
  1. Accessories
  2. Account management tools
    1. blogs
    2. customer database
    3. direct mail offers
    4. drop-ins
    5. e-mail offers
    6. e-newsletters
    7. get-togethers
    8. gifts
    9. letters
    10. newsletters
    11. phone calls
    12. recognition
    13. social media
    14. website
  3. Achievements:
    1. past
    2. visualizing
  4. Activities, high-payoff
  5. Advertising campaigns
  6. Advice, sources of
  7. Agenda
  8. Allies
  9. Alternative close
  10. Apologies
  11. Appearance
  12. Arguments
  13. Assumptive close
  14. Audience building, on social media
  15. Avoidance, of objections
  16. Awards
  18. Blogs
  19. Body language
  20. Brochures
  21. Bundled offers
  22. Business growth:
    1. analytical approach to
    2. numbers needed for
    3. objectives for
    4. organic ways for
  23. Business plans
  24. “But”
  25. Buying process, making painless
  26. Buying triggers
  28. Cards, handwritten
  29. Career history
  30. Certificates
  31. Challenges
  32. “Cheap”
  33. Cheeky requests
  34. Client records
  35. Closing
    1. alternative close
    2. assumptive close
    3. conditional close
    4. direct close
    5. summary close
  36. Clothing
  37. Cold calls
  38. Communication:
    1. e-mail
    2. handwritten
    3. letters
    4. nonverbal
    5. on social media
    6. text messages
    7. word choices
  39. Company image
  40. Company websites
  41. Competitors:
    1. differentiating from
    2. knowing your
    3. of prospects
  42. Conditional close
  43. Conditional offers
  44. Confidence
    1. importance of
    2. levels of success and
    3. preparation and
    4. steps to building
    5. tips for building
  45. Content, for social media
  46. Convenience
  47. Conversations:
    1. at networking events
    2. phone
    3. sales
  48. Corporate gifts
  49. “Cost”
  50. Cost savings
  51. Credibility
  52. Customer experience
  53. Customers. See also Prospects
    1. acquisition of new
    2. building long-term relationships with
    3. choosing your
    4. decision making by
    5. drop-ins with
    6. expectations of
    7. first impressions on
    8. gifts for
    9. ideal
    10. identifying potential
    11. information shared by
    12. knowledge of
    13. lifetime value of
    14. listening to
    15. number of new
    16. phone calls to existing
    17. point of view of
    18. rapport building with
    19. records of
    20. referrals from existing
    21. remembering names of
    22. testimonials from
    23. text messages to
    24. turning suppliers into
    25. winning over potential
  54. Customer service
  56. Database, of customers
  57. Data collection tools
  58. Decision-making process
  59. Decisions:
    1. based on emotions
    2. closing the sale
    3. enthusiasm as catalyst for
    4. helping prospects reach
    5. making easy
    6. making one at a time
  60. Delegation
  61. Devil’s advocate
  62. Diary
  63. Direct close
  64. Direct mail
  65. Directories
  66. Discounted offers
  67. Discounts
  68. Downsell
  69. Drop-ins
  71. Educational content, for social media
  72. E-mail communication
  73. E-mail offers
  74. E-marketing
  75. Embarrassing stories, on social media
  76. Emotions
  77. E-newsletters
  78. Entertaining content, for social media
  79. Enthusiasm
  80. Expectation levels
  81. “Expensive”
  82. Experience
  83. Expert, being seen as
  84. Expertise
  85. Eye contact
  87. Facebook
  88. Facial expressions
  89. Failure
  90. Fear:
    1. of networking
    2. of rejection
  91. Financial rewards
  92. First impressions
  93. Focus
  94. Follow-on sales
  95. Four Rs
  96. Friends
  97. FRIENDS system
  99. Gatekeepers
  100. Get-togethers
  101. Gifts
  102. Gift with purchase
  103. Goals
  104. Gold prospects
  105. Grooming
  107. Handwritten cards
  108. High-achieving mindset
  109. High-payoff activities
  110. History
  111. Hourly rate
  113. Ideal customers
  114. “If”
  115. Inclusive statements
  116. Indecision
  117. Industry experience
  118. Initial transactions
  119. Introductions, repeating name during
  121. Key performance indicators (KPIs)
  122. Knowledge:
    1. of customers
    2. product/industry
  124. Letters
  125. LinkedIn
  126. Listening skills
  127. Long-term success
  128. Loss leaders
  129. Luck, making own
