Discussion Questions

  1. Why did Lizzie run away from Kingdom? Should she have stayed, or did she do the right thing? Can you think of a time when you ran away from something rather than facing it?
  2. When she had to deal with pressure in Kansas City, she fled to Kingdom. Was she just running away again, or was there a difference this time?
  3. Even though Lizzie believed she was going back to Kingdom to protect Charity, she also felt drawn to return. Was she hearing from God?
  4. Some people believe that if we aren’t perfect, God won’t talk to us. Is that true? Lizzie made the decision to turn her back on God. Did He reject her too? Do you ever feel cut off from God because you have sinned?
  5. Matthew Engel, Lizzie’s father, seems to be a very hard, unforgiving man. Why is he this way?
  6. Unhappy past events shaped Lizzie and her father in very negative ways. As Christians, should we allow the past to affect us? What’s the best way to keep past hurts from influencing our future?
  7. Cora Menlo is a strong character who refused to allow others to dictate her life. Do you identify more with Cora, Lizzie, or Lizzie’s father?
  8. Was Anna, Lizzie’s mother, an abused woman? Although she said Matthew never hit her, what about some of his other actions? Were they abusive? Did Anna do the right thing when she told Matthew to leave?
  9. Were Lizzie’s motives right when she decided to marry Clay and move away from Kingdom even though she had deep feelings for Noah? What would you have done?
  10. How do you feel about Kingdom? Do you understand the desire for a place of safety where families can live away from the evil in the world? Is that really possible? Is it right? If given the chance, would you like to live in a town like Kingdom? Why?