PANEL 120    Elsie Inglis

One of the first female doctors to qualify, Elsie Inglis set up in medical practice in 1894 and opened a maternity hospital in Edinburgh. She was very unhappy with the standard of medical care for women and that propelled her into the women’s suffrage movement. Elsie Inglis did pioneering work during the First World War but died in 1917 on her return to Britain. The Elsie Inglis Memorial Maternity Hospital was founded in Edinburgh and it continued to innovate in midwifery. It seemed that the consideration, warmth and humanity of its inspiration lasted for generations. The closure of the Elsie Inglis in 1988 may have made sense to some but its passing was much mourned by many.


Panel stitched by:

Fiona Kirton

Jo Macrae

Deborah Ramage

Stitched in:
