
My warm thanks to Cormac O’Malley for his generous hospitality and for introducing us to so many fascinating aspects of New York. His enthusiasm, wide-ranging knowledge, and fascination for all things New York were infectious and invaluable.

Thanks as always to Carey Smith, whose support, advise, and wisdom are greatly appreciated and whose encouragement and belief in this series, and this book in particular, have been stalwart and unwavering. And to my agent Kevin Conroy Scott, who looks after us so well and inspires us all onward and upward. We are safe in his hands.

Thanks also to Roxanne Mackey and Steve Dobell.

I would like to give particular thanks for the care and professionalism of the brilliant team at Plume—senior editor Becky Cole, assistant editor Kate Napolitano, Lavina Lee, and Jennifer Rappaport. This book is all the better for their hard work, diligence, and enthusiasm

And finally my eternal thanks to Mai. She is my motivation, my inspiration, my companion, and the love of my life. It is her talent and grace that make all things possible.