Giselle Renarde
Adele spun her ring around her finger until the heavy princess-cut diamond faced the room. It was so new she hadn’t taken it to be resized yet. How predictable of Elliot not to know her ring size, even after so many years and so much jewelry. But how could she complain? At least he had the foresight to have his assistant remind him when their anniversary rolled around and in time to have their jeweler set aside something rare and exclusive. No, her sole complaint this evening was that neither Sissy nor Hue had taken notice of her new treasure.
Ahem. Adele cleared her throat just loudly enough to draw Sissy’s attention from the male-dominated conversation. Hue, with her MBA and her crossbred Vietnamese-Manhattan accent, glanced briefly in Adele’s direction before rejoining the market talk.
She tried again. “Did nobody notice the ring Elliot bought me?”
Even the husbands ceased their self-important ramblings to turn their attention to Adele’s diamond. Hue’s expression turned lovey-dovey as she nursed her lemon fizz. The woman was tough as nails in business but always a sucker for romance. “Was that for your anniversary?” she cooed. “How nice.” Poking her husband in the ribs, she chuckled, “This one’s always buying me cars.”
“Impressive,” Sissy agreed, with a deliberate glance in Adele’s direction. “A ring that big would look terribly gaudy on me, but I’ve always said the look suits older women rather well.” And with a saccharine smile, she set her third cosmopolitan down and folded her hands in her Chanel-clad lap.
Normally, Adele might have been peeved, but the new gift put her in a refreshingly giving mood. Just look at the poor girl’s bare fingers! she thought. Sissy claimed to prefer the cleaner look of her shard-studded engagement ring and plain-Jane wedding band, but even those outside their circle knew Roger’s capital was dwindling. Rumor had it Sissy’d even been spotted shopping in a discount supermarket. And Adele had a sneaking suspicion the bottle of Domaine Bouchard Père & Fils she’d brought to dinner last week was in fact a Cuvée Saint-Pierre with a false label pasted on.
How the mighty had fallen.
It was Sissy’s Roger who broke the silence. “Well, I think your ring is as lovely as you are, Adele.” Coming from anyone else, that might have been a shot, but Roger was rather too stupid to come up with clever quips. Pretty, though. One of those Harvard boys who never aged a day over twenty-one.
“Yes,” Pat chimed in. Hue’s husband was eerily intelligent, but he never said much. “Congratulations to you both.”
And then the conversation drifted back to the stock market and everything that was boring in the world of the elite. How tiresome her friends had grown—her husband along with them, if she was being honest. Had they always been so dull, or had her perspective simply evolved over time? She was hostess. It was her duty to save the evening from the depths of dreariness. “Let’s play a game!” she called out, raising her brandy in the air as she rose from her Art Shoppe chair.
Again, she caught nobody’s attention but Sissy’s. “What sort of game?”
Adele hadn’t thought that far ahead. “I don’t know, really. Backgammon?”
Sissy didn’t even reply before turning her gaze in Elliot’s direction as he went on and on about Dubai. If only she read newspapers or had something insightful to contribute. It didn’t even have to be news, just some piece of information that would capture everybody’s imagination.
“You know what I heard?” Adele cut in. She asked the question loudly enough to draw everybody’s eyes. “I saw a report on television…it’s really quite shameful, you know…it was about these parties children are having…rainbow parties, I think they were called.”
Hue let out a cackle before covering her mouth with her hand. “That wasn’t a news report, that was on one of those trashy daytime talk shows.”
“Oh…was it?”
“Where do you find time to watch trashy daytime talk shows?” Pat asked his wife.
“I don’t,” Hue said. “I just happened to see a commercial for the program when I was watching Law & Order.”
Pat raised his eyebrows, but said nothing.
“At any rate,” Adele went on, sensing a conversational shift away from her topic of interest. “Apparently these teenaged kids get together for what amount to blow job parties. The girls all wear different lipsticks, and the boys aim to get their penises painted in every shade.”
“There’s a thing or two we can learn from kids today,” Elliot said with a smirk. Adele smiled back at him. He had a very kind air about him when he thought about sex.
