The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
Abella Royal Commission on Equality in Employment (1984)
Aboriginal-federal relations
Aboriginal-municipal relations
Aboriginal peoples; and homelessness; national organizations of; in policy-making; self-government of; urbanization of. See also First Nations; Inuit; Métis
Aboriginal policy (urban)
Aboriginal rights
Aboriginalization of service delivery
accountability; in child care financing; and gas tax agreements; and infrastructure policy; in provincial systems
Action for Neighbourhood Change (ANC)
Action Plan against Racism
Action Plan for Official Languages (2003)
Advantage Canada (2006 economic plan)
affordable housing. See also homelessness
Affordable Housing Program
Alberta: and child care; and homelessness (NHI); and immigrant settlement; and provincial fuel tax
Alberta Preventative Social Services Act (1960s)
Alberta Urban Municipalities Association (AUMA): and ICSP compliance
Alboim, Naomi
Anthony Gidden’s structuration theory
anti-drug strategy: and the Vancouver Agreement
Assembly of First Nations (AFN)
Association française des municipalités de l’Ontario (AFMO)
Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO): and gas tax fund allocation
Baird, John
Bakopanos, Eleni
Bélanger, Mauril
Best Generation Yet (Toronto)
Big City Mayors’ Caucus (BCMC)
Bill C-31: and Indian status
Bloc Québécois (BQ): on federalmunicipal jurisdiction
Border Infrastructure Fund (BIF)
Bradshaw, Claudette (minister): on homelessness file
Break the Cycle of Violence grants (Toronto)
British Columbia: CFDC example in; and child care; and fuel tax; and gas tax funds; and immigrant settlement; and social housing; and the Vancouver Agreement
Building Canada Plan (2007)
Cabinet Committee on Security, Public Health and Emergencies
Caledon Institute of Social Policy
Call to Action, FCM report
Calgary: and child care; and homelessness
Calgary Children’s Initiative
Calgary Homeless Foundation (CHF)
Calgary Local Council of Women
Campbell, Larry
Canada Assistance Plan (CAP) 1966; and child care 197
Canada Health and Social Transfer fund (CHST) 1996
Canada Infrastructure Works Program (CIWP)
Canada Lands Company
Canada Mortgage and Housing
Corporation (CMHC): and homelessness; in suburban development
Canada Social Transfer
Canada Strategic Infrastructure Fund (CSIF)
Canada–Ontario Immigration Agreement (COIA)
Canada’s Economic Action Plan (2009)
Canada’s Urban Strategy: A Blueprint for Action
Canadian Community Economic Development Network (CCEDNet)
Canadian Council on Social Development (CCSD)
Canadian federalism; and emergency management; and the FCM; and federal–municipal relations. See also specific types
Canadian Foundation for Innovation
Canadian Heritage: and immigrant settlement
Canadian Jobs Strategy (1986)
Canadian Policy Research Networks (CPRN)
Cannon, Lawrence
CAP. See Canada Assistance Plan; or Congress of Aboriginal Peoples
capacity building: and the ANC; through gas tax funds; and homelessness; for immigrants; and the Vancouver Agreement
capital costs: and gas tax funds
Caucus Task Force on Urban Issues
Centre for Municipal-Aboriginal Relations (CMAR)
Centres de la Petite Enfance (CEP)
Centres locaux de services communautaires (CLSCs)
Charest government: and child care
Charlottetown Accord
Charter of Rights and Liberties
Chicago waterfront development
child care policy. See also specific cities
child development: and the national economy
Chow, Olivia: on municipal-federal relations
Chrétien government; after 1993 election; and child care; and city agenda; on homelessness; and Infrastructure Canada
Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC); expenditures 2008–09; and francophone minority communities; and immigrant settlement
City Centre Airport (Toronto)
City of Toronto Economic Development Corporation (TEDCO)
City Place (Toronto)
civil disobedience
civil liberties: in national emergencies
civil society: and immigration policy
classic federalism. See also Canadian federalism
CLSCs. See Centres locaux de services communautaires
CMHC. See Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
CN Tower: erection of
Coalition for Improved Day Care Services (Vancouver)
coalitions: and influence on urban development
Coffey-McCain report (Toronto)
Comartin, Joe
commercial child care
Common Sense Revolution
communities agenda. See also the New Deal
community-amenity contributions: in child care
community-based policy making
community building policies: requirements of
community “buy in” approach
community economic development
Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDCs)
Community Futures Program (CFP)
Community Works Fund: in Gas Tax Fund (BC)
conditional grants: for municipal infrastructure; to provinces
conflict of interest: in organizations
Congress of Aboriginal Peoples (CAP)
Conseil Régional de Développement (CRD)
Conservative government: and child care; and emergency management; and homelessness; on infrastructure; initiatives from; and urban Aboriginal agenda. See also Harper government
