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TALIA HAD TO ADMIRE the precision with which Dolok led his team. He’d had everyone, including Lexa and her, loaded and ready to depart by the time the first rays of sunlight touched the ground.
The transport was an older model, yet the sleek black metallic finish on the exterior still maintained its luster. The vehicle might be designed for traveling on the surface, but the interior reminded Talia of the inside of a space shuttle. It was large enough to accommodate twelve people. There were a couple of private sleeping areas in the rear, each equipped with two cots and a virtual display unit.
All she could think about was reaching her goal. There were so many unknown variables, so many things that could go wrong between now and the time they found Tremaine.
The control area had three large viewing panes, one facing forward and one along each side. The men were situated so they could keep a close watch on the terrain, leaving Talia with nothing to do. Retiring early the night before hadn’t helped. Since arriving on Haspridian, her anxiety, a bittersweet combination of dread and exhilaration, continually rode her hard, making it impossible to obtain any decent sleep.
Between staring at the surrounding scenery, listening to the engine’s hum, and the rocking caused by driving over rough ground, exhaustion had crept up on her. Lexa caught her nodding off and suggested she head to the back and try to get some rest.
Of course, Lexa’s idea of getting rest included her keeping Talia company. While she was curled up on her side trying to doze off, Lexa was sitting in a chair at the foot of the cot near the wall, accessing data on a viewing monitor. The room lacked any exterior panes to see outside. Even without using the overhead lights, the bright glow from the screen provided plenty of visibility.
She adored her sister, loved that she wanted to look out for her, but wished she’d go up front with the guys. Frowning at Lexa’s profile, Talia punched her pillow. She rolled onto her stomach, tucked the fluffed bag under her chest, then propped her hands under her chin. From her new position on the cot, she could see the screen. After reading a few lines of text, she asked, “Why are you downloading information about Tarron?”
Lexa straightened her shoulders and tapped a few more keys. “I was curious.”
“You like Corran that much, do you?” Talia asked.
“The man is absolutely gorgeous...and those muscles.” Lexa blew out a heavy sigh. “I can’t say I’d put up a fight if he wanted to keep me in his bed forever.”
“Only sex... Are you sure?” Lexa’s appearance outshone most women, Talia included. Attracting a man’s attention was never a problem for her sister. Lexa might discuss sex as if it were a craving she couldn’t get enough of, but Talia knew better. Her sister was selective about who she slept with. She’d had a few relationships, most of them casual, sometimes long distance, but none of them had lasted more than a couple of months.
There was something different about the way Lexa acted around Corran. Talia had a feeling it was more than a physical attraction, and she worried her sister would end up with a broken heart after this mission was over and they had to part ways.
Lexa snorted, one of her telling signs that Talia might be correct. She returned her attention to the screen. “This is interesting.”
“What?” Talia forced the curiosity from her voice, pretending she wasn’t interested when she was. Whatever data Lexa had discovered also applied to Dolok.
“Did you know Tarrons have mates?” Lexa asked.
“Mates. Isn’t that the same as a wife?” One of the many things Talia always did when they traveled to a new planet for the first time was have Rex do a search for any information about the inhabitants and their way of life. The data fascinated her, and she’d learned a lot about a variety of species.
Most of the time, she interacted with humans, but there were occasions when she had to deal with the locals, and needed to be prepared. Talia had discovered it was never beneficial to insult an alien by saying or doing the wrong thing. She’d learned that in some cultures, the term “mate” referred to their version of the human marriage.
“Yeah, only Tarron males consider a mate to be the perfect female, their destined match. They believe it is the one person they are meant to spend the rest of their life with—a forever kind of deal—total monogamy, no cheating.” Lexa continued scrolling and reading more information. “According to this, the discovery of a mate is connected to their primal instincts. Once they recognize their mate, they suffer from an overwhelming need to protect them...oh...” Lexa ran her finger along a line of text and grinned, “...and claim them.”
Talia’s heart raced, memories of the kiss she shared with Dolok flooding her mind. “What is claiming?” Talia blurted the words, realizing too late that her eagerness to have an answer was all the encouragement Lexa needed.
“This doesn’t give many details, but it does mention something about a joining ceremony.” Lexa sounded a little too excited about the information, making Talia worry more.
