


control of, 40

platforms and, 118

accounts, establishing

blogs, 121126

Facebook, 2629

Foursquare, 96100

Google +, 8386

Pinterest, 6873

Twitter, 148150

Wikis, 4344

Addison Public Library (Illinois), 9

administrators, selecting, 29, 30, 96


blogs and, 126

Foursquare, 104105

Google + and, 9091

Pinterest and, 76

QR codes and, 137138

agility, Wiki and, 39

aisles, code placement, 136

Albertsons Library, 116, 120, 124

Alman, Susan, 3

analysis tools, 161

analytics, 65

analytics (Google), 18, 127129


audiobooks, 59

Foursquare, 97

Google + and, 89

Hootsuite and, 18, 159

QR codes, 137, 139

Apple Mail, 27

application programming interfaces (API), 6

archiving, platforms and, 118

Ashland University Library, 119


blogs and, 127129

Facebook, 3237

Foursquare, 105109

Google +, 9192

QR codes, 138139

Twitter, 160162

video sharing sites, 6566

videos, 6566

Wikis, 4546

Audacity (audio recording), 59


bloggers and, 123

building, 27

audio, 5760

auto-captioning, 6364


badges, Foursquare and, 96, 111

banning books, 84

Bar-Ilan, Judit, 115116

barcodes, 14

Barger, Jorn, 115

Baylor University, 15

Bee Tagg (code generator), 138

Bell, Stephen, 147

best practices

blogs, 129130

Facebook, 37

Foursquare, 112

Google +, 9293

best practices (cont.)

