Lost Control

I didn’t want to see those pictures very badly, but I did want him to make me come. And I wanted to make him come.

“Oh, you will.”

Oops. Had I said that out loud? “Please, Cade, make me come, so I can suck on your cock and make you come in my mouth.” Nice recovery, right? Maybe the sex kitten would get me what I wanted.

“Don’t get bossy, sweetness.” He laced the chastisement with another smack to my ass. His hand hit to the left of the plug, but I instinctively clenched my muscles to deflect the blow and it pulled it in deeper. The combo pulled a low moan from my chest and my eyes fluttered shut.

“Eyes on me, Vanessa. Don’t make me say it again, or those little spanks will become your punishment.”

My eyes popped back open. It sent butterflies from my stomach to my pussy every time he used that tone and made me look at him. It was so hard to keep my eyes open. I so rarely ever did. Close-eyed sex and dark room masturbation before sleep were my norms. Cade was busting every notion I’d ever believed about sex.

This was the first chance I had to get a look at my surroundings. We were in a corner of the club, but the room was set up with what looked like cabanas. I had heard the swish of canvas sheets pushed aside earlier. Our tent-like area had the curtains tied off so people could see in, but not easily walk in. There were definitely people looking.

Cade must have seen me looking around instead of at him. “Other people will only come in if invited. But they can watch. I want them to see how beautiful your submission to me is. Now, lower your legs, but keep your knees up and open.”

I brought my gaze back to him and did as he said. Cade was still fully clothed. I’m not sure why I thought he would be naked like me. “Are you going to, umm, undress, tonight?”

Cade laughed. “Trying to be in control again, sweetness?”

“No, only curious how this is going to go.”

“I told you I’d let you know some of it, but not everything naughty curious kitten.”

I forgot to ask if that was one of the things I got to know, because before I could speak again Cade was on top of me. He straddled my stomach and pushed my arms up over my head. I’m sure any spectators saw my eyes go huge. That singular moment was the one thing I’d been waiting for. A fantasy brought to real living life. The lingering doubts living in my worries and fears, that I was a sexual submissive died a dirty pleasurable death.

Cade pressed my hands together over my head and held my wrists in one of his hands. The belt lay across the back of the couch near my head. Grabbing it, he wrapped one end around my arms below my wrists and pulled it tight.

“Someday, you’ll touch yourself for me like you did when we were on the phone, but tonight it’s my turn.” He leaned forward and for the first time his skin was close enough that I could smell that pure man scent. He smelled tantalizing. I wanted to lick him. I reached up to do it, but the couch must have had some sort of hook or something on the side because my arms were stuck and I couldn’t move enough to get to him.

“Cade, please. I want to touch you, to taste you.”

“You want that spanking, don’t you?” He moved to the end of the couch and pressed my legs open further, stretching my muscles.

I may or may not have been trying to get that spanking. (I totally was.) Whether he paddled me or not, my ass was going to be sore. Holy cow, I was going to join a yoga class next week to be able to keep up with the strain this was putting on my muscles. I had no idea being bound and stretched open would be such a work out. I was going to be sore in more than my ass tomorrow. I had the weekend to recover.

“I’ve got a better way to show you who the boss is here, sweetness.” Cade lowered his head so all I could see was his hair and shoulders. Cool air blew over my clit and down through my heated pussy. I shuddered. The contrast of his breath on my skin sent tingles deep into my core. I lifted my hips trying to get closer to his mouth. He responded my pressing harder on my thighs and shoving me back into the cushions.

He teased me repeatedly. If I moved to get his mouth on me, he pulled back and pushed me down. It took me way too long to understand what he wanted from me. This time when he blew that cool breath of air on my clit, even though I was so close to coming from his little training game, I jerked trying to hold myself still, but controlled my legs and stayed with my butt firmly pressed into the couch.

“That’s it. Hold yourself down for me.” Not only did he reward me with words, but also his devilish tongue. Finally, finally he licked over my clit and sucked it into his mouth. I wanted to press my pussy into his face and ride his tongue but knew he’d pull away if I did. I gripped the belt over my head and pulled. The slide of leather over leather creaked under my strength.

Cade’s head came up and I lifted mine so he knew I was watching him. “You are delectable. I could feast on you all night.”

