Chapter Three


A dentist? You’re gonna make my brother jealous by dating a dentist?” Addison sat down on the couch with a graceful motion Kira knew she would never be able to imitate.

She studied Addison for a moment. In contrast to Kira’s navy-coloured business suit, Addison wore a pastel pink, sixties style A-line dress that hugged her upper body and stopped just above her knees. Like always, her auburn coloured hair fell in soft perfect waves to her shoulders and her make-up was flawless.

Her manicure matched the colour of her dress exactly, as did – Kira took a quick peek at Addison’s feet clad in peep-toe sandals – her pedicure. Addison toyed with the pearl necklace that was a permanent fixture around her slender throat. “Why are you looking at me like that, Kira?”

How is it that you’ve been teaching seven-year-old kids all day and you look like you just stepped out of a modelling shoot, and I’ve done nothing more strenuous then sit at a desk and I look like this.” Kira pointed to her wrinkled skirt and the stain on her jacket.

Oh, please. You’re beautiful and you’re rocking those power suits. Don’t change the subject – are you really going to date Dr. MacMillan to make my brother jealous?” Addison said.

Fake date,” Kira said. “You’re missing an important key component. It’s not real.”

And this was Gracie’s idea?”

It’s a good idea.” Grace walked into the living room, wearing jeans and a scrub top with her name embroidered on it. She was holding two bottles of beer in one hand and a half-full glass of wine in the other. She handed Kira a bottle of beer and Addison the wine glass before sinking into the couch next Addison. “These were the last two beers in your fridge, Kira.”

Okay, but what happens if Daniel does get jealous and realizes he wants to be with you?” Addison took a sip of her wine. “This wedding that you’re gonna be Dr. MacMillan’s date for isn’t for like a month, right? You know how my brother is just as well as I do, he’s not exactly the patient type.”

Kira nodded. “I know. Connor and I will take a couple of weeks to get to know each other first and then announce we’re dating, which will only give us two weeks until the wedding. I mean, if we want to sell this whole ‘we’re dating’ thing, we need to know each other’s personal background, likes and dislikes, and… other stuff.”

Other stuff?” Grace lowered her beer bottle. “What kind of…other stuff?”

Kira knew she was blushing, but if she was honest with herself, she wanted to tell Grace and Addie what happened. She’d wavered between giddiness and guilt about kissing Connor all damn day.

Kira? Spill your guts, girl,” Grace said.

Okay, so, the first night I met with Connor to talk about dating, he kissed me.”

Addie paused with her wine glass halfway to her mouth. “He kissed you?”

Yes. He said he wanted to find out if we had chemistry before we tried to sell this whole dating thing.”

Grace took a swig of beer. “Makes sense.”

Or he just wanted an excuse to grope Kira.” Addison gave her an affronted look.

You say that like it’s a bad thing,” Grace replied. “Nothing wrong with a little mutual groping from time to time…”

Addison made an unladylike snort. “Go on, Kira.”

Kira took a big swallow of beer. “So, we did have chemistry, which is good, but I was bad at the kissing part.”

Addison frowned. “He told you that?”

Not in a mean way,” Kira said. “More in a… practical way.”

Addison gave her a blank look, but Grace laughed. “Yep, that sounds like Connor.”

Still, if some guy tells you that you’re bad at kissing,” Addison said, “he isn’t worth your time.”

But what if he’s right? I’ve only kissed two guys before and neither of them kissed me like Connor kissed me, so…”

What do you mean?” Addison took a sip of wine.

I mean,” Kira tried to think of how to explain it, “when I kissed a guy before, it was pleasant and, um, fun, but mostly I just kept thinking about how wet it was and how their tongues felt really big and gross in my mouth and the one guy had really bad breath and just… it wasn’t exactly the fireworks I expected, you know?”

Well,” Addison said delicately, “not every kiss can be fireworks.”

What?” Grace gave her a mock look of surprise. “Not every kiss with Harrison is full of sexy sparkles?”

My love life with Harrison is perfectly fine, thank you,” Addison said.

Perfectly fine? That’s not exactly a roaring endorsement for his bedroom skills,” Grace said.

Addison flushed before throwing one of the couch pillows at her. “Hush, Gracie. Harrison is fantastic in bed and that’s all I’ll say on the matter.”

Grace grinned at her. “Good for you, honey. You deserve fantastic in bed.”

Anyway, back to Kira. Sorry, sweetie,” Addison said. “You were saying that kissing Connor is different.”

Yes.” Kira fidgeted with the buttons on her suit jacket. “He’s a good kisser, I think. I definitely wasn’t thinking about it being too wet or gross or anything like that. In fact, I wasn’t really thinking at all.”