Consolidated Revenue Fund (CRF)
Constitution Act (1867); (1982), Section 35
constitutional debates (1976–1986)
continuity in federal programs
contribution agreement model; and gas tax transfers
Cooke Task Force on Child Care (1986)
cost-sharing: and child care; and municipal infrastructure
Creating Opportunity: The Liberal Plan for Canada (1993)
Crombie, David
Crowe, Cathy: on homelessness
Cullen–Couture agreement (1978)
day care. See also child care policy
Day, Stockwell: on the Emergency Management Act
decision making: and inter-agency cooperation; and organizational structure
Defence of Canada Regulations
demographic changes; as driver of federal priorities; electoral. See also Aboriginal peoples; immigration
Dion, Stephane: on the National Homelessness Initiative
dirigist vs collaborative federal strategies
Disaster Financial Assistance Arrangements (DFAA)
discursive frames. See also frames
Domestic Group on Emergency Management
Downtown Eastside (DTES): and the Vancouver Agreement
drug strategy. See anti-drug strategy
Early Childhood Development initiative (2000)
early childhood education. See child care policy
East Bayfront neighbourhood (Toronto)
Eastern Canada: inter-agency collaboration in
Economic Council of Canada
economic development: and civil society initiatives; and First Nations; and human capital investment; and immigration; on industrial lands; through infrastructure; in municipalities; and urbanization
Edmonton; and emergency response
e-government: potential impacts of
emergency management: community resilience in; in municipalities; policy of; in the United States
Emergency Management Act (EMA) (2007); debates on
Emergency Management Framework for Canada (2007)
Emergency Preparedness Act (1985)
Emergency Preparedness in Canada (2008)
emergency response systems; first responders in
employment and labour market programs
Employment and Social Development Canada (ESCD). See HRSDC
enabling investments
environmental policy: discursive practices in; and gas tax funds; and infrastructure; and the New Deal; and the Toronto waterfront
equalization payments
External Advisory Committee on Cities and Communities (EACCC)
FCM. See Federation of Canadian Municipalities
federal-Aboriginal relations
federal government: coordination within; and urban affairs
Federal Municipal Infrastructure Program (1994)
federal-municipal relations; Bloc Québécois opposition to; in emergency management; and fiscal arrangements; historical reluctance of; and homelessness; and the Gas Tax Program; themes in
federal policies: role of frames
Federal Policy for Emergency Management (2009)
federal policy learning
federal spending on social provision
federal transfer payments
federal-provincial relations; and child care; in emergency management; fiscal arrangements; and homelessness; and immigration
federal-provincial-territorial (FPT) framework
federal spending (planned) 2008–09
federal urban Aboriginal policy
Fédération des communautés francophones et acadiennes (FCFA)
Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM); on emergency management; on fiscal balance; on Gas Tax Program; on homelessness; on municipal infrastructure; on social infrastructure; on urban Aboriginal issues
feminism: and child care
financing: macroeconomic impacts of
First Minister’s Conference on Aboriginal Rights
First Nation communities: and allocations under Tax Program
First Nations. See also Aboriginal peoples
First Nations Infrastructure Fund (FNIF)
first responders: in emergency management
fiscal federalism
fiscal zoning: and municipal economic development
Fontana, Joe: as federal housing minister
four-pillar model of sustainability
FPT framework
frames: concept of; in different political systems; of emergency management; of homelessness debate
francophone minority communities: and immigrant settlement
free trade agreements
French-language services: in Ontario
Front d’action populaire en réamenagement urbain (FRAPU)
Front de Libération du Québec (FLQ)
funds: combining across jurisdictions
Gas Tax Fund (GTF); 2007 extension of; and First Nations communities; and public transit
Gas Tax Program
Gateways and Border Crossings Fund
Gathering Strength: Canada’s Aboriginal Action Plan
Godfrey, John; on the gas tax
Golden, Anne: and the Homelessness Task Force (Toronto)
good public policy: definition of
Green Infrastructure Fund
GST rebate
Guide to Federal Initiatives for Urban Aboriginal Peoples
Gutteridge, Barry
Harbourfront Corporation
Harbourfront project (Toronto)
Harbour Square: construction of (Toronto)
Harcourt, Mike
Harper government; and 2006 election; and 2008 election; and child care agreements; and emergency management; and federalism; and the Gas Tax Fund; and immigration; and urban Aboriginal issues
Harris Conservative government (Ontario)
Hawn, Laurie: on emergency management
Highways and Border Infrastructure Fund
Holland, Mark: on municipalities in emergency management
Homeless Individuals and Families Information Systems (HIFIS)
Homeless Partnership Strategy
