling her heels digging into his back like spurs.

She was coming. She bucked herself harder, then her eyes rolled back in her head, she locked her legs tightly, pulling Devlin's mouth hard onto her cunt so he could not move, and her nerves exploded. Devlin could feel her cunt lips contracting and his face was sprayed with her juice as though she had spunked.

But she was not finished. Swinging her legs off Devlin's body, she got to her feet.

'Unhook me,' she said.

Stephanie stood up too and found the three hooks that held the halter in place at the nape of her neck. The silk fell to her waist, baring her breasts. She pulled the rumpled skirt down from her hips and stepped out of it.

'Pull the panties off,' she said, having got used to doing nothing for herself over the last three days. Stephanie skimmed the panties down over her long plump buttocks until they fell around her high-heeled shoes. Amanda stood naked but for the red suspender belt, the black stockings and the long red suede gloves.

'Now you're going to fuck me,' she said, taking Devlin's chin in her gloved hand and forcing him to look up at her near-naked body, the waistband of the suspender belt emphasising her hourglass figure, her firm breasts topped by hard cherry-red nipples. 'Get up.'

Devlin struggled to his feet, his cock erect. However often Stephanie saw it she never quite got used to its size and shape. Devlin was an incredibly ugly man. His face and body were covered with thick wiry hair: his nose and ears were tufted with it too. His skin was pock-marked and his nose bulbous and out of all proportion to the rest of his face. But it was his cock that was his most extraordinary feature. It was massive. Two closed fists could not contained its bulk. It was not smooth and sleek, like Andrew's, but veined and gnarled like the bark of a very old tree encrusted with ivy. Each vein stood up individually forming a huge map, like a relief map of features, one vein running into another. The cock was not quite straight either; it seemed to be slightly crooked halfway down its length so it bowed outward.

Amanda had already experienced this cock inside her. It was like nothing she had ever experienced before. It had taken her to heights she had never dreamt of, and it was going to do it again. Her body ached for it.

She lay on the bed and opened her legs wide, as wide as they would go, the suspenders at the sides of her stockings stretched taut. 'Come on Devlin, I'm your mistress now.' And it was true. She was the mistress of this monster, it was all hers.

Slowly Devlin knelt up on the bed. With his hands cuffed behind his back it was difficult for him to position himself properly but Amanda gave him no help. He lowered himself onto her body and then tried to position his cock between her legs.

'Get a whip,' Amanda said as this was going on. Stephanie obeyed at once, going over to the long drawer and pulling out a riding crop. Whether Amanda knew it already or not, being whipped was no punishment for Devlin. It was what he craved.

'Oh...' Amanda moaned as the tip of his misshapen cock nudged between her soaking wet labia.

Devlin felt the fold of her labia open. He hesitated.

'Do it,' she ordered. And he did. He drove his huge rod up into her cunt, up into the river of juices that anticipation had created. The lubrication was necessary, essential with the size of him. It stretched her to the limit. Even though she knew it was only half inside her, that she couldn't feel his balls, she was totally filled by it. The sensation was incredible.

The mainspring of her orgasm began to unwind at once. 'More,' she commanded, not really meaning it. He pushed forward again but there was no room for more than a fraction of an inch. He was at the very top of her cunt, at the neck of her womb. Her labia were stretched so far apart that her clitoris was completely exposed, the protection of her cunt lips pulled away by the width of his cock. It seemed to be fluttering like a bird trying to keep airborne but failing. Amanda could do nothing, couldn't think or even open her eyes. Just as Andrew had dreamt of Stephanie, Amanda had never been able to forget Devlin's cock and now it was hers, it belonged to her. And her first orgasm broke over the head of it, making her shudder and convulse with pleasure.

But it did not end there. One orgasm seemed to provoke another and another, her body tossed on waves of orgasm, her cunt, her clitoris, her breasts transmitting unspeakable pleasure. Through the fog of sensation she heard Andrew's voice.

'Come on, give it to him.'

Amanda opened her eyes to see Stephanie raising the riding crop. 'Yes...'

The crop slashed down. Devlin's cock lunged into her, driven by the whip, deeper than she'd ever imagined a cock could go and she came again, at least she thought she did but her orgasms were so close together and so intense she just couldn't tell where one ended or another began. She managed to open her eyes again, wanting to see Stephanie slash the whip down across Devlin's buttocks. As it landed she felt his cock power into her, burning with his pain-induced lust.

But then it was too much to do anything but feel. Her eyes rolled back and she wallowed in the orgasms her body produced so freely over the enormous shaft of flesh plunging into her in time to the thwacks of leather on Devlin's hide.