“Not that kids should be doing it…” Hue said, at first seeming like she might write off the whole conversation as perverse. After a sip of her lemon fizz, she changed gears. “But the idea…the idea is…intriguing…”
Roger chuckled, setting a firm hand on Sissy’s knee. “And I thought we were inventive in our day!”
“I don’t think that’s very funny,” Sissy said, smacking his hand away. “Those poor girls! Subjected to such humiliations!”
Elliot tapped Adele lightly on her finger, and then gave her a look that seemed to say, Poor Roger!
“What do you have against cocksucking?” Hue asked the willowy blonde on the couch. “Don’t tell me you refuse to give head.”
Sissy crossed and uncrossed her ankles. Roger answered for her. “She gives it,” he said. His voice wavered. “Under duress…”
Hue, Adele and Elliot chuckled while Pat took a sip of scotch. Lowering her gaze, Sissy reached for the cosmopolitan she’d placed on the table. She mimed drinking even though it was very apparent there was nothing left in her glass. “Can I get you another?” Adele asked. She liked Sissy better drunk, but for such a slight girl it took a considerable amount of alcohol to get her there.
“Oh…” Sissy said. Her voice was high and strained, like she was going to cry. “Okay…”
“Why don’t you like sucking cock?” Hue prodded. She didn’t appear to be teasing Sissy, only curious about the younger woman’s hang-ups. “Men love it, you know. Ask your husband. Roger, you love a good blow job, don’t you?”
Roger glanced with shifty eyes at his wife before agreeing. “More than anything.”
“Really?” Sissy asked, looking at Roger and then quickly looking away. “It’s only that his thing is so big. It makes me gag,” she explained to Hue as Adele handed her another drink. “Thank you.”
Leaning back in the sofa with a self-satisfied grin, Roger placed an arm around Sissy and pulled her in close. He opened his mouth as though he were about to say something but then seemed lost for words.
“How big is big?” Hue asked. Her voice sounded strange and deep. With slow and deliberate motions, she zipped open her purse and pulled out a tube of lipstick and a mirror. “Hold this,” she instructed her husband, placing the lid in his hand before pressing deep burgundy gloss against her lips. Her eyes didn’t waver from the mirror. Everybody else’s eyes were on her, too. When she’d coated her full lips with a surge of color, she smacked them together and smiled at Pat. From the chair beside the sofa, he gave her the lid. Before taking it, she asked, “What do you think?”
“Looks very nice,” Pat replied. “Dark.”
Hue turned to the man sitting beside her on the couch. She smiled, looking past him to Sissy at the other end of the sofa. “Maybe a smaller cock would suit you better. Maybe you’d enjoy giving head if you could simply savor the texture without getting your throat torn open.”
Adele stared across the room with a combination of apprehension, disbelief and exhilaration. “Would anybody like another drink?” she asked before Sissy could respond.
Nobody but Sissy could be distracted from the tension building on the couch, and she simply shook her head. And then, as Elliot squirmed in his chair, Sissy reached for her bag and brought out a tube of cotton candy-pink lipstick. Her first coat had been all but lost to her cosmopolitan glass. She embellished her soft pink lips with a generous coat of light, waxy lipstick and then smacked them together.
The whole room seemed to be smiling with unspoken knowledge. “My lipstick,” Adele said. “It’s in my bedroom.” Without another word, she bolted up the stairs and grasped a tube of bright red lipstick. She watched herself in the mirror as she put it on. Why had she taken it to heart when Sissy called her old? She wasn’t that at all. Adele looked as vibrant as she had in college. Though she’d never been what one might call “pretty,” she was certainly a striking woman. And Elliot still found her attractive, if his anniversary gift was any indication.