“You do know there’s a chance Corran has a mate and children back on his own planet, don’t you?” The same applied to Dolok, and Talia chastised herself for not considering the possibility sooner. She’d been in denial, so caught up in her attraction to the handsome hunter. If she started a relationship with him, then later discovered the existence of a family, it would kill her. It was another reason to add to her don’t-get-involved list.
“Nope, they are all unmated,” Lexa replied with confidence.
It was easy to believe about Gedrin and his grumpy disposition, but not Corran and Dolok. “How do you know?”
“Well, I...” Lexa stared at her lap, refusing to meet Talia’s gaze.
Her sister’s propensity for diving into things without engaging caution always troubled Talia. She eyed Lexa suspiciously, ignoring the familiar tightness forming in her belly. “Lexa.” She forced the same tone into her voice that her mother had used on them when they were children. “Where did you get the information?”
Lexa shifted sideways in her seat, putting some distance between them as if she expected Talia to smack her. “I had Rex tap into their database.”
“You what?” Talia screeched her panic, then glanced at the doorway, hoping no one had heard her. She didn’t want to give Dolok’s team, especially Gedrin, another reason not to trust them. When they were younger, she wouldn’t have hesitated to get into a tussle with Lexa. Hair-pulling, scratching, and the occasionally biting were the normal means they’d used to solve disagreements. Now that they were older, and supposedly wiser, Talia struggled with the urge to throttle her sister.
She dropped her hands to the mattress, clenching the blanket instead of reacting on the impulse to grab a fistful of her sister’s strawberry-blonde hair. “Please tell me you didn’t have him hack past the security protocols on their ship?”
Lexa cringed. “Yes, but he only accessed their personal information, not anything confidential.”
Not confidential, is she kidding? “What exactly do you think personal records are?”
“Relax, it’s not like I had him access something top secret.” Lexa dismissively waved her hand at Talia. “Besides, I told him to make sure he didn’t leave an electronic signature. They won’t even know he was there or be able to trace him with their sensors.”
It wasn’t the first time they’d utilized Rex’s excellent data manipulation skills. Slightly relieved by the knowledge that he would have followed Lexa’s instructions explicitly, Talia relaxed her grip, allowing the tension to ease from her body.
“You know I’m doing this research more for you than for me, right?” Lexa asked.
“For me...why?” Talia pushed herself into a sitting position after she realized Lexa was referring to her insistence that she give Dolok a chance. “Oh no. Turn it off right now. I know what you’re trying to do, and I want you to stop.”
“I’m not doing anything.” Lexa smiled innocently, then turned her gaze back to the monitor.
“No more matchmaking. I mean it.” Talia remembered the last time Lexa had gotten the notion to interfere in her love life. They’d taken a contract to apprehend a guy who’d been swindling colonists on several planets and ran into another tracker and his crew at one of the local bars. The guy had been charming, and there’d been some attraction between them. Nothing Talia was prepared to act on, but there nonetheless. He’d been searching for the same bounty. Later, when they found out he couldn’t be trusted, things hadn’t gone well.
“But what if you are, you know...his mate?” Lexa’s question pulled Talia from her musings.
“If we were destined to be together, don’t you think I’d...” Know it. Talia swept her hand through her hair, aware of the pull between Dolok and her, but not willing to admit it to Lexa.
“First off, you’re not a Tarron, so you wouldn’t have the same heightened instincts they do.”
“Maybe not, but I think you’re wrong.” Talia wrapped her arms around the pillow. “Surely, Dolok would have mentioned it by now if he thought I was his mate.” She hated her own lack of confidence in what she was saying.
“Maybe it takes time and he hasn’t realized it yet.” Lexa tapped a button beneath the screen. “Maybe he’s afraid he’ll scare you off if he says anything, or there’s some ritual he has to follow, or something. That’s why I’m doing the research.”
“Or maybe you have no idea what you’re talking about and should leave it alone,” Talia said.
“What kind of sister would I be if I didn’t help you find happiness?”
Talia’s agitation lessened, knowing Lexa’s heart was in the right place. Begrudgingly, she showed her a half smile. “The kind that knows when to keep her nose out of my business.”
