Who could play Miranda?

Only you. Ferdinand – only me.

And it was like that, yes, it was like that.

I never questioned. Your mother

Played Prospero, flying her magic in

To stage the Masque, and bless the marriage,

Eavesdropping on the undervoices

Of the honeymooners in Paris

And smiling on the stair at her reflection

In the dark wall. My wreckage

Was all of a sudden a new wardrobe, unworn,

Even gold in my teeth. Ariel

Entertained us night and day.

The voices and sounds and sweet airs

Were our aura. Ariel was our aura.

Both of us alternated

Caliban our secret, who showed us

The sweetest, the freshest, the wildest

And loved us as we loved. Sycorax,

The rind of our garden’s emptied quince,

Bobbed in the hazy surf at the horizon

Offshore, in the wings

Of the heavens, like a director

Studying the scenes to come.