By the time Adele returned to the parlor, the husbands had moved to the sofa. All three sat side by side—there were Roger’s blond curls, Pat’s chestnut brown hair and Elliot’s salt and pepper on the end. She stared at the backs of their heads before gazing up at Sissy sitting in the chair Adele had abandoned, and Hue perched on its arm. They looked at Adele as if to ask permission. That was her impression, at least until she circled the sofa to find her husband’s belt unbuckled and fly unzipped. His familiar cock sat limp outside the pin-striped gabardine slacks she’d picked out for him. Adele bought all her husband’s clothes. Had Sissy selected Roger’s deep blue dress pants? And had Hue purchased Pat’s impeccably creased black trousers? They were all so well dressed and all owing to the women behind the men. Without their wives, the boys would flounder in all things. The women held the power.
Try as she might, Adele couldn’t keep herself from peeking at the half-hard cock poking out of Roger’s fly. Sissy was right—it was big. Not frighteningly huge, but certainly a good size. On the slim side, in fact, but long and curving to the right as though it were reaching for his hand. It leapt like an excited dog’s tail as it waited for action.
Pat’s dick rested still against his thigh, quietly drooling precome onto the black fabric of his trousers. Pat had a fat cock. It was hard to tell just by looking, but his girth seemed to surpass Roger’s or even Elliot’s, for that matter. Elliot had a very middle-of-the-road cock. Adele had always thought so. It wasn’t big, but it wasn’t small. It was neither fat nor thin. She knew what to expect of it, and it delivered each time. To see it set like the third place recipient against their friends’ winning cocks, she almost felt sorry for her husband, though she didn’t know why. It really was a very pleasant dick.
“Well?” Hue said. “Are we going to sit here staring at our husbands’ pricks all night, or are we going to get down and dirty?”
The business world had rendered Hue shameless, but Adele felt a blush coming on. Sissy simply sat staring. At what? Her eyes were glazed over, likely in delayed response to the evening’s many cosmopolitans. “How do we decide,” Sissy said in a small voice, “who starts where?”
“We should all start with our own husbands, shouldn’t we?” Adele said, not knowing where to look. She tried to stare at her manicure, but her eyes kept wandering back to the line of growing penises on the couch.
The husbands sat still as strip club patrons—not that Adele had ever set foot inside a strip club…but she’d heard things. They seemed to avoid looking at each other’s laps, or accidentally touching thighs. A childhood memory flashed before Adele’s eyes, of waiting in line for vaccines at school. The whole class had fallen silent in wait. Even the class clown was too nervous to rouse their spirits.
Rising from the chair where Sissy sat like a lobotomy victim, Hue approached the couch like a jaguar. “I say we finish off with our husbands rather than start with them.”
“Oh. Really?” Adele disagreed, but she didn’t want to admit the reason why. Different men’s come tasted different, she’d heard. Elliot’s wasn’t awful, but it wasn’t the most appetizing substance on Earth. She wouldn’t mind tasting somebody else’s, for comparison.
Pat began to fidget, until his leg brushed Elliot’s and then Roger’s. The boys on the ends tried to squirm closer to the sofa’s arms, but they were already as close as they were going to get. All three laughed with nerves. Now they obviously didn’t know what to do with their hands. Set them on their thighs? Cross their arms? Fold them behind their heads?
Sissy emerged from her alcohol-induced stupor to toss her hair back with a critical cackle. “Oh, give it a rest, boys.” Crawling over the coffee table, she tumbled to the floor at Pat’s feet. “Touching thighs won’t make you gay.”
Without another word, spoken or implied, Sissy held her blonde curls back with her fingertips and leaned toward Hue’s husband’s fat cock. For a moment, she hovered above it, seeming not to know what to do. Her breath on Pat’s exposed skin obviously excited the man, because he tossed his head back and let out a deep groan. His untouched dick surged forward to whack Sissy’s lips, and she burbled with amusement.
“Pat’s prick is after you, Sissy,” Hue chuckled. “Better open wide and say ‘ah!’”
The whole room watched as the pretty blonde sucked Pat’s cockhead between her lips. He groaned, placing his hands on the back of her head and pulling her forward until his entire cock was lodged in her mouth. Sissy didn’t even sputter. She sucked in until her cheeks went gaunt and then pulled away to see if she’d left pink lipstick along the top of his shaft. She had.