On the fifth stroke Devlin came. He lunged forward, found a place in the streaming wet, sticky, velvety cunt and stopped. His cock pulsed and then began to spasm. At the exact moment white spunk erupted from his glans, Stephanie cut the whip down one last time, sending the shock of pain that he loved so much arching through his nerves to join the fireworks they were already producing.

Andrew had watched this performance with growing frustration, his cock at full erection again by the time Devlin groaned to a climax. He had circled it with his hand and was wanking it hard, smearing the slick of fluid it had produced down its whole length. He knew what he wanted.

Amanda pushed Devlin off her body. She almost came again as his cock disengaged itself from her sex: little aftershocks of pleasure shooting up through her body. She looked over at Andrew.

'Your turn,' she said, smiling.

Andrew stood up, his cock bobbing out in front of him. He had never felt so excited in his entire life. He could have anything his heart desired, anything; any combination, any position, any of the women in the castle, singularly or together. He was the master of all he surveyed. His plan had worked and this was his reward. But he knew exactly what he wanted now.

'What are you going to do?' Amanda asked.

'Get off the bed,' he said to Devlin. Devlin struggled to obey, his cock quite flaccid now. 'You lie down here,' he said, looking straight at Stephanie. 'On your stomach,' he added.

He knew where the suntan oil was kept. He had been sent to get it out of the bedside table so many times as Stephanie lay naked on the terrace, soaking up the hot Italian sun. But his cock had been constricted then, bound by the metal pouch that was chained tightly around his genitals from the first day he had arrived at the castle. He remembered that day well. He would never forget it. His cock surged at the memory. He had been beaten, teased mercilessly by one of the guests, then left, taken to the cells and left, his cock unsatisfied, crammed back into the pouch. But with his arse burning from the welts the whipping had left, someone had come to his cell, had him blindfolded and the pouch removed, and had sunk a hot cunt onto his throbbing erection, allowing him, finally, to spunk.

He had never come so intensely in his life. He remembered that night as though it had happened an hour ago, every detail. He had played it through in his mind like a videotape, over and over again, every detail burned like a brand on his mind.

Andrew looked down at his cock. It was reddened and hard, another tear of fluid running out of the pink slit of his urethra. He opened the bedside table and extracted the sun oil from the drawer. It was in a large round jar and looked like cold cream, white and thick. He smeared both his hands with it.

Amanda had propped herself up on the bed where she had lain, with Stephanie beside her. Andrew knelt between the two women, facing Stephanie's naked back. He started with her shoulders, smoothing the cream over her scapula, then down into the long concave curve of her back. Her arse was magnificent. He had always thought so. It rose from the small of her back precipitously. It was so round and pert, the canyon that ran between its cheeks so deep. He remembered how he had fought not to look at it, fought not to feel it, fought not to notice the thick tufts of hair escaping from between her legs, or the little gap between the top of her thighs when they were tightly closed. But inevitably he had not succeeded, it would be a losing battle, and his erection would strain hopelessly against the metal pouch, agonisingly painful, unable to swell further, unable to get the relief Stephanie's body made it want so badly.

But now it was free. His cock stuck out from his loins as hard as steel, as his hands massaged the so familiar flesh, the oil making it glisten. As he worked, his cock would brush her buttocks or thigh and that would send a pulse through his body like an electric shock as well as leaving a trail of fluid on her body that dried rapidly to leave a puckered, transparent spoor.

He worked down over her buttocks, taking more sun oil from the jar. His fingers kneaded and gripped the firm, round flesh. He delved down between her buttocks, his fingers opening them so he could see the perfectly spherical, corrugated crater of her anus and under it the first inch of her hairy, thick labia. He massaged oil all around, allowing his hand to stray over the anus itself, and onto her sex, something that would have brought instant punishment before.

'Turn over,' he ordered, his voice almost seized up with passion. As Stephanie obeyed he looked round at Amanda. She was watching him, propped up against the pillows, her legs open, one leg up and bent at the knee. The suspender belt cut across her waist, its long suspenders taut on the leg stretched flat on the bed and loose and looped out on the leg she had raised. Her naked flesh over the stockings seemed, in contrast to the black nylon, creamy and soft. Her hand, gloved in red suede, rested on the triangle of her belly, with her middle finger just moving ever so slightly against the nodule of her engorged clitoris. The wetness there had darkened the suede at the tip of her finger.

Andrew scooped another gob of the white cream from the jar and dabbed it on each of Stephanie's firm, proud breasts. Slowly using both hands, he started by circling his palms over her nipples, so that was the only contact. Stephanie could not help but moan. She moaned again when he changed from this subtle treatment and dropped his hands onto her full breasts, kneading and fingering them, rubbing the oil deep into her flesh.

