- Accessories
- Account management tools
- blogs
- customer database
- direct mail offers
- drop-ins
- e-mail offers
- e-newsletters
- get-togethers
- gifts
- letters
- newsletters
- phone calls
- recognition
- social media
- website
- Achievements:
- past
- visualizing
- Activities, high-payoff
- Advertising campaigns
- Advice, sources of
- Agenda
- Allies
- Alternative close
- Apologies
- Appearance
- Arguments
- Assumptive close
- Audience building, on social media
- Avoidance, of objections
- Awards
- Blogs
- Body language
- Brochures
- Bundled offers
- Business growth:
- analytical approach to
- numbers needed for
- objectives for
- organic ways for
- Business plans
- “But”
- Buying process, making painless
- Buying triggers
- Cards, handwritten
- Career history
- Certificates
- Challenges
- “Cheap”
- Cheeky requests
- Client records
- Closing
- alternative close
- assumptive close
- conditional close
- direct close
- summary close
- Clothing
- Cold calls
- Communication:
- e-mail
- handwritten
- letters
- nonverbal
- on social media
- text messages
- word choices
- Company image
- Company websites
- Competitors:
- differentiating from
- knowing your
- of prospects
- Conditional close
- Conditional offers
- Confidence
- importance of
- levels of success and
- preparation and
- steps to building
- tips for building
- Content, for social media
- Convenience
- Conversations:
- at networking events
- phone
- sales
- Corporate gifts
- “Cost”
- Cost savings
- Credibility
- Customer experience
- Customers. See also Prospects
- acquisition of new
- building long-term relationships with
- choosing your
- decision making by
- drop-ins with
- expectations of
- first impressions on
- gifts for
- ideal
- identifying potential
- information shared by
- knowledge of
- lifetime value of
- listening to
- number of new
- phone calls to existing
- point of view of
- rapport building with
- records of
- referrals from existing
- remembering names of
- testimonials from
- text messages to
- turning suppliers into
- winning over potential
- Customer service
- Database, of customers
- Data collection tools
- Decision-making process
- Decisions:
- based on emotions
- closing the sale
- enthusiasm as catalyst for
- helping prospects reach
- making easy
- making one at a time
- Delegation
- Devil’s advocate
- Diary
- Direct close
- Direct mail
- Directories
- Discounted offers
- Discounts
- Downsell
- Drop-ins
- Educational content, for social media
- E-mail communication
- E-mail offers
- E-marketing
- Embarrassing stories, on social media
- Emotions
- E-newsletters
- Entertaining content, for social media
- Enthusiasm
- Expectation levels
- “Expensive”
- Experience
- Expert, being seen as
- Expertise
- Eye contact
- Facebook
- Facial expressions
- Failure
- Fear:
- of networking
- of rejection
- Financial rewards
- First impressions
- Focus
- Follow-on sales
- Four Rs
- Friends
- FRIENDS system
- Gatekeepers
- Get-togethers
- Gifts
- Gift with purchase
- Goals
- Gold prospects
- Grooming
- Handwritten cards
- High-achieving mindset
- High-payoff activities
- History
- Hourly rate
- Ideal customers
- “If”
- Inclusive statements
- Indecision
- Industry experience
- Initial transactions
- Introductions, repeating name during
- Key performance indicators (KPIs)
- Knowledge:
- of customers
- product/industry
- Letters
- LinkedIn
- Listening skills
- Long-term success
- Loss leaders
- Luck, making own
- Marketing, vs. sales
- Marketing materials
- Media platforms
- Memberships
- Mentors
- Micro-niches
- Monthly payments
- Multibuy offers
- Mutual acquaintances
- Names
- Negotiations
- Networking
- Newsletters
- Nonverbal communication
- Notepad
- Objections:
- avoiding
- clarifying
- tackling
- Offers:
- conditional
- creating
- direct mail
- discounted
- e-mail
- gift with purchase
- loss leaders
- memberships
- multibuy
- Operational team
- Opportunities
- creating
- maximization of
- missed
- Order forms
- Overdelivering
- Overselling
- Partnerships
- Payment plans
- Perception, as reality
- Persistence
- Personal presentation
- Phone conversations
- Phones
- Pitch
- Platinum prospects
- Potential customers. See also Prospects
- reaching
- Premeeting plan
- Presentations. See Sales presentations
- Price negotiations
- Price/pricing
- Price primers
- Printed literature
- Problems:
- fixing
- talking about
- Productivity
- Products, sharing range of
- Professionalism
- Profitable activities
- Prospecting
- Prospect list:
- building
- narrowing
- Prospects. See also Customers
- prequalified
- questions to ask
- reaching new
- trust building with
- types of
- understanding your
- Questions:
- to ask yourself
- from customers
- for networking events
- three-stage technique for
- Rapport building
- Ratios
- Recognition
- Records
- Recurring payments
- Referrals
- Refine
- Reflection
- Rejection
- Relationship building
- Repeat transactions
- Reputation
- Reschedule
- Research, on prospective customers
- Respect
- Reticular activating sensor (RAS)
- Review, in Four Rs
- Reviews
- Risk reversal
- Sales:
- additional
- challenges of
- closing
- customer-centric
- follow-on
- vs. marketing
- overcoming indecision in
- as philosophy
- tips for being successful in
- Sales appointments
- Sales conversations:
- control of
- importance of
- preparation for
- on telephone
- three-stage questioning technique
- word choices during
- Sales meetings:
- follow-up
- gaining decisions during
- premeeting plan
- preparation for
- tools needed for
- Salespeople:
- perceptions about
- pushiness of
- Sales presentations
- beginning of
- ending
- goals for
- middle of
- word choice for
- Sales process:
- control of
- defining
- on paper
- sales presentation within
- Sales professionals:
- partnerships with
- perceptions about
- qualities of
- recommendations by
- Scene setters
- Self-improvement
- Service-based businesses
- Services, sharing range of
- Silver prospects
- Smiling
- Social media
- Social profile
- Social proof
- Speaking engagements
- Strategic alliances
- Strengths, of competitors
- Success:
- factors in
- formula for
- Four Rs for
- levels of
- long-term
- networking for
- secret ingredient to
- tips for
- visualizing past
- Summary
- Summary close
- Suppliers
- SWOT analysis
- Targeted advertising
- Target market
- Technological innovations
- Testimonials
- Text messages
- Thank yous
- Third-party endorsements
- Third-party stories
- Threats
- Time, for appointments
- Timing, of upsell
- To-do lists
- Transport, mode of
- Triggers, buying
- Trust, gaining
- Twitter
- Ultimatums
- Upcharge
- Upsells
- Value, perception of
- Video testimonials
- Visualization, of achievements
- Voice
- Voicemail
- Watch
- “We”
- Weaknesses, of competitors
- Website
- Wii FM (What’s in it for me?)
- Word choice
- YouTube