Homelessness in Canada (1999)
Homelessness Partnering Strategy
homelessness: and Aboriginal peoples; and community processes; and federal agenda; and refugees; and urban life
Homelessness Task Force: Toronto mayor’s
HOST program
housing. See also homelessness
HRSDC; and accountability crisis; and child care; and homelessness; and immigration
ICSPs. See Integrated Community Sustainability Plans
ideology in shaping federal action
Immigrant Settlement and Adaptation Program (ISAP)
immigrants: and homelessness
immigration. See also Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC)
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
income vs means test for CAP subsidies
Indian and North Affairs Canada (INAC): expenditures
Indian Friendship Centres
Indian Specific Claims Commission (ISCC)
Indian Taxation Advisory Board
Industry Canada
infrastructure; broadband access in Northern BC; and economic growth; vulnerabilities of. See also municipal infrastructure
Infrastructure Canada
Infrastructure Canada Program (ICP)
Infrastructure Stimulus Fund
inherent right policy
Inner City Inclusiveness Commitment (Vancouver)
Innovations Fund: in Gas Tax Fund (BC)
institutional theory
Integrated Community Sustainability Plans (ICSPs)
inter-agency relations; in child care; and infrastructure; and the Toronto waterfront, and urban diversity
intergovernmental relations
Inuit; Women’s Association. See also Aboriginal peoples
Island Airport (Toronto)
Joint Emergency Preparedness Program (JEPP)
Kanesatake/Oka conflict
Kenney, Jason
Keynesian era
Klein Conservative government (Alberta)
Knight, James: emergency management
knowledge-based economy
knowledge mobilization/transfer
Kovach, Gloria: on disaster planning
Kyoto Protocol
labour force participation: of women
land-use planning. See also Toronto: waterfront redevelopment
Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC)
Lastman, Mel: on homelessness
Laval: and immigration policy
Layton, Jack
Leslie Spit: and the Toronto Harbour Commission
Liberal government: initiatives from. See also Chrétien government
Liberal Party: and the case for municipal integration
Local Immigration Partnerships (LIPs) (Ontario)
Local Initiative Projects (Montreal)
MacKenzie, Dave: on emergency management
Manitoba: and child care; and francophone immigration; and immigrant settlement; and urban Aboriginal policy
Martin government: and child care agreements; and emergency management; and the New Deal; and urban Aboriginal issues. See also Social Economy Pilot Initiative (SEPI)
Martin, Paul: as finance minister
McLaughlin, Stephen: on the Toronto Waterfront
McLellan, Anne: and national security
Meech Lake Accord
Ménard, Réal: on provincial jurisdiction
Ménard, Serge: and emergency management
metagovernance; for place-based policy
Métis. See also Aboriginal peoples
Métis National Council
Métis Nation Framework Agreement
Metropolis Project
Miller, David: on the Toronto airport
Ministry of Environment
Ministry of State for Infrastructure and Communities (MSIC)
Ministry of State for Urban Affairs (MSUA)
Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities: creation of
modernist redevelopment schemes: of Toronto Waterfront
Montreal: and Aboriginal protest; borough structure of; and child care; and community economic development; and immigration policy
Montreal Citizens’ Movement (MCM)
Mulroney government: on CAP
funds; and child care
multiculturalism. See also immigration
multilevel governance; and cities agenda; and emergency management; and homelessness; and infrastructure
Municipal Aboriginal Adjacent Community Cooperation Project
municipal-federal relations. See
federal-municipal relations municipal government: and immigrant settlement. See also specific cities municipal infrastructure; and the Gas Tax Program. See also infrastructure
municipalities: constitutional legitimacy of; funding of; and infrastructure. See also specific cities
municipal policy learning
municipal-provincial relations. See provincial-municipal relations
Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund
National Child Benefit (NCB)
National Emergencies: Canada’s Fragile Front Lines
National Homelessness Initiative (NHI) 1999; and Aboriginal peoples
National Liberal Task Force on Municipal Infrastructure (1989)
National Secretariat on Homelessness (NSH)
nation-to-nation perspective
Native Council of Canada
neighbourhood revitalization
New Brunswick: and francophone immigration
New Deal for Cities and Communities (2004); Conservative expansion of; as response to downloading. See also communities agenda; Martin government
new federalism
new institutionalism
New Public Management
non-governmental organizations: as delivery vehicles for funding
non-status Indians
Northwest Territories: and ICSP compliance
Nova Scotia: and allocation of Gas Tax Funds
Office des services de garde à l’enfance (OSGE)
Office of Child and Family Affairs
Office of the Federal Interlocutor (OFI) for Métis and Non-Status Indians
official languages: and immigration
Official Languages Act