Pinterest, 7980

QR codes, 139145

Twitter and, 162163

video sharing sites, 66

Wikis, 48

Bitly, QR codes and, 134, 138139

Blackboard management system, 47

Blogger, 13, 119


about, 1213

best practices of, 129130

establishing accounts, 121126

history of, 115116

marketing with, 116117, 126

selecting software, 117121


creating, 6975

editing, 79

Boise State University, 116, 120

bookmark managing site, 67

books, banning, 84

branding videos, 62

brands, Foursquare, 110, 111

Brigham Young University, 15, 51

broadcast hangouts, 81

Broward County Libraries (BCL), 142

business page, 83


calendar (Google), 81

California’s Contra Costa County Library (CCCL), 142

Camtasia (video editor), 53

captions, video and, 6364

Carnegie Library, 101

case studies

Ohio State University, 4648

QR codes, 142144

Seattle Public Library, 3537

University of Texas, 3335

Celeste Bartos Forum, 109

Central Methodist University (CMU), 76

check-ins (Foursquare), 11, 95, 106

Chesterfield County Public Library, 140, 144

Chu, Kai-Wah, 42

circles, Google +, 85

Clarke, James B., 47

Claude Moore Health Sciences Library, 76

clips, changing length, 61

closed-captioning, 6364

codes, 132137

Colburn, Selene, 7

collaboration, Wiki and, 39

collection image, 87, 89

collections, marketing, 5455


Facebook and, 29

platforms and, 118

tweeting, 154

communication tools, 116

communities, Google +, 81, 82, 85


Google +, 82

inviting, 27


choosing, 123

selection of, 140

Twitter, 162

content management systems, 120

contributors, 125126


Google +, 84

video and, 57, 63

cost, platforms and, 118

Coyle, James R., 47

craft networks, 17

Creative Commons license, 63

cross-posting, 123, 126

CSV files, 32

Cunningham, Ward, 39


Foursquare and, 107108

QR codes and, 140



Blogger, 119

Foursquare, 106

StatCounter, 127

data displays, Foursquare, 106

DeLillo, Don, 109

density of codes, 132133

Denso Wave, 131

descriptors, video and, 63

digital marketing, 2

Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 75

DiSilvestro, Amanda, 91

displays, platforms and, 118

Dobbs, Cherie, 14, 140

doors, code placement, 136

drive files (Google), 81, 82, 90

Drupal, 120121

ducking, videos and, 61

Dudenhoffer, Cynthia, 76

Duke University (North Carolina), 56

Dworak, Ellie, 48



pinboards and, 7677

QR codes and, 142

Eder, Steve, 75

Edible Book Festival, 56


videos and, 6162

Wiki and, 39, 45

Ekart, Donna, 75

Elmore, Lauren, 143


finding followers, 2728

Foursquare using, 96100

Pinterest accounts using, 6970

embedding stream, 157

enhancing, Facebook, 3132

entries, platforms and, 118

equipment, code placement, 136


blogs, 127129

Facebook, 3237

Foursquare, 105109

Google +, 9192

QR codes, 138139

Twitter, 160162

video sharing sites, 6566

videos, 6566

Wikis, 4546


Google, 8182, 8990

Google +, 82, 8990

marketing of, 5556

promoting, 142143

tweeting, 154

explore feature, 95, 97, 98


Facebook (social media)

about, 46, 2526

best practices, 37

cross-posting and, 126

establishing an account, 2629

evaluating and assessing, 3237

linking Pinterest with, 7073

maintaining, 2932

Pinterest and, 68, 70

Twitter and, 159

fair use, 84

Fichter, Darlene, 18

focus groups, 46

folders, video and, 57


finding, 2728

following and, 156

Pinterest, 7779

Twitter, 152159


Celeste Bartos Forum, 109

Foursquare, 109

Google +, 85

WordPress, 120

Foursquare (social media)

about, 1112, 9596

best practices, 112

establishing accounts, 96100

evaluations, 105109

maintenance and advertising, 104105

New York Public Library, 12, 109112

populating venues, 100104

Twitter and, 160

Fredrick, Kathy, 6

free speech policies, 19

freeware, 59

fundraising sites, 17


GigaOm, 85

Gilchrist, Debra, 58

global positioning system (GPS), 11, 95

goals, setting, 139

GoodReads (social media), 17

Google + (social media)

