
Thanks to Sam, for putting up with the trip and reminding us (often) why we had to go back. Thank you to Zadie, for teaching us by example how to be open-minded, flexible, and joyful travelers. I love you both more than the sun and the moon.

The list of people who helped create the perfect conditions of the petri dish that grew this book is quite long and includes the Jolly Fisherman in Waubon, Minnesota; David Granger; Ryan D’Agostino; William Elliott Whitmore; Michael Diver; the Croatian Tourism Board; Eddie Latovic; Amy Wilder; Sandra Petree; Sharon and Ron Reese; Tomo Cuculić; my grandmother, Kate Fiori; and Jim’s mother, Mary Hoff. My gratitude to all players.

And then to Richard Pine and Kathy Huck, for believing in the whole journey before it even began. I can’t thank you both enough, though I hope the bootleg rakija will tide you over for a while.

A few trustworthy people added insight to this story, and you can thank them along with me if you like the thing: Jeff Inman, Erich Ernst, Dr. Rob Shumaker, Chris Gosch, Terri Stanley, Nicki Saylor, Holli Hartman, Julie Roosa, and especially my first readers, Bil Hoff and Jill Philby—your input was invaluable.

Thank you to Marcus Tanner, author of Croatia: A Nation Forged in War, which I referenced heavily for the historical portions of this book. Thanks also to Jason Vuic, author of The Yugo: The Rise and Fall of the Worst Car in History.

To our life-support system of family and friends in America: thanks for the love and humanitarian aid.

To our dear and new family in Mrkopalj: thank you for welcoming us home.