And I wanted him to. So intensely, I wanted him to. I’d been so close to coming since before we even walked into the club and my body and mind were going insane. “Please, Cade. Please make me come.”

The pure lust in his eyes when I begged him let me know I’d hit a trigger for him. “I need you. Please, I’ll do anything. I’ll be good. Please.”

“That’s right you will be good.” Cade slid two fingers into me and started stroking.

I honestly thought the g-spot truly was a myth until then. My back arched and my eyes closed all on their own. I couldn’t open them. I moaned in pants. He felt so incredible inside of me. Cade crawled up my body until he was right in my face, covering my chest with his.

“Yes. Relax, sweetness. Look at me and let go.”

I peeked at him and he increased the rhythm of his fingers pumping in and out of my channel. Oh, I was so close, but it felt different. Like being erotically tickled from the inside out. I jerked against the restraints. My back arched and I lost my mind.

“Cade, Cade, Cade. Pleeeeeeeeease.”

“That’s right Vanessa. Come for me, baby.” His hips rocked against my legs, his fingers pumped into me, faster and faster. “Come on, Vanessa. Let go. Come for me, now. Come, Vanessa.”

He pulled the nipple clamps off me and sucked one breast into his mouth. The pleasure of the pain and Cade’s mouth on me pushed me over the edge I’d been riding all night.

“Caaaaaaaaaaaade.” I screamed out his name and my whole body clenched and spasmed around him. There was nothing in the world except for me, Cade and the bear growling in my ear.

We lay on the couch tangled together. His breath was coming as fast as mine, fingers were still inside of me and each time my pussy pulsed, Cade gave me one quick push and pull. I could hear the murmur of people around our cabana and their rumblings brought me out of the high I was riding.

Cade pressed his forehead to mine. “Fuck, baby.”

I wanted to stay here in his warmth, Cade above me and inside of me forever. He kissed me and pulled his fingers out. “Noooooo.”

“Shh, shh.” He reached over my head and unhooked the belt. Then he sat up, but brought me with him, tugging me into his lap. I rested my head on his shoulder and cuddled to him. He rubbed a hand over my hair and down my back. I closed my eyes and watched the lightshow of endorphins behind my eyelids.

“You are stunning, Nessa. So beautiful when you come.”

My lips didn’t want to work, but I pushed the words out anyway. “But what about you? Are you going to fuck me now, so you can come too?”

“I came, babe.”

I lifted my head and stared at him. “But...”

“You were too fucking sexy, Vanessa. You make me act like a randy teenager. When you came, I came. Right in my pants.”

I couldn’t stop the giggle from bubbling up. “You did not.” I hid my face in his shoulder, pleased that I could push him as far as he pushed me.

“I did. I’m sure it’s what our adoring fans out there are murmuring about, love.”

There did seem to be some hubbub, even more so than at the scenes I’d watched on my first night. “I don’t understand.”

“I don’t come, here at the club. I don’t... lose control. With anyone. Except for you. We’ve given them all something to talk about.”

He’d given me something he hadn’t gifted to anyone else. A lovely warmth spread from my heart and I let it glow from the inside out.

“You ready for more, sweetness?”

I closed my eyes and shook my head. “Huh-uh. Let me float here for a minute.”

“What am I going to do with you, love? Needing this much aftercare from one orgasm. You’re going to be high maintenance.”

“It was one, but it was a long time coming.”

“Naughty girl. Lay down and put your feet on my shoulders.”

“Are you going to fuck me now?”

“When I’m ready to fuck you, you’ll know it. It won’t be here at the club. I don’t let others see me that vulnerable.”

It was the hormones that made me get a little teary when he said that. What held him back from showing his true self to people in this world where we were all so exposed? I knew that it had to be whatever kept him playing the playboy, keeping his subs from getting emotionally attached to him. I wanted to find out what that key to his heart was.

“Where’d you go, sweetness?” Cade touched my cheek and rubbed his fingers over my lips. “You disappeared on me for a minute there. I said your name and you had this dreamy look on your face. I wonder if you’re a subspace girl.”

“What does that mean?”

“We’ll explore that another time. Now lay back and let me take care of you.”

So rarely did anyone take care of me. I take care of everyone else, so on the rare occasion I got me some lovin’ like that I was taking every second I could get. I snuggled in and said, “Okay. Can I close my eyes for a few minutes?”