That’s definitely the sign of a good kisser,” Grace said with a laugh.

Anyway, because I wasn’t great at it, Connor said we should practice. He came by this morning before work and we, uh, practiced kissing for half an hour. It went better, only…”

Only what?” Grace asked.

I feel kind of guilty over how much I liked it. I mean,” Kira took another swallow of beer hoping it might help cool her flaming cheeks, “it turned me on, you guys.”

“That’s the point of kissing,” Grace said.

Yeah, but, I’m in love with Daniel. Kissing Connor shouldn’t turn me on. It should feel like a chore, right?”

Addison gave her a reassuring smile. “No, I don’t think so. Heck, I’m engaged to Harrison, but I still have the occasional fantasy about kissing another man.”

Anyone we know?” Grace gave her a lecherous grin.

No, of course not. It isn’t anyone in particular, Gracie, just like, you know, a random guy.” Addison’s face was bright red, and her gaze flickered to the left when Grace studied her more closely.

Kira? I think our Addie-girl has a dirty little kissing fantasy about someone we know. Do you agree?” Grace said.

Kira grinned. “I am in total agreement.”

I don’t,” Addison snapped. Her fingers played restlessly with the engagement ring on her hand. “I love Harrison and I can’t wait to be married to him. Anyway, this isn’t about me, this is about Kira. What I’m trying to say is that you shouldn’t feel guilty about being turned on by kissing Connor. I know you love my brother, but you’re not in a relationship with him yet. There isn’t anything wrong with kissing another guy and liking it.”

She’s right.” Grace pointed her beer at Kira. “In fact, you might even want to think about actually banging Connor. Nothing makes a guy jealous faster than thinking you’ve got some other guy between your legs.”

“Crude, but accurate,” Addison said.

I am not having sex with my dentist!” Kira gave Grace an indignant look. “This is a fake relationship and just because I like kissing him a little bit, doesn’t mean that I’m going to…to just… spread my legs and let him have a go at me.”

Grace shrugged. “Sounded to me like you enjoyed kissing him more than a little bit.”

I love Daniel,” Kira said. “I want him to be my first.”

Ugh,” Addison said. “Sorry, honey, I’m trying to be supportive, but thinking about my brother having sex is making me feel sick.”

Kira,” Grace said, “I know we’ve talked about this before, but are you sure that giving your virginity to Daniel is what you want to do.”

“Yes. It’s special, Grace.”

No, it isn’t,” Grace said. “A woman’s virginity isn’t some prize to be won or given away. It’s just a thin piece of flesh, Kira.”

It’s special to me,” Kira said. “I want my first time to be sweet and loving and-and tender.”

Then you’re barking up the wrong tree with ole Danny boy,” Grace said.

Kira scowled at her, but Addison nodded in agreement. “It’s true, Kira. I love my brother, but he isn’t known for his tenderness or sweetness.”

“He is with me,” Kira said.

When he wants something from you,” Grace replied and then winced. “Sorry, Kira, I promised to be supportive and that was a dick thing to say.”

I think,” Addison was still toying with the engagement ring on her finger, “that you really need to consider whether saving yourself and then sleeping with just one man for the rest of your life is what you really want. You don’t want to look back in a few years and regret not experimenting or at least trying out a few different items on the menu, do you?”

Addie?” Grace’s voice had turned serious. “Honey, do you want to talk about anything that’s going on with you and Harrison?”

What?” Addison gave her a startled look before shaking her head. “No, of course not. I’m not talking about me, Grace. I have no regrets when it comes to Harrison.”

Okay,” Grace said gently. “Just checking.”

Just be sure this is what you really want. Okay, Kira?” Addison said.

I’m sure,” Kira replied. She took a sip of beer. “Anyway, Connor is coming by tomorrow night so we can learn about each other.”

As well as more kissing lessons?” Grace asked.

Kira blushed. “Uh, yeah, probably.”

Grace sat back in her chair and stretched her long legs out. “Connor was super distracted when he came into work this morning. I guess I know why now.”

Was he?” Kira wondered if that was pride she was feeling. “Distracted, how?”

Just distracted, not really into talking. Probably because he still had a raging boner.”

Gracie!” Kira said.

Grace just grinned at her. “What? You’re telling me he wasn’t affected by kissing you?”

No, he was,” Kira hesitated before forging ahead, “he was, um, really affected, by it. If you know what I mean.”

No,” Addie gave her a teasing look, “I’m not certain I do. Describe it, Kira… and don’t be stingy with the details.”

Ew, this is my boss we’re talking about,” Grace said.

Suck it up, girl,” Addie said. “We were just talking about my brother and his sex life, remember?”

