Indexia Nervosa

(a guide to the people and places who make up the territory of Bermuda Shorts, along with recurring themes and thought-forms, as well as geographies that exist solely within the author’s mind)

Adler, Margot 50

Allen, George 95, 99, 101

Anderson, William “Bloody Bill” 129

Baker Street Irregulars 24

Balsam, Martin 39

Barks, Coleman 150

Battles, Cliff 98

Beatles, The 90, 153, 158

Beauticide xi, 80

definition of 80

Beckley, Jacob “Old Eagle Eye” 108

Beer 12, 22, 25, 35, 61, 63, 99, 131, 156. See also Drinking

Budweiser 56

cheap 132

spritzing of 115

throwing cups of 100

Berrigan Brothers 154

Bierce, Ambrose 151

Blewett, Chubby 3, 5, 6, 10


bombshell 116

business end of x

cornsilk 23

dirty 31

Marilyn Monroe 158

Bly, Robert 50

Boswell, Thomas 107

How Life Imitates the World Series 133

Bradbury, Ray 39, 151

Bradshaw, Terry 98

Brodie, John 98

Brown, Jerry 85

Brown, Jim 97

Brown, Larry 97, 101

Burleigh Falls 4, 7, 8

Bush, George H. W. 85, 89, 154, 156

Bush, George W. 51, 85, 89

Bush Wars 51

Cameron, James 135

Campbell, Joseph 50

Cantillon, Joe 130

Carter, Jimmy 25, 85

Chesbro, John “Happy Jack” 108

Churchill, Winston 36

Cicero, Marcus Tullius 37

Clark, Gary 101

Clemente, Roberto 121

Clinton, William Jefferson 85, 89

Clovelly Island 4–5, 8–13, 20

Cobb, Ty 133, 135

Coleman, Monte 101

Conjecture Chamber 59–69

definition of 65

Coolidge, Calvin 135

Cunningham, Randall 98

Curve Lake Native Reserve 4, 8

Dahlén, Ulf 115

Dickens, Charles 151

Dorsett, Tony 97

Doty, Mark 149

Drinking. See also Beer

alone 164

and driving 29, 30

as an aid to philosophical inquiry 15, 32, 63–68

as guilty pleasure 143

for courage 12

in Italy 16

in moderation 147

in the morning 22

in the shower 22

lying about 5

miscellaneous 52, 56, 62, 96

on the job 25

raising the legal age for 156

specific beverages

Canadian Club 5

Dewar’s 29

Gold Tassel Rye 10

Labatt’s Blue 10

Pernod 63

Scotch 147

tequila 64

whiskey 97, 163

Wild Turkey 101 xi, 41

while boating 8

Dylan, Bob 18, 68, 76

Blood on the Tracks x

Ed Sullivan Show, The 153

Eisenhower, Dwight David 120, 158

Favre, Brett 98

Feller, Bob 135

Ferlinghetti, Lawrence 15, 18

“In Hintertime Praxiteles” 16

Fischer, Pat 101

Fleming, Ian 151

Ford, Gerald R. 85

Franklin, Benjamin 152


magic ring 168

Gabriel, Roman 98

Gadget Geeks 169

Gandhi, Mahatma 49, 52

Garrison, Walt 101

Gehrig, Lou 135

Gender wars 25, 60, 65–66

Gibbon, Edward 152

The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire 44

Gibbs, Joe 101

Gibson, Bob 121, 134

Ginsberg, Allen 68

Glenn, John 154

Goldwater, Barry 151

Graham, Otto 98

Green, Darrell 101, 103

Gregerson, Linda 149

Gregory, Dick 68

Griffith, Clark 132, 134, 135

Halberstam, David 107

Hanburger, Chris 101


against fascism 156–157

against idiots 59–61, 155, 159

against New Yorkers 84

against the music industry 18, 27–28, 42–43

against the telephone 163–172

mad 161

miscellaneous 32

oiling up 147

on literary types 147–148

Harris, Franco 97

Harris, Fred 85

Hauss, Len 101

Hayes, Bob 97

Hendrix, Jimi 90

Herodotus 151

Hoffman, Richard 157, 158

Holleman, Marybeth 157

Holmes, Sherlock 24, 29

Houston, Kenny 101

Huff, Sam 97

Hunter, Dale 111

Industrial Revolution 164

Inman, Will (William Archibald McGirt Jr.) 17, 19

Jackson, “Shoeless” Joe 135

James, Bill 107

James, Dick 101

James, Frank and Jesse 130

Jaworski, Ron 98

Jefferson, Roy 101

Jefferson, Thomas 152

Johnson, Lyndon Baines 85, 120

Johnson, Walter 108, 129–136

Jones, Jimmy 98

Jurgensen, Sonny ix, 98, 99, 101, 103