“Can’t.” Lexa rubbed her chin. “I suppose I could ask Corran to satisfy my curiosity.”
“You will not be asking anyone anything,” Talia warned, grinding her teeth.
“See, I knew you’d be mad if I said something to him. That’s why I was doing the research.”
“I’m not Dolok’s mate, so unless you’re accessing data because of your interest in Corran, you can stop.” Talia sat up and pressed her back against the wall. “Don’t you think we have more important things to be focusing on right now?”
“Like what?” Lexa spun in her seat to face Talia.
“Like finding Tremaine.” Talia’s exhaustion combined with her mounting anxiety over Lexa’s newest obsession had her rubbing her temples trying to remove the ache thrumming across her forehead. “Once we complete our contract, they’ll more than likely return to Tarron, and we’ll be getting back to business as usual.”
“I suppose you’re right.” Lexa released a heavy sigh, then turned toward the screen. Though her movements didn’t reflect her previous enthusiasm, she continued to scroll through more information.
Seeing the disappointed expression on Lexa’s face bothered Talia. Times like this, she hated being the oldest, hated bearing the weight of responsibility, hated having to voice the obvious about their circumstances.
Too awake to get any sleep, Talia decided to check on their progress. Before she had a chance to slide off the cot, the vehicle vibrated and bounced several times. The room tilted drastically, her end rising higher than the other side, as if the entire transport had rolled on its side.
“What the hell?” Talia flailed through empty space, her body lifted into the air, and she was propelled off the bed. She slammed into the frame of the other cot at the same time the vehicle righted itself. She dropped to the floor, scraping the skin on the underside of her arm as she fell. Pain radiated from her knees to her toes, from hitting the hard, unforgiving metal.
Lexa screamed and tumbled from the chair when Talia was launched from the cot. She landed with a thud beside her. It was a good thing the chair was mounted to the floor. The base was constructed of metal and would have ended up on top of them, causing some serious damage.
The vehicle’s sudden stop had Talia landing on her ass. Other than some minor aches, she didn’t think she’d sustained any major injuries. “You okay?” She reached for Lexa, the concern for her sister outweighing those for herself.
Lexa sat in the middle of the floor, rubbing her side and wincing. “I don’t think anything is broken.”
“Talia!” Dolok’s panicked shout reached her seconds before he rushed into the room. He had her off the floor and in his arms before she had a chance to respond. After taking a step back, he ran his hands along her body. “Where are you hurt?”
His concern was touching, and she wanted to reassure him. Talia placed a hand on each cheek to draw his attention to her face. “I scraped my arm. Otherwise, I’m fine.”
“I’m fine too, big guy,” Lexa huffed and got to her feet. “Thanks for asking.”
“My apologies, Lexa. Do you require...”
“Lexa.” Corran came bounding through the doorway, his large frame consuming what little room was left in the crowded space. The anger and concern Talia saw on Corran’s face mirrored what she’d seen on Dolok’s. His gaze swept past them and locked on Lexa. “Are you harmed?”
“I’m all right.” Lexa winked at Talia. “It looks like you’re in excellent hands, so I’ll talk to you later.”
Corran snagged Lexa’s arm the minute she squeezed behind Dolok. “I wish to see for myself,” he snarled.
“Geez,” Lexa said as he tugged her into the outside corridor and out of sight.
There is definitely something going on between those two. Talia returned her gaze to Dolok. “Want to tell me what happened?”
DOLOK HAD BEEN STUDYING the mountainous terrain through the side viewing panes in the control area at the front of the transport. One minute, the sunlit skies were cast in shades of pink and gray, the next, large white flakes were descending from above and obscuring their vision.
Ross explained it was a weather condition similar to what the humans on Earth called snow. Because of the heavy storm outside and the terrible visibility caused by the accompanying strong wind, none of them had seen the huge gap in the flat rock surface they’d been traveling along until it was too late.
Ross had been manning the controls when the transport had nearly rolled onto its side. One more foot to the left and the vehicle would have ended up going over the edge of a deep ravine with them trapped inside. He knew what had happened wasn’t the male’s fault and was thankful Ross was an experienced pilot.
