Introduction to


Faith and Leadership in Action

The exemplary personal character of Daniel makes him a favorite Bible personality for many. He is one of only a handful of men in the Bible about whom God says nothing negative. Although he shared the human nature of all other biblical leaders, he seems to rise above the others because of a combination of qualities:

Character—He displays character by refusing to do wrong before foreign kings.

Competence—Kings offer to pay him for his ability to interpret dreams.

Convictions—He refuses to eat the king’s meat or drink his wine.

Courage—He faces the lions’ den without flinching.

Charisma—He is so winsome that royalty wants him to play key roles in government.

Commitment—He remains committed to his God despite pressure to compromise.

Compassion—He never loses his love for others, even in an enemy culture.

In the early chapters of the book, we see Daniel and his Hebrew friends in action as they live out their faith and leadership in a foreign land. Daniel stands up to King Nebuchadnezzar and requests that he and his friends be allowed to eat something other than what fills the plates of the other young men in the palace. He negotiates terms and ends up stronger and healthier for his decision. This catches the attention of the Babylonian officials and Daniel becomes a man of influence, even as a youth. Soon, he is interpreting dreams for the king, offering wise counsel to officials, and demonstrating a commitment to his faith rare for anyone, young or old.

Before he is through, Daniel has left a legacy stretching over the reigns of three kings, both Babylonian and Persian. He was a leader who lived the life God meant him to live. As he aged, he moved from interpreter of dreams to a dreamer himself—providing prophetic insight into the end times. He delivered his deep and complex words from a pure heart, showing himself to be a man who loved God, lived his faith, and wanted to influence many others to embrace Yahweh. As you read the book, watch for Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego to demonstrate leadership powerful enough to influence entire people groups to follow.

God’s Role in Daniel

Old Testament leaders succeeded as long as they stayed intimately connected to God. Daniel proves this pattern. God continually blessed Daniel with wisdom, skills and favor, as long as Daniel maintained his character and courage.

God led Daniel faithfully from the time he was a young boy. By the time of the Babylonian captivity, Daniel and his friends had followed Yahweh for years. They continued this lifestyle as adults, and God not only blessed them but bailed them out of dangerous and even deadly situations.

The book of Daniel serves as a powerful illustration of what can happen when God and a healthy, spiritual leader cooperate to reach their world.

Leaders in Daniel

Daniel, Nebuchadnezzar, Darius, Belshazzar

Other People of Influence in Daniel

Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, the king’s officials

Lessons in Leadership

• Leaders must first possess godly qualities before they develop skills.

• Commitment precedes everything—resources will follow a leader’s resolve.

• Leaders must often stand alone as they begin their journey.

• To identify the leader in a group, look for the one to whom everyone listens.

• A gift may take a leader to the top, but humility enables him to endure.

• Spiritual leaders talk to God about people before talking to people about God.

• Godly leaders do not pursue their own fame, but are out to make God famous.