Oka standoff
Olympic Games: 2008 Toronto bid for
Ontario; and allocation of gas tax funds; CFDC examples in; and child care; and ICSP compliance; and immigrant settlement; and Toronto waterfront. See also Canada-Ontario Immigration Agreement (COIA)
open federalism
Opportunities for Youth (Montreal)
organizational behaviour patterning
organizational learning: and the federal government
Owen, Steven
P3 Fund
Pan-Canadian Community Futures Network
parliamentary rules: and institutional leverage
path dependency
per capita allocation approach
Perreault, Jean
place-based policy; and homelessness; and immigration; and urban Aboriginal people
policy fields vs policy interventions
policy instruments: federal
policy processes: discourse on
Policy Research Initiative
Poverty by Postal Code (2004)
Preventative Social Services Act (PSSA)
Privy Council Office
property tax: and municipal revenues
provincial-federal relations. See federal-provincial relations
provincial government; and child care; funding of; policies of. See also specific provinces
provincial-municipal relations; and child care; and the gas tax agreements; and revenue
Public Policy in Municipalities project
public policy: post-positivist approaches to study
Public Safety Canada
public transit: and the gas tax
public-private partnerships (P3s)
QUAD principles
Quebec: and 1995 referendum; and child care; and community economic development; and gas tax fund allocation; and homelessness/housing; and ICSP compliance; and immigrant settlement; and provincial fuel tax
Quebec-Canada Accord (1991)
Québec Chantier de l’économie sociale
Quiet Revolution
RCAP. See Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples
RCMP: and non-federal entities
Red Book, The (1993)
reframing. See frames
Regional Development Agencies (RDAs)
Regional Umbrella Group (RUG) (Vancouver)
Residential Rehabilitation and Assistance Program (RRAP)
resource allocation powers
Restoring Municipal Fiscal Balance (FCM report)
Robillard, Lucienne
Rock, Allan
Roundtable on Children, Youth and Education (2003) (Toronto)
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (RCAP); 1996
Royal Commission on the Future of the Toronto Waterfront
Royal Commission on the Status of Women
rural Canada
Safe/Supervised Injection Sites (Vancouver)
Saskatchewan: and child care
scalar analysis: on state and nonstate actors
Section 35 of the Constitution Act (1982)
self-government for Aboriginal peoples
Service Canada: and the UAS
Sewer Treatment Program (1960s)
Sgro, Judy (MP)
Sgro Report (2002): on infrastructure
Sgro Task Force: on Aboriginal issues
shared entity model: in community coordination
single window service delivery
social affairs: federal spending on 2008–09 (table)
social assistance: cutbacks on
Social Development Canada
Social Economy Pilot Initiative (SEPI)
social forces: in homelessness; in immigrant settlement policy; and influence on urban development; and urban Aboriginal policy
social housing
social policy: federal capacity in
Social Union Framework Agreement (SUFA)
Société de financement des infrastructures locales du Québec (SOFIL)
Société franco-manitobaine
Solberg, Monte
Standing Committee on National Security and Defence
Statistics Canada, capacity of
status-blind vs status-based approaches
Status of Women Canada
strategic priorities: for CFDCs
structuration theory
subsidiary principle
subsidy models: for child care
SUFA. See Social Union Framework Agreement
Supporting Community Partnerships Initiatives (SCPI) 2002
sustainable development: and the New Deal
Task Force on Urban Issues (2002)
Toronto; and Aboriginal population; and child care; and emergency response; and gas tax agreements; homelessness in; and immigration; waterfront redevelopment
Toronto Central Waterfront, map of
Toronto City Summit Alliance
Toronto Disaster Relief Committee
Toronto Harbour Commission (THC)
Toronto Port Authority (PTA)
Toronto Regional Immigration Employment Council (TRIEC)
Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Corporation (TWRC)
treaty rights
Tri-level Conferences on Public Finance
tri-level governance. See multilevel governance
True North Strong and Free, The (2008)
trust fund transfers
Turner, John
United Way Canada
Urban Aboriginal Employment Initiative (1996)
urban Aboriginal policy. See also Aboriginal peoples
Urban Aboriginal Strategy (UAS) 1998
Urban Aboriginal Working Group
urban development
urbanization of Canada
urban planning
urban revitalization
vacating tax room transfers
Vancouver; and Aboriginal population; and child care
Vancouver Agreement (2000)
Vancouver Children’s Advocate
Vancouver Coastal Health Authority
Vancouver Society of Children’s Centres
Vibrant Communities initiative
War Measures Act
Waterfront Toronto
watershed perspective: on Toronto waterfront
welfare reform: discursive practices in
Westcoast Child Care Resources Centre
West Don Lands (Toronto)
Western Economic Diversification Canada (WEDC)
White Paper on Aboriginal Policy
Wolsey, Randy
World War II: influences of
Youth Employment Strategy