There was something electrical hidden within the storm. Even the sensors that should have warned them to expect the ground change had incurred interference. Ross had barely switched the controls to manual before the wheels on the left side of the vehicle started to slide on the rocky ledge.
Paul, the male who’d sold them the transport, might not have provided much information about the territory they were traveling through, but he’d been accurate when he stated the weather was unpredictable. In all his travels, Dolok had never witnessed such a turbulent change. He wondered what other unknown dangers awaited them.
If Tremaine could survive out here, then the area was capable of sustaining life. What type of creatures would they encounter, and were they deadly enough to pose a threat to their lives? Was it possible there were also inhabitants that the humans from the colonies were not aware of, hadn’t been able to find with their studies?
The sudden drop in the surface’s elevation had rocked the entire transport, tossing Gedrin, Corran, and himself across the control area. Other than a few minor cuts and bruises, none of them had been severely injured.
All Dolok could think about was getting to Talia. He remembered viewing the small and narrow quarters when they’d first prepared the transport for their trip. Unless the females were strapped to their cots, they also would have been thrown across the room. They could have hit the metal frames of the cots and been injured, or worse, broken their necks.
Hearing a scream had forced him into action. Before Ross brought the vehicle to a stop, he was on his feet and rushing to the sleeping compartment. His heart had pulsed in time with his movements as he’d raced down the narrow passageway.
“Hey, did you hear what I said?” Talia tried to pull away from him, but he refused to release her.
“We will discuss it later.” Dolok was too upset to think clearly, to give Talia an explanation of what happened. They hadn’t been traveling for more than a few hours, and she’d already been injured. Anger and self-loathing filled him. She was his mate, and he’d failed to protect her. He regretted his decision to allow her to be a part of his mission.
There’d be plenty of time to answer her questions later, once he was reassured that she was all right. The warm press of her body against his helped. It soothed some of his concern and the fear that something more serious could have happened to her.
The more he touched Talia, the more the constricting pressure in his chest eased. “First, I wish to ensure you are not hurt. Take a seat.” Dolok released her and motioned to the bed.
“It’s really not that bad.”
“Please do not argue.” He stepped to the side, blocking the doorway. “Unless you would prefer I pin you down to examine you.”
When Talia rolled her eyes, he was certain she was going to disagree with him. Instead, she did as he requested. He knelt on the floor in front of her, then gently lifted her arm to expose the cut that was already starting to bruise. Talia glanced at the cut, then back at him. “See, it’s nothing. There’s barely any blood.”
The stubborn female is unreasonable and is going to be the death of me. Staring into Talia’s determined gaze, Dolok was again reminded of the difficulties Larn had suffered when trying to convince Kira to join with him. He silently vowed he would never tease his friend about it again.
“It is not nothing. You could have been...” He swallowed hard against the growing constriction in his throat. “I am going to tend your wound. I do not want to risk an infection.”
TALIA WAS THE ONE WHO gave the orders and took care of others. She wasn’t used to being the one to receive attention. She squirmed as she watched Dolok examine the cut on her arm. For a guy with big hands, his ministrations were surprisingly gentle.
“Stay here,” he instructed, getting to his feet and moving across the room.
Where does he think I’m going to go? Talia scooted farther back on the cot, trying to get comfortable.
He slid the panel open for the overhead storage, and several food ration containers, having shifted positions when the transport rolled, toppled out. They hit him in the head before dropping to the floor. Luckily, the containers weren’t large or heavy enough to hurt him. Dolok snarled and mumbled some words she didn’t understand, though she was pretty sure she’d heard a fuck in there somewhere.
“Serves you right for being so darned bossy.”
He shot a glare in her direction, grunted, then retrieved the fallen containers. After shoving them back on the shelf, he rummaged through the other contents. Talia grinned, taking the time to admire his physique, her gaze lingering on his ass. The guy had one of the nicest backsides she’d ever seen. She’d been admiring it a little too intently and hadn’t realized he was watching her over his shoulder.
He turned, med kit in hand, and knelt in front of her again. She wanted to wipe the smirk off his face but was glad the frown had disappeared.
“If you need to get back up front, I can take care of this.” Talia reached for the kit where he’d placed it on the cot next to her.
“You are my main concern right now.” He covered her hand with his, halting her movement. “Have you never let anyone care for you before?”