about, 1011, 8183

best practices, 9293

establishing accounts, 8386

evaluating and assessing, 9192

maintaining and advertising, 9091

populating pages, 8790

sites, 4142


Facebook and, 2627

Google +, 85

Gwinn, Mary Ann, 36


Haines, Laura, 7

Hangouts (Google +), 10, 81, 8889

hashtags, 16, 156

headsets, videos and, 59

Holt, Michael, 19

Hootsuite (media management), 18, 31, 159

House Rules (Foursquare), 101


icons, 126, 149

iHunt, 144

iLife (video editor), 60

iMovie (video editor), 53, 60, 61

incentives, QR codes and, 143

Insights (Facebook feature), 29, 32

institutions page, 83

instruction, QR codes and, 144

intellectual property, 84

Interlibrary Loan Whiteboard (video), 54

Involver (app), 32

iPhone, Foursquare and, 97


Jackson, Millie, 6

jargon, 59

Jeffery, Kevin, 48


Kansas State University, 121

Kaywa (code generator), 138

Keynote, 60

Kickstarter (fundraising site), 17

King County Libraries (KCL), 143

Klout (website), 17


Landry, Chris, 142

legal considerations, 19, 57

length of video, 5758

LibGuides, 17, 64

LibQual, 123

librarians, embedding, 15

Library of Congress, 1516

LibraryThing (social media), 17

LibTecWomen, 85

like button, 56

LinkedIn (social media), 160


accounts and, 7073

platforms and, 118

tweets and, 154

Link.Me (QR reader), 137

locally hosted Wikis, 4243

Loughborough University, 144



blogs, 121126

Facebook, 2932

Foursquare, 104105

Google +, 9091

Pinterest, 7779

QR codes, 137138

Wikis, 45

management systems, 159160

managing and monitoring, 1819


blogs and, 1213, 116117, 126

Facebook, 46, 2537

Foursquare, 1112

Google +, 1011

impact on, 23

managing and monitoring, 1819

other considerations, 17

Pinterest, 810, 6780, 7576

plans for, 48

principles of, 2223

QR codes, 1415, 136137, 141

tips for, 1920

tools for, 34

Twitter, 1517

videos, 78

Wikis, 67

materials, gathering, 59

Mathews, Brian, 3

mayors, Foursquare and, 98

measurable objectives, 59


embedding tools, 64

management sites, 18

suggested reading, 23

MediaWiki, 6, 7, 42

Meego, 97

Mendeley (scholarly network), 17

mentions (Twitter), 156


Facebook, 29

videos and, 58

microblogging, 15, 147

microphones, 59

Milstein, Sarah, 15, 18

mini-iHunt, 144

mobile (Google), 120

monitoring Facebook, 29

“Monster Ball” (collection), 54

MovieMaker (video editor), 53, 60, 61

Murphy, Joe, 10, 138, 141, 134135, 138139

MySpace (social media), 17


Names Policy (Google), 83


developing, 4445

platforms and, 118

networks, 17

New York Public Library, 12, 82, 109112, 110

Nielsen, 115

NOPIN header (Pinterest), 75

notifications, Facebook, 29


objectives, videos, 58

Oguz, Fatih, 19

Ohio State University, 42, 4648

open-source software, 6, 59

organization, videos and, 57

orientation (YouTube video), 55

Outlook Express, 27

outreach, 6780



Facebook and, 27

Google +, 8384

party mode, 89

patron naming, 117

patrons, QR codes and, 140

PBWorks, 41

Peerbackers (fundraising site), 17

Pew Research Center, 147


adding, 32, 100, 119

Google +, 8182, 88

tweeting, 154

Picasa Web, 81, 88

Pima County Public Library, 152, 153

Pin It button, 8

pins, 6768

Pinterest (social media)

about, 810, 6768

best practices, 7980

establishing accounts, 6873

maintaining, 7779

marketing with, 7577

populating page, 7375

places page, 83


technology and, 139

Twitter, 150151

platforms, selecting, 117121

PMWiki, 43


free speech, 19

Google Names, 83

populating pages

Foursquare, 100104

Google +, 8790

Pinterest, 7374


blogs and, 117

posting (cont.)