Kahn, Roger

The Boys of Summer 133

Keats, John

“Endymion” 12

Kelly, Leroy 97

Kennedy, John 85, 120, 139, 151

assassination of 137, 158

Kennedy, Robert F. 100

Kerouac, Jack 68

Kilmer, Billy 98, 101

King, Martin Luther Jr. 85

Kinnell, Galway 149

Kirk, Captain James 168

Knight, Ray 101

Krause, Paul 101

Lambeau, Curly 98

Lead Belly (Huddie William Ledbetter) 60

Letterman, David 40

Longley, Clint 101

Lovesick Lake 3, 4, 5, 10

Luckman, Sid 98

MacLeod, Alistair 148

Maginot Line 89

Malinchak, Bill 101

Manley, Dexter 101

Marino, Dan 98

Marshall, John and Emily 4–5

Matte, Tom 97

McCarriston, Linda 157

McCarthy, Eugene 68

McCarthy, Joseph 158

McDole, Ron 98

McGraw, John 135

Meredith, Don 98

Merton, Thomas 36



admiration for 16

issues with 17

Midnight Oil 40

Miller, Henry v, 17, 39, 41, 68

Air-Conditioned Nightmare, The 64

Tropic of Cancer 20, 39

Minor, Benjamin 135

Mitchell, Bobby 98

Monk, Art 97, 101

Monroe, Marilyn. See Blondes

Montaigne, Michel de 37

Montana, Joe 12, 98

Morrall, Earl 98

Morrison, Jim 90

Morrison, Joe 97

Mosely, Mark 101

Murder in the Dark, how to play 11

Nietzsche, Friedrich 153

Nixon, Richard 85, 95, 120, 154

Norman, Howard 146, 148, 150

The Haunting of L. 148

Oliver, Pam 124–125

Ondaatje, Michael 150

Orr, Bobby 119

Orwell, George 151

Owens, Brig 101

Pardee, Jack 101

Payton, Walter 97

Petty, Tom. See Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers

Pheromone, Alvis 30, 37, 39

Pheromones, The 37–46, 84–88, 155

Pilate, Pontius 75

Plumly, Stanley 148, 150

Argument and Song 151

Pope, Alexander 29

Potios, Myron 101

Povich, Shirley 135

Quantrill, William 129

Rabelais, François 153

Rathbone, Basil 29

Reagan, Ronald 43, 53, 76, 85, 86, 89, 151, 154, 156

RFK Stadium 95–103

Rice, Grantland 135

Rice, Jerry 97

Rice, Sam 135

Richard McSorely, Father 154

Riggins, John 97

Ritter, Lawrence S. See Thomas, Henry (Hank) W.

Rogers, Will 133, 135

Rolling Stones, The 90

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano 151

Ruth, George Herman Jr. “Babe” 134

Ryan, Frank 98

Saul, John Ralston 157

Sayers, Gale 97

Schumacher, E. F.

Small Is Beautiful 85

Selective Service 19, 153

Selig, Bud 121

Serling, Rod v, 151

Shaw, George Bernard 152

Simms, Phil 98

Simon & Garfunkel 86

Sistrunk, Manny 98

Smith, Emmitt 97

Smith, Jerry 98

Smith, Walter Wellesley “Red” 107, 121

Snead, Norman 98

Solari, Rose 158

Starr, Bart 98

Staubach, Roger 98

Steinbeck, John 151

Stevenson, Adlai 68

Swerdlow, David 150

Talbert, Diron 98

Tarkenton, Fran 98

Taylor, Charley 97, 98

Taylor, Henry 150

Taylor, Lawrence 101

Theater-phobia 43, 44

Theismann, Joe 98

Thomas, Henry (Hank) W. 131–136

The Glory of Their Time (with Lawrence S. Ritter) 136

Walter Johnson: Baseball’s Big Train 129–136

Thompson, Bobby 107

Thompson, Hunter S. 68

Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail ’72 149

Thoreau, Henry David 151, 158

Tillman, Rusty 101

Tittle, Y. A. 98

Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers 76

Tracy, Dick 168

Trudeau, Pierre 151

UFO 11

Unholy Trinity 127

Unitas, Johnny 96, 98

Universe, alternative 85, 90, 91

Van Ronk, Dave 17, 18

Victoria, Queen 4, 5

Vidal, Gore 149

Vietnam, war in 85, 95, 138, 152, 154

Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet) 15, 55, 152

Warfield, Paul 97

Washington Capitals 111–117

Washington Redskins 95–103, 113, 139

Over the Hill Gang 98

Watergate 34, 109

Wellstone, John 90

Williams, Doug 101

Writer’s Center, The xiii, 146, 160

Younger, Cole 129