He, um, was just really hard while we were kissing and even when we stopped and he left, you could still see that he was, uh…”

Wishing he could have a little ‘afternoon delight’ with you?” Grace said.

Addison laughed and Kira flushed again. “No, of course not. He knows it’s fake and this is just so we can make it look more realistic.”

All right,” Grace said, “but I still think you should consider, as Addie puts it, ‘tasting off the menu’ with Connor before committing yourself completely to Daniel.”

I don’t want to,” Kira said. “I love Daniel and I want to be with him and only him.”

* * *


“I love Daniel and I want to be with him and only him,” Kira murmured as she watched Connor park on the street and climb out of his car. “Dr. MacMillan is attractive, sure, but I’m not interested in him or his kissing abilities.”

Of course, if she wasn’t interested in him, how did she explain the way she’d sped home from work? Or why she’d had a second shower as soon as she got home, or why she was wearing a full face of makeup and her favourite pair of skinny jeans with that knitted top that Gracie always said made her tits look fantastic?

Or why you’re wearing a matching set of lacy bra and panties?

She flushed at the knowing tone of her inner voice before smoothing her top down. She just felt like looking pretty tonight, no big deal, no particular reason. Lots of girls liked to feel good about themselves, especially in front of their weirdly hot dentist.

The weather was unseasonably warm today, even for April, and Connor was wearing just a fitted dress shirt and pair of jeans. She studied the lean length of him before her gaze landed on his crotch. Warmth infused her crotch and she looked away hurriedly.

“It’s fine,” she said. “Everything’s fine. You’re doing this to win over Daniel.” She checked her reflection in the mirror hanging on the wall in the hallway before opening the front door.

Connor was climbing the front steps of the porch and he gave her a polite smile. “Hello, Kira.”

“Hi. Come on in.”

He stepped inside and shut the door behind him before following her down the hallway.

“Uh, I don’t know if you’re hungry or not, but I picked up a meat and cheese platter and some crackers.” She stepped into the kitchen and pointed to the table where she had laid out the platter of food and the boxes of crackers.

“Thanks,” he said. “I worked late tonight and haven’t had a chance to grab dinner.”

“Okay, well sit down. Can I get you a beer or wine or…”?

“An iced tea would be good.” He sat down and she busied herself getting drinks for both of them as he helped himself to some food.

She set his drink in front of him before sitting down and grabbing some food for herself. She hadn’t eaten supper either and they ate in silence for a few minutes.

“So, um, how was work?” she asked.

“Busy.” He drank some iced tea.

“Do you like being a dentist?”

“I do.”

He didn’t say anything else and feeling a little frustrated, she said, “You realize it’s like pulling teeth trying to get you to talk, right?”

A small grin played on his lips and she made a little ‘pfft’ sound when she realized what she’d said. “I can’t believe I just said that to a dentist. But it doesn’t make it any less true. We’re trying to learn more information about each other, right?”

“Yes. Sorry, I’m not great at small talk or talking about myself. Never have been.”

“Fair enough,” she said. “Maybe it’s best if I go first? My dad always said I could talk the hind legs off a horse. Not that I ever really knew what that meant, but I am excellent at talking.”

He smiled …whoa, was that a dimple in his cheek, God help her… and said, “It’s a British idiom from the 1800s. Basically, it means you talk so long the horse becomes exhausted and collapses.”

She laughed. “How do you know that?”

“My dad says the same thing to my mom all the time.”

She smiled a little before nibbling on a piece of cheese. She was trying to decide where to start. When she glanced up at Connor, he was giving her an expectant look, those pretty blue eyes of his filled with amusement. “Cat suddenly got your tongue?”

Her gaze dropped to his mouth. Man, maybe they should just forego the chitchat and get straight to the kissing practice.

“Kira?” he prompted.

“Sorry, just trying to decide where to start.” She decided not letting herself get distracted by Connor’s mouth was probably the best place to start.

“How about with your birthday,” Connor said. “That seems like something I should probably know.”

She smiled a little. “Yeah, probably. My birthday is October twentieth. I’m twenty-five and, as you know, I have an older brother, Gideon.”

“The youngest sheriff ever to be elected in the history of Harmony Falls,” Connor said.

“That’s right. I’m incredibly proud of him. He’s done very well for himself. He’s eight years older than me, but we’ve always been close. When he moved to New Cassel, I missed him a lot. We all did.”

“He went to the police academy there?” Connor asked.

She nodded. “Yeah. Well, first he got his criminology degree and then he joined the police academy. He worked as a cop in New Cassel until my parents died and then he moved back to Harmony Falls.”

She fell silent for a moment. It’d been three years since her parents boarded the plane for their annual winter vacation in Jamaica. She’d driven them to the airport in New Cassel but hadn’t waited with them. She’d just dropped them off at the curb, hugged and kissed them goodbye, told them she’d see them in a month, and then left.

