Between the canal and the river

We sat in the gummy dark bar.

Winter night rain. The black humped bridge and its cobbles

Sweating black, under lamps of drizzling yellow.

And the hillsides going straight up, the high woods,

Massed with tangled wintry wet, and the moorland

Almost closing above us. The shut-in

Sodden dreariness of the whole valley,

The hopeless old stone trap of it. Where shall we live?

That was the question, in the yellow-lit tap-room

Which was cold and empty. You having leapt

Like a thrown dice, flinging off

The sparkle of America, pioneer

In the wrong direction, sat weeping,

Homesick, exhausted, disappointed, pregnant.

Where could we start living? Italy? Spain?

The world was all before us. And around us

This gloomy memorial of a valley,

The fallen-in grave of its history,

A gorge of ruined mills and abandoned chapels,

The fouled nest of the Industrial Revolution

That had flown. The windows glittered black.

If this was the glamour of an English pub, it was horrible.

Like a bubble in the sunk Titanic.

Our flashing inter-continental sleeper

Had slammed into a gruesome, dead-end tunnel.

Where could we camp? The ideal home

Was trying to crawl

Up out of my Guinness. Where we sat,

Forty years before I was born

My drunken grandad, dragged out of the canal,

Had sat in a sheet singing. A house of our own

Answering all your problems was the answer

To all my problems. All we needed

Was to get a home – anywhere,

Then all our goblins would turn out to be elves,

Our vampires guides, our demons angels

In that garden. Yes, the garden. The garden

Swelled under all our words – like the presence

Of what swelled in you.


Was there in my Guinness. Where, exactly?

That was the question – that dark

Peculiar aftertaste, bitter liquorice

Of the secret ingredient. At that black moment

Prophecy, like a local owl,

Down from the deep-cut valley opposite

Made a circuit through its territory –

Your future and mine. ‘These side-valleys,’ I whispered,

‘Are full of the most fantastic houses,

Elizabethan, marvellous, little kingdoms,

Going for next to nothing. For instance

Up there opposite – up that valley – ’

My certainty of the place was visionary,

Waiting there, on its walled terrace – an eyrie

Over the crevasse of trees and water.

You had no idea what I was talking about.

Your eyes were elsewhere –

The sun-shot Atlantic lift, the thunderous beaches,

The ice-cream summits, the whisper of avalanches,

Valleys brimming gentians – the Lawrentian globe

Lit the crystal globe you stared into

For your future – while a silent

Wing of your grave went over you. Up that valley

A future home waited for both of us –

Two different homes. Where I saw so clearly

My vision house, you saw only blackness,

Black nothing, the face of nothingness,

Like that rainy window.

                                           Then five bowlers

Burst in like a troupe of clowns, laughing.

They thumped down their bowls and ordered. Their star turn

Had a raging ulcer, agony.

Or the ulcer was the star. It kept

The five of them doubled up – tossing helpless

On fresh blasts of laughter. It stoked them

Like souls tossing in a hell, on a grill

Of helpless laughter, agony, tears

Streaming down their faces

Like sweat as they struggled, throats gulping,

To empty their glasses, refilling and emptying.

I had to smile. You had to smile. The future

Seemed to ease open a fraction.