He stroked my hair. “Yes, but if you fall asleep, I’m waking you up with a spanking.”

I yawned. Not the appropriate response, I guess, because he swatted me on the ass. I would have protested, but Cade grabbed the plug and wiggled it causing a whole flurry of sensations to flood my system.

“You’ll like this here.”

“Cade. I...I...” I lost the rest of my words. Cade pulled on the toy out, as slow as an old love song, and anything I had to say turned into a moan. I was relieved I didn’t have to tell him how much I enjoyed the way he made me feel so dirty.

I felt oh, so dirty when he stroked his fingers over my anus, tucking the tip of his finger into the space, stroking and teasing. Maybe I was ready for round two. “Ahh, Cade. Fuck me there. Now, please. I need you inside of me.”

“You are a dirty girl. Soon, baby. But not tonight.”

Damn him and his stupid Dommy rules. Here I was offering every frat boy’s fantasy and he was all “Yeah, maybe later.” Grrr. I did not hide my pout from him.

Cade squeezed me tighter. “You don’t like not getting your way, do you, sweet Ness.”

“No.” How I’d made this submissive thing work so far was a surprise. The sex part was fantastic, but I didn’t feel like I was doing a great job at giving up my control. That’s what I was supposed to do, right? I was surprised how Cade waited to see what I wanted, how I felt.

“And that’s what makes this so much fun. I am going to have wonderful time punishing that pout right off your face.”


A sing-songy female voice floated into our seclusion. “Bastard is not a safeword.”

I turned my head to see Danica dancing around outside. “I think that’s her way of asking if she can come in now.”

“Are you ready for her to be here again?” Cade raised his hand and held up one finger to Dani quietly asking her to wait a minute.

So she was here. “I am. Are you?”

“I suppose so. I could stand to go do some cleaning up.” He kissed me on the forehead and picked up my wrists. He undid the buckle that had held me so secure and safe in its bindings all night. There were red lines pressed into my skin where the belt had tightened when I struggled. Cade rubbed them with his thumb and brought my wrists to his lips. “I love my marks on you, Vanessa.”

After all the intense, sexual, dirty, kinky things he’d done to me that night, this intimate interlude tugged at my heart. The look in his eyes of both satisfaction and longing plucked at the strings of my soul like my own personal serenade.

Cade looked at me and I saw something in his eyes. If I hadn’t been watching him so closely I would have missed it. I didn’t want to put a name on what I saw, but I knew it scared him. He turned away from me and grabbed a blanket to wrap around me. Then he stood and waved Dani in. She basically skipped into the cabana and plopped down on the couch next to me. Cade walked out and towards the men’s room.

“Nessie. You were fucking fantastic. Half the club was here watching near the end.”

I leaned into her and rested my head on her arm. I couldn’t drum up enough energy to decide if I cared or not that so many people got off on seeing me, uh, get off.

“Hey, hey, look at me.” I did and perceptive Danica saw everything I didn’t even know I was trying to hide. “Uh-oh.”

“What?” I tried to keep my mouth still, but one side crept up, and the other until I knew I had that sloppy, goofy punch-drunk love look. It must have been because that’s exactly how I felt.

Dani shook her head at me and frowned. “Oh, Nessie. Don’t.”

I scooted away and searched for my clothes. What the hell? Why was Dani dragging my parade through a mud puddle? I found my shirt and skirt folded and turned away to slip into them. “Don’t what?”

“Fall for him, Ness. I’ve seen that look on your face a dozen times since the third grade. Don’t do it.”

I froze mid-way through zipping my skirt. Dani had known about every crush I’d ever had and been there in the aftermath when my heart got broken. Dani had been my best friend for a long time and knew me better than anyone else in the whole world. We looked out for each other. She’d also warned me not to get too attached to Cade, as had Angelina. They made sure I understood this could only be a short-term relationship.

“I’m not.” I shook my head and shrugged away the awful burning in my throat and chest.

“Don’t fool yourself, Vanessa. You’re in love.”

My heart wanted to soar, to shout out to the world that it had found a safe place to be taken care of by Cade. My head knew better.

“Don’t be ridiculous. It’s the afterglow of a great orgasm.” As I said the words, I swear I heard someone not so far away chanting “Liar, liar, hot red skirt on fire.”

Chapter Seventeen