  131. Marketing, vs. sales
  132. Marketing materials
  133. Media platforms
  134. Memberships
  135. Mentors
  136. Micro-niches
  137. Monthly payments
  138. Multibuy offers
  139. Mutual acquaintances
  141. Names
  142. Negotiations
  143. Networking
  144. Newsletters
  145. Nonverbal communication
  146. Notepad
  148. Objections:
    1. avoiding
    2. clarifying
    3. tackling
  149. Offers:
    1. conditional
    2. creating
    3. direct mail
    4. discounted
    5. e-mail
    6. gift with purchase
    7. loss leaders
    8. memberships
    9. multibuy
  150. Operational team
  151. Opportunities
    1. creating
    2. maximization of
    3. missed
  152. Order forms
  153. Overdelivering
  154. Overselling
  156. Partnerships
  157. Payment plans
  158. Perception, as reality
  159. Persistence
  160. Personal presentation
  161. Phone conversations
  162. Phones
  163. Pitch
  164. Platinum prospects
  165. Potential customers. See also Prospects
    1. reaching
  166. Premeeting plan
  167. Presentations. See Sales presentations
  168. Price negotiations
  169. Price/pricing
  170. Price primers
  171. Printed literature
  172. Problems:
    1. fixing
    2. talking about
  173. Productivity
  174. Products, sharing range of
  175. Professionalism
  176. Profitable activities
  177. Prospecting
  178. Prospect list:
    1. building
    2. narrowing
  179. Prospects. See also Customers
    1. prequalified
    2. questions to ask
    3. reaching new
    4. trust building with
    5. types of
    6. understanding your
  181. Questions:
    1. to ask yourself
    2. from customers
    3. for networking events
    4. three-stage technique for
  183. Rapport building
  184. Ratios
  185. Recognition
  186. Records
  187. Recurring payments
  188. Referrals
  189. Refine
  190. Reflection
  191. Rejection
  192. Relationship building
  193. Repeat transactions
  194. Reputation
  195. Reschedule
  196. Research, on prospective customers
  197. Respect
  198. Reticular activating sensor (RAS)
  199. Review, in Four Rs
  200. Reviews
  201. Risk reversal
  203. Sales:
    1. additional
    2. challenges of
    3. closing
    4. customer-centric
    5. follow-on
    6. vs. marketing
    7. overcoming indecision in
    8. as philosophy
    9. tips for being successful in
  204. Sales appointments
  205. Sales conversations:
    1. control of
    2. importance of
    3. preparation for
    4. on telephone
    5. three-stage questioning technique
    6. word choices during
  206. Sales meetings:
    1. follow-up
    2. gaining decisions during
    3. premeeting plan
    4. preparation for
    5. tools needed for
  207. Salespeople:
    1. perceptions about
    2. pushiness of
  208. Sales presentations
    1. beginning of
    2. ending
    3. goals for
    4. middle of
    5. word choice for
  209. Sales process:
    1. control of
    2. defining
    3. on paper
    4. sales presentation within
  210. Sales professionals:
    1. partnerships with
    2. perceptions about
    3. qualities of
    4. recommendations by
  211. Scene setters
  212. Self-improvement
  213. Service-based businesses
  214. Services, sharing range of
  215. Silver prospects
  216. Smiling
  217. Social media
  218. Social profile
  219. Social proof
  220. Speaking engagements
  221. Strategic alliances
  222. Strengths, of competitors
  223. Success:
    1. factors in
    2. formula for
    3. Four Rs for
    4. levels of
    5. long-term
    6. networking for
    7. secret ingredient to
    8. tips for
    9. visualizing past
  224. Summary
  225. Summary close
  226. Suppliers
  227. SWOT analysis
  229. Targeted advertising
  230. Target market
  231. Technological innovations
  232. Testimonials
  233. Text messages
  234. Thank yous
  235. Third-party endorsements
  236. Third-party stories
  237. Threats
  238. Time, for appointments
  239. Timing, of upsell
  240. To-do lists
  241. Transport, mode of
  242. Triggers, buying
  243. Trust, gaining
  244. Twitter
  246. Ultimatums
  247. Upcharge
  248. Upsells
  250. Value, perception of
  251. Video testimonials
  252. Visualization, of achievements
  253. Voice
  254. Voicemail
  256. Watch
  257. “We”
  258. Weaknesses, of competitors
  259. Website
  260. Wii FM (What’s in it for me?)
  261. Word choice
  263. YouTube