Stephanie's body was alive. She knew what Andrew was doing and why. Oiling her naked body had been torture for the slaves. They had all been made to do it. Occasionally, on a caprice, she would unchain the pouch and have them fuck her but she had never, never done that with Andrew. He had been too rebellious. She had had to keep him on a tight rein. Except the once. Now, she knew, he was fulfilling his fantasies, doing what he had never been allowed to do before, except on the day he had arrived.

His hands moved over her waist, down to her thighs. He lifted each in turn and massaged the oil with both hands deep into the soft flesh. Stephanie felt his cock nudging against her side again. She looked down at it. Another trail of fluid, leaking from his urethra, slicked over her skin. She looked over to Devlin who was sitting in one of the armchairs to the side of the bed. He looked depressed and uncomfortable, but she could see an excitement in his eyes too.

Andrew finished one thigh and began to work on the other. Working up from the knee, she felt his hands brushing her labia. It made her shudder. Was he going to do to her what she had done to him? Creating a need and leaving it unfulfilled?

But that was not what he had in mind, apparently. As he finished her other thigh he leant across her body now gleaming with oil. He squirmed his chest against her breasts and his hard cock against her belly. He was reaching over her to get into the bedside drawer. He wanted the dildo he had seen there as he'd got the sun oil out. It was big and black, a perfect replica of a circumcised cock.

With no subtlety he rocked back on his heels and positioned the head of the dildo between her legs, then drove it straight up into Stephanie's cunt, as deep as it would go. She groaned at the sudden intrusion, then writhed her body until the dildo was bedded in her sex just where she wanted it.

Amanda got onto her knees so she could get a better view. This she wanted to see. Stephanie's body was shaking, already sensitised by the oily massage. Her mouth was open and she was making little mewing sounds. Andrew didn't move the dildo up and down, he just held it tight inside her, deep and hard. He turned the little gnarled knob at the end and a faint humming filled the air. Immediately Stephanie's body arched over the sheets, her navel uppermost, her buttocks clear off the bed.

Amanda worked her way up behind Andrew until she could press her naked breasts, her nipples as hard as pebbles, into his shoulder-blades and the hard curve of her pubic bone against his buttocks, while one gloved hand snaked round his chest to locate his right nipple and the other circled his rigid cock.

'Do you want me to wank you?' she whispered in his ear, reaming it out with her tongue as soon as she'd spoken.

He did not reply but she knew the answer. She could feel his cock thrusting in the fist she had made of her hand. The suede made it impossible to slide up and down the shaft easily so instead she gripped the cock tightly and let the underside of her thumb move up and down the rim of his glans, the rough suede rubbing the sensitive skin. Andrew moaned.

They could both see Stephanie come. She opened her mouth and groaned, an animal noise, as her orgasm broke over the head of the vibrating, unyielding dildo that seemed to be jammed up against every nerve in her body, exciting them all at the same time. Her body, like a longbow being strung, arched off the bed still further until only her shoulders and heels were on the sheet and every muscle was locked with pleasure.

Amanda's hand squeezed Andrew tight, her suede-covered thumb working faster. Then she felt something against her knee. It was the riding crop. Stephanie had dropped it by her side as she'd lain down on the bed. Amanda picked it up. With her hand still gripping Andrew's cock, she swung herself around to kneel at his side. As Stephanie's body sunk back onto the bed Amanda slashed the crop down on Andrew's white buttocks. She felt his reaction immediately. His cock surged in her hand, jerking so hard it almost escaped her grasp.

'You want it, don't you?' she said.

'Yes, yes...' He loved it. He remembered how he had felt that first night in the castle, red welts burning on his buttocks as he had been released from the pouch, blindfolded and helpless, as that hot wet cunt had descended on his cock. He remembered how he had spunked, so hard and so long he thought it would never stop. He would never forget that, the crisscrossed welts on his arse powering his orgasm to heights he had never reached before. Or since. Until now. 'Yes, yes,' he cried.

Amanda raised the crop again. One hard, full cut across the buttocks followed another. His cock jerked again as her thumb rubbed the same place, so sensitive it made him squirm, the fire in his arse making it more so, making it impossibly tender. Even through the glove Amanda could feel how hot his cock was. It was boiling, scalding hot. He was coming; she felt his spunk forcing its way through her tight grip. She raised the crop again.

'Yes,' he screamed.

'This is what you want...'

The crop sliced down across the three red welts that had already appeared on his white flesh. It was the hardest stroke of all, burning into him, the pain so close to total pleasure that his cock exploded in her fist, spitting spunk, hot gobs of spunk like a string of pearls, down over Stephanie's tits and navel and into the thick black thatch of pubic hair. Amanda squeezed the shaft, milking it to extract every last drop.