She didn’t go to the city all that often, and she’d been anxious to check out a few of the clothing stores, tired of the same old options at Harmony Falls. Looking back, she would give anything to have had even a half hour extra with her mom and dad.

“You okay?”

She made herself smile at Connor. “Yeah… my parents died in a plane crash three years ago, and it’s still really tough. I miss them.”

“I’m sorry for your loss.” His voice had softened with sympathy.

“Thank you. Anyway, where was I?”

“Your brother moved back.”

“Right. I don’t think he had any intention of returning to Harmony Falls, but after our parents died, I wasn’t doing so well and, long story short… he moved home and got a job with the Harmony Falls police. Just under a year later, Sheriff Walton retired, and Gideon became the new sheriff.”

Her throat was dry from talking and she took a sip of iced tea. “I got a job in high school at Walgreen’s over on Main Street when I was in grade eleven. I worked there until about nine months ago. I went to real estate school and after I passed the licensing exam, I started working for Rose and Ray Armstrong. They own Rose and Ray Realty.”

“I know them,” he said. “Well sort of. They’re clients.”

“Oh, okay.”

“They seem like they’re good people,” Connor said.

“They are. Rose came into the Walgreens regularly, and after my parents died, she and Ray did a lot for me and Gideon. Anyway, Rose was the one who suggested I become a real estate agent, so I did.”

“Do you like it?”

“I do,” Kira said. “Except I’ve been working for three months now and still haven’t made my first sale. That’s not…great. But Ray and Rose are being supportive and I’m lucky that Gideon lets me live in the house for free. I have some savings to live off of, but if I don’t sell a house soon, I’ll have to admit defeat and hope they’ll hire me at Walgreens again.”

She could hear the depression in her voice, and she made herself smile at Connor. “Let’s see, what else… my favourite colour is green, I’m allergic to codeine, I took piano lessons from age five to eighteen, I, um… I love romantic comedies, I hate eggplant, and I like dogs more than cats.”

She took another drink of iced tea. Connor was studying her, and she tried not to fidget.

“How long have you been in love with Daniel Moore?” he asked.

“Oh, uh, since forever.”

“Define forever.”

“High school,” she said. “He’s a couple years older than me but we were in high school at the same time. He’s an amazing athlete. He was the number one player on the school baseball team in his senior year.”

“Was he?” Connor’s voice was weirdly neutral.

She nodded. “Yeah, he was a pitcher. He still pitches for the Harmony Falls Flames.”

“I know, I play in the league.”

“Do you?” Her brows drew down. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you play, and I go to almost all of the games.”

“Oddly enough, a baseball team full of dentists and doctors doesn’t get nearly as much attention as the baseball team of firefighters.”

She laughed. “No, I guess not.”

“So, why do you love Daniel?”

“Why does that matter?” she said.

He shrugged. “Just curious, I guess.”

“He’s a good guy. He’s smart and funny and everyone loves him. He can come across as selfish and self-absorbed sometimes, but it’s not who he truly is.”

“Isn’t it?”

She scowled. “No. He’s a firefighter for God’s sake. He risks his life every day for people he doesn’t even know. He makes a difference in his job. His job is important, and what he does matters. He’s not just out there selling houses – or rather, trying to sell houses.”

“What you do is important too,” Connor said.

“Not in the same way,” she said impatiently. “Why are you asking me this, anyway?”

“It just seems strange to me that you’re in love with him.”

“Why?” she asked.

“You don’t seem like the type of woman to be in love with a man like Daniel Moore.”

Feeling vaguely insulted on Daniel’s behalf, she said, “Yeah, well you don’t know me at all.”

“But Daniel does?”

“Yes, he does,” she said. “I’ve known him since I was a kid. His sister is one of my best friends.”

“Knowing someone for a long time doesn’t mean they know who you are,” Connor said.

She folded her arms across her chest and glared at him, trying and failing miserably not to look like a pouty little kid.

Connor glanced at his watch before standing. “That’s probably enough for tonight. It’s getting late.”

Kira stood. “It’s only ten after eight. That’s not that late.”

“It’s been a busy day,” he said.

“But I thought…”

“You thought what?” he asked.

Despite being a little pissed at him for his questions about Daniel, she said, “We would practice, uh, some more kissing.”

He didn’t say anything and, mortified, Kira said, “Never mind. I’m being -”

“Tomorrow morning.” His voice was a little terse. “I’ll come by at eight-thirty and we can… practice. If that works for you?”

“Um, yes, okay. That works.”

“Good.” He gave her a brisk, almost business-like nod. “Thank you for the food. I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”