Facebook and, 3031

Google +, 87

multiples, 125

platforms and, 118

PowerPoint, 60

prescreening videos, 62

Pressley, Lauren, 45, 48

privacy settings, 26, 62

production of video, 5662

profiles, 149

programs, tweeting, 154

promotion, video, 5356, 6465

proprietary software, 59

protecting tweets, 150

Providence College Library, 15

public settings, 62

publishing videos, 6263

Pulliam, Beatrice, 142


QR codes

about, 1415, 131132

best practices, 139145

creating code, 132136

evaluation and statistics, 138139

locating, 137

maintaining and advertising, 137138


Ravelry (craft network), 17

really simple syndication (RSS), 126, 155

refreshing cache, 72

reports, Foursquare, 107, 108


networks for, 17

portals for, 76

resizing codes, 133134

resources, promoting, 142143

return on investment (ROI), 2

retweet (RT), 156

Ripples (Google), 91

Robinson, K., 140, 144

Robot Wisdom, 115

Romero, Nuria Lloret, 2


scanning codes, 137

scavenger hunts, QR codes and, 144

schedule feature (Facebook), 31

scholarly networks, 17

screencast programs, 59

scripts, writing, 59


Google +, 82, 91

platforms and, 118

Twitter, 152

Seattle Public Library (SPL), 3537

Seattle Times, 36

security, Twitter, 162

Semple, Maria, 36

Series 40, 97

service terms, 84

services, marketing, 54

settings buttons, 153

setup, platforms, 118


content and, 1920

icons and, 126

pins and, 72

public, 89

video sites, 52

short message service (SMS), 139

Singel, Ryan, 115

Socia Media Teams, 3637


blogging, 117121

blogs, 117121

Wiki, 4043

SourceForge (audio recording), 59

spaces, marketing, 55

specials, creating, 103, 104, 110

speed of video, changing, 61

stacks, code placement, 136

staff, training, 141

staffing social media, 2829

stakeholders, following, 153

StatCounter, 127128


Foursquare and, 105109

Google +, 9192

QR codes and, 138139

Twitter and, 160162

video sharing sites, 6566

videos, 6566

Steele, Elsa, 143

Stephens, Derek, 143

storyboards, creating, 60

strategies, setting up, 122

stream, Twitter, 155

Stuart, David, 3, 18

style guide, 100101

subscriptions, 121

suggested reading, 2225

suggestion boxes, virtual, 7879

support, QR codes and, 141

surveys, assessments and, 46

Symbian, 97

synchronizing audio and video, 61

Syracuse University (New York), 102


tab settings, 71

tags, video and, 63

technologies, suggested reading, 24

technology, marketing with

blogs, 1213

considerations, 17

Facebook, 46, 2537

Foursquare, 1112

Google +, 1011

impact on, 23

managing and monitoring, 1819

Pinterest, 810

QR codes, 1415

tips for, 1920

tools for, 34

Twitter, 1517

videos, 78

technology planning, 139

Technorati, 115

“Technorati’s State of the Blogosphere,” 115

terms of service, 84

testing codes, 141

text, video and, 57, 61

third-party hosted Wikis, 4042

Thornton, Elaine, 10

thruSocial (app), 32

Thunderbird (email service), 27

Tiki, 43


auto-caption, 6364

Google +, 85

marketing with technology, 34

media embedding, 64

traffic sources, 65

transitions, adding, 62

Tumblr (social media), 126

TweetDeck (media management), 18, 159

tweeting, Twitter and, 15, 152159, 155

Twitonomy, 161

Twitter Counter, 161

Twitter (social media)

about, 1517, 147148

best practices, 162163

cross-posting and, 126

establishing an account, 148150

evaluating, assessing, statistics, 160162

finding, following, and tweeting, 152159

management systems, 159160

Pinterest and, 68

plan development, 150151

Typepad, 121


University of Bath Library, 143144

University of Houston (Texas), 45

University of Huddersfield, 142, 144

University of Maryland, 7, 8

University of Minnesota Duluth, 7, 4748

University of Southern California, 103104

University of Texas, 3335

University of the Pacific, 144

University of Toronto, 47

University of Wolverhampton (UK), 6

unlisted privacy, 62

Unquiet Library, 13


Blogs, 123

Facebook, 3031

uploading videos, 63


providing, 141

shortener for, 16, 157

USB microphones, 59

user names, 148

user reviews, 121


vCards, 132


managers for, 103, 110

populating, 100104

screening, 97

video conferencing, 88

video editors, 53, 60

video sharing sites

about, 51

best practices, 66

creation process, 5662

evaluating and assessing, 6566

marketing with, 5356

marketing with technology, 78

online streaming, 5253

publication, promotion, assessment, 6265


creating, 5662

editing, 6162

publication and promotion, 6265

viewing meters, 65

Villanova University (Pennsylvania), 111

Vimeo (video sharing)

privacy settings, 6263

tips for, 19

using, 7

versus YouTube, 5253

virtual pinboards, 67

visitor data, 106


Walsh, Andrew, 140, 142

Waters, Joe, 139

weblog, 115

WebOS, 97

websites, Twitter buttons, 157

Wells, Veronica A., 144

Wheelock, Doug, 98

widgets, 157158

WikiMatrix, 40


about, 3940

adding content, 45

best practices, 48

case studies, 4648

developing navigation, 4445

establishing an account, 4344

evaluating and assessing, 4546

top software, 4043

Wikispaces, 41

Wisniewski, Jeff, 18

Wistia (hosting service), 57

Worchester Polytechnic Institute, 76

WordPress, 13, 120

writing scripts, 59


XLS files, 32


YouTube (video sharing)

copyright license, 63

Hangouts and, 88

privacy settings, 6263

tips for, 19

using, 7, 8

versus Vimeo, 5253


Zald, Anne, 58

Zombrarians, 3334

ZXing QR Code Generator, 135136