Adele was too mesmerized to note the others’ reactions. Desire overwhelmed her senses, and before she could stop herself, she’d knelt down in front of Roger. His cock grew like a spring shoot when she took it in hand. Adele loved the feel of a hard cock in her grasp, like silk over steel. Roger’s cock. Sissy’s Roger. However cute he was, she didn’t want to look up at him. She didn’t want to know whether he was looking down on her with tenderness, or curiosity, or lust or disgust. Instead, she stared at his tip as it eased out liquid.
Tugging slowly on Roger’s shaft, Adele licked the nectar of the gods. It tasted salty; like Elliot’s, but different. Wrapping her fist around the base of his dick, she lunged at him. Surprise attack! She sucked him in corkscrew motion, twisting her head as she ate his long cock. His skin felt warm and grateful against her tongue. She went wild on him. She held tight to his shaft as she plunged again and again. Holding him with both hands, she set her red lips around his cockhead and sucked the precome from the tip like water through a straw.
And then she heard a moan: Elliot.
Still gripping Roger’s dick, Adele looked up and over the blonde head buried in Pat’s lap. Apparently Sissy did like sucking cock if the size was right, but the pretty young thing was not her primary concern. Hue had her hands inside Elliot’s shirt, grasping at his slight paunch as she held his cock between dark lips. A surge of possessiveness shot through Adele as she watched. Hue was a demon of the boardroom, a vixen of the bedroom and superior to Adele in every way conceivable. But not in this. Adele would prove her abilities.
Releasing Roger’s reddened dick, Adele crawled over Sissy’s bent form and urged Hue away from her husband. “My turn,” Adele said, reapplying her lipstick to coat her husband’s purple cock red. “You try Roger. Leave Sissy with Pat. She seems to have found a penis she likes.”
Hue glared down at the girl hunched over her husband’s crotch, feeding like a calf at its mother’s teat. Her expression softened as she watched. She nodded and said, “Perfect,” as she raced around the coffee table to fall at Roger’s feet.
“We meet again,” Elliot said with a silly smirk.
Leaning down, Adele kissed his lips, leaving red marks in her wake. “Isn’t this just nutty?”
He took her wrists and folded Adele’s hands around his hard cock smeared with burgundy lipstick. His eager smile took her back to college days. “Do you want to go down on me?”
Adele giggled like a schoolgirl. “I don’t know,” she teased. “I guess. I mean, if that’s what you want….”
With a grin, she licked his shaft from root to tip. It tasted fruity—Hue’s lipstick. Adele hesitated for a moment. Hue’s lips had encircled her husband’s cock. When Adele enclosed his hard shaft in her mouth, she’d be sucking Hue’s saliva along with Elliot’s gleaming precome.
“What’s the holdup?” he asked over Roger’s and Pat’s sighs and Hue’s deep moans as she devoured another husband’s dick. Elliot fluffed Adele’s hair with his fingers as she looked up into his eyes. He was hers, now and forever. Who cared about Hue? It was just a blow job.
Without another word, she lunged on Elliot’s erection. Digging his balls from his jockeys, she gripped them the way he liked it. He tossed his head back and sighed with the other men. Adele took his shaft between her lips and ate it until she gagged. She couldn’t manage the whole thing. She never could. But that didn’t stop her trying. Her fingers formed a cock ring as she teased him with her tongue. The size of his erection told her how much he loved what she was doing.
“Oh, lord, I’m going to come!”
Adele looked up to see Roger shaking his head left to right as Hue lunged at his cock. She sucked him off at the speed of light. That boy didn’t stand a chance! He bucked up into her throat and she took it with pleasured moans. Though her eyes ran wet with tears, she threw her head into his thrusting lap until he gripped her long black hair and held her perfectly still. Neither moved. Still, Adele could hear Hue’s wet sucking noises as she finished him off.