Talia usually felt uncomfortable discussing anything personal about herself with anyone other than Lexa. With Dolok, it was different. There was genuine sincerity in his gaze, his question unobtrusive. He wasn’t asking to make conversation; he wanted to know.
“Other than my mother and father when I was a child, no.” Talia felt the familiar pang in her chest she got every time she thought about her parents. She placed her hands in her lap and quickly added, “I’m used to looking out for myself and taking care of Lexa.”
He opened the kit, removed a pouch containing an antiseptic wipe, then tore off the foil wrapping.
“Do your parents reside on Earth?”
“I’ve never been to Earth. I grew up in the colony on Startindes. And my parents...” She took a deep breath and blinked. “...are dead.”
Dolok lifted her chin, his gaze softening. “I am sorry. I know what it is like to lose a parent.”
“It was a long time ago.” Figuring he didn’t want to discuss his painful past any more than she did, Talia didn’t ask which parent.
He nodded his understanding, then gently gripped her wrist and raised her arm. “This will sting.” He slowly swiped the cloth across her wound, using a minimal amount of pressure.
The cut must have been deeper than she thought, because sting was right. Talia sucked air through her teeth, trying not to jerk away.
No sooner had the pain started than he was applying a thin layer of healing gel. Heat spread across her skin as the clear liquid formed a protective seal over the cut.
“This is my fault.” He placed her hand back in her lap.
Confused, Talia studied his somber expression. “What are you talking about?” How had discussing her parents turned into something he believed was his fault?
“You would not have been harmed if I had not agreed to allow you to accompany us.”
“I am capable of taking care of myself.” His concern was endearing, warmed her from the inside out, yet infuriated her at the same time. At the moment, the irritated part of her wanted to rant. “Even if we didn’t have our agreement, what makes you think you could have stopped me from going after Tremaine? I’m a tracker, remember? I search for criminals and collect bounties. It’s what I do.”
“You are the most infuriating female I have ever met.” Dolok groaned, tossing the tube of gel into the kit and slamming the lid.
Most women would have found the rumble rising from deep within his chest intimidating, but she thought it sounded sexy. Not that it mattered. He could growl all he wanted, she wasn’t going to back down. “You better get used to it, because...” Dolok cut off her sentence by capturing her mouth with his. The kiss was intoxicating—demanding, possessive, breathtaking—knocking the argument right out of her mind.
He wrapped his arms around her waist, using his hips to wedge between her legs. Talia moaned, wanted to feel more of him. She slid her hands along his chest, splaying her palms over the wide expanse of muscles. She pressed onward, skimming his shoulders, then slipped her fingers into the hair at his nape, enjoying the silky texture.
He deepened the kiss, used his tongue to beg for access to her mouth, then rumbled when he received it. He lowered his hands, gripping her ass and pulling her closer. His erection pressed against the sensitive spot between her thighs, causing a pleasurable ache to spread through her body.
She’d never had a man kiss her so thoroughly that she could hardly breathe, let alone think. He’d kissed away her ability to concentrate, and her anger along with it. When he finally released her, she was panting.
He leaned his forehead against hers. “I know you are a capable female, but you are my... I do not wish for anything to happen to you. Promise me you will stay close to me until we have secured Tremaine, that you will take every precaution necessary to remain unharmed.”
The taking precautions part was not a problem. She was tough, smart, and had gotten herself out of far worse situations than what they would face going after Tremaine. It was the staying-near-to-him part that she struggled with. It sounded great, she wanted it badly, but she knew it was a mistake.
Her attraction to him had gradually grown into caring. If she wasn’t careful and didn’t guard her heart, she would fall in love with him. Who was she kidding? It was already happening, and it scared the hell out of her.
Talia internally shook herself, a reminder that if her mission was successful and she took out Tremaine, he was going to despise her. He was all about honor and maintaining the law. He’d walk away, and she’d never see him again. She couldn’t stay close to him and refused to make a promise that would eventually end up in heartbreak—mainly hers. “I...”
The raspy noise of a throat being cleared startled her. She glanced at the doorway and found Gedrin glaring at them.
“What?” Dolok growled, releasing her and getting to his feet.
“If you two are finished, your presence is requested in the control area.”