Now Sissy wouldn’t get a chance to paint her husband pink. Maybe she didn’t want to. She had her arms wrapped around Pat’s middle like a child with a security blanket. His cock was her baby bottle. “Do you want to trade?” Adele asked her. “You can have Elliot, if you’d like to try him.”
Elliot laughed. “Pass me around the room, why don’t you!”
Sissy turned her head to look at Elliot’s dick while Adele fondled his balls. “He’s got red and purple already,” Adele said. “He just needs pink to complete the rainbow.”
With a subdued giggle, Sissy planted a sweet pink kiss against Pat’s plump cock before agreeing. Hue had settled into Adele’s chair like the Queen of the Nile by the time Adele and Sissy reapplied their lipstick and traded places. In truth, Adele was looking forward to playing with Pat’s cock. She liked that it was shorter than the rest. Maybe she could fit the whole thing in her mouth. There was an element of satisfaction in the idea.
She tried to think of something amusing to say to Hue’s shy husband, but her brain was fried on cocksucking. A meek, “Hi,” was all she could manage, and then she felt silly for saying something so inane. “I’ll just…do this…”
Pat said, “Okay,” and then followed that up with, “Thanks.”
Shaking her head, Adele advised herself to say nothing further.
The base of Pat’s cock was veritably slathered in pink lipstick. When she wrapped her mouth around his fat cock, she could have sworn she tasted cosmopolitans. She was right—the whole thing fit. It came close to gagging her, but not close enough. Letting Pat’s erection slide almost all the way out of her mouth, she trapped his wide cockhead between her red lips. She let her tongue dance along his satin-smooth tip as it pumped salty precome inside her mouth. He nearly jumped onto Roger’s sleeping lap when she tickled the slit. She never truly understood how sensitive men’s cockheads were. Was any part of her body so sensitive? How could she ever compare? It was impossible to know.
Pat’s cock didn’t have the length for her usual trick of wrapping her fist around the shaft as she sucked the tip. Anyway, it felt good to swallow a cock whole. So, she did what Sissy had done before her and wrapped her arms around his middle. When her clothed tits touched his thighs, she pressed her body hard against his. Pat didn’t move. As in conversation, he didn’t say much. He simply sat there and took it all in. That’s the one thing Adele didn’t care for—his lack of enthusiasm. Now he was a challenge. She had to make him come.
When Elliot’s familiar pre-ejaculatory noises met Adele’s ears, she wanted to look up at him. She wanted to see what little Sissy was doing to her husband that made him moan and squeal. Even his hips writhed beneath the girl—Adele could feel him moving beside her. But she didn’t look up. Her husband’s joy only urged her to bring Pat to orgasm as quickly as she could.
Holding Pat’s cockhead between her lips, Adele snuck her index and middle fingers on either side of his shaft. She held that fat dick between her fingers like a firm, fleshy cigarette. Keeping tight suction on his tip, she ran her fingers up and down the saliva and lipstick path from the root of his cock up to her lips and back down again. She stroked him fast. It was all she could think to do, and it worked. Pat sighed. His hips urged his fat cock farther into her mouth, and she took it. She took it all in again, and this time he seemed to appreciate it all the more. He thrust his hips. She sucked his cock. She sucked the whole damn thing. She sucked it until Pat shrieked and hissed and thrust his hips beneath her.
He came in her mouth, and she swallowed his hot cream as fast as she could. It tasted salty and almost tangy. Even with all of her culinary expertise, it was hard to describe the taste of come.
When she rose from the floor, she didn’t look Pat in the eye. Nerves made her chuckle, but her chest felt tight until Elliot grabbed her by the wrist. He’d already folded his cock neatly into his pants and zipped up his fly. Sissy had taken a seat on the arm of Hue’s chair. In that moment, despite the two other cock-suckers in the room, despite the two other men with lipsticks on their dipsticks, Adele felt perfectly alone with her husband.
Elliot pulled Adele into his lap and kissed her lips. With a laugh, he said, “You taste like come.” As the others chuckled along, Elliot whispered, “Some way to spend a wedding anniversary.”
Adele nestled her head against his shoulder and smiled.