Rise and … Shine?

In the sleeping stalls of the Wind Dancers’ apple tree house, all was quiet.

Well, sort of quiet.

Kona was snoring noisily from beneath her horse blanket.

Brisa was giggling her way through a funny dream.

Sumatra’s feet were tap, tap, tapping on her stall’s wooden floor as she dreamed she was dancing in the air.

And Sirocco’s stomach was growling. Loudly.

“Mmmm,” Sirocco murmured in his sleep, his closed eyes smiling. “A second helping of shoofly pie? Don’t mind if I do. I hate flies, but I love pie!”

As Sirocco bit into the pie in his dream, his actual teeth began click, clack, clicking.

His lips smacked wetly.

And he swallowed dramatically with great, big galumphs, even though all he was really swallowing was air.

“Yum!” said the sleeping horse.

Of course, in real life, Sirocco’s belly was still empty. His stomach was so noisy, in fact, that it woke him up!

As Sirocco’s eyes blinked open, he smacked his lips again. Then he sighed.

Too bad, he thought to himself. I can’t taste that shoofly pie at all. I guess I was dreaming, for sure.

In the glow of his night-light—actually, a few friendly fireflies—Sirocco looked over at his sleep buddy, a fuzzy green and orange stuffed frog named Jeepers. The cute little toy was plunked on top of his stall wall.

“Well, Jeepers,” Sirocco said, “if I can’t have dream pie, I might as well get me some real breakfast. I wonder what Kona’s making this morning!”

Sirocco was so eager to start a new day—and to start it with food—that he reared back in his stall with a happy whinny. His kicking front hoof caught Jeepers and tossed him into the air. The frog did a quick double flip before landing on the floor with a plop!


“Ha, ha, ha!” Sirocco laughed at Jeepers’ gymnastic move. Then he trotted out of his stall.

“See you later, Jeepers,” he called over his shoulder.

His stomach still growling loudly, Sirocco galloped upstairs to the kitchen.

“Good morrrrning,” he neighed as he approached the kitchen door. “What’s for breakfa—”

Sirocco skidded to a stop. The kitchen was empty! Well, except for even more fireflies, which were circling the ceiling and giving off a pretty yellow light. No horses were pouring oats into feed buckets or mashing apples into applesauce or drawing nice, cold rainwater into the water trough. And there was, for sure, no shoofly pie.

“Well,” Sirocco said to himself, “I can do something about that!

He turned around and clop, clop, clopped down to his friends’ sleeping stalls, yelling, “Wake up, sleepyheads! Time for breakfast!”

Sirocco whinnied into Brisa’s stall first, then Kona’s, and finally Sumatra’s—until all three fillies reluctantly woke up. Shaking their heads sleepily, they dragged themselves out of their cozy stalls and loped up to the kitchen.


Dangling from Brisa’s teeth was her sleep buddy, a tiny horse with a comb-able mane and tail named Brisina. (“Because she looks just like me,” Brisa had told her friends when she’d named her toy horse. “Only teeny-tiny and not quite as pretty.”)


Kona’s teddy bear—whom she’d given the nice, sensible name Charles—was perched on her neck like a little jockey.

And Sumatra’s small security blanket—which she’d woven with her satiny magic ribbons—was draped over her back.


“Sirooooccco,” Brisa complained, shaking her tousled, blond forelock out of her eyes. “Why did you drag Brisina and me away from our beauty sleep?”

“For breakfast, of course!” Sirocco said.

“I’m too tired to eat,” Sumatra said through a giant yawn. Her green eyelashes drooped and her tail hung listlessly.

“And I’m too tired to make anything to eat,” Kona said. All the flowers in her magic halo were tightly closed. They were still sleepy, too.

Sirocco stared at the fillies in disgust.

“What do you mean tired?” he demanded. “You’ve been sleeping all night! The day’s going to get away from us!”

Sumatra gazed out the kitchen window for a moment. Then she frowned and turned to the colt.

“Sirocco,” she said sternly, “there is no day!”

“What do you mean?” Sirocco said. “We’re awake, aren’t we? So it must be day.”

Sumatra looked out the window again and used her nose to point through it.

“Look,” she said wearily.

Sirocco trotted over and peered out the window.

“Look at what?” he said impatiently. “I can’t see anything.”

“Exactly,” Kona said, joining Sumatra and Sirocco by the window. “You can’t see anything because it’s dark out. It’s still night-time!”

“You woke up early, Sirocco,” Brisa said with a sleepy shrug. “Let’s go back to bed.”

“Aw,” Sirocco complained. “I can’t go back to bed now. I’m awake. And so are all of you. Who cares if it’s daytime or night-time? We should go do something.”

Sumatra stopped yawning and stretching and stared at the colt.

“Sirocco,” she scolded, “horses stay awake during the day and we sleep at night. It’s the way things are! You can’t just go switching things around!

“Why not?!” Sirocco challenged her with an impish grin.

“Here’s why!” Brisa piped up. She placed Brisina on the kitchen table and anxiously stroked the toy horse’s mane with her nose. “We’ve never been out at night. It might be scary out there.”

“Please,” Sirocco said, waving his hoof at Brisa. “I’ve heard there are lots of animals who stay up all night—owls and bats and raccoons. If it was so scary at night, they’d stay home!”


“But we don’t know those owls and bats and raccoons,” Sumatra pointed out. “That means they’re strangers. And you know what they say…”

“No, what?” Sirocco asked.

“Stranger danger!” Sumatra replied, looking frightened.

Sirocco’s eyes went wide. His mouth began to tremble.

“When you put it that way…” he began.

The fillies glanced at each other hopefully. Maybe they’d finally persuaded Sirocco to let them go back to bed!

“… that makes me want to go out more than ever!” Sirocco finished with an excited whinny.

“Okay, so he’s not scared,” Kona muttered to Sumatra and Brisa.

Sirocco tapped his hooves impatiently and shot longing looks at the window.

“You know Sirocco,” Sumatra whispered to the other fillies. “When he’s this excited, there’s no stopping him.”

“And it will be hard to get back to sleep after all our chitchat,” Brisa whispered back. The jewels in her magic halo had brightened. They looked almost as ready for adventure as Sirocco was.

Kona shrugged.

“Okay!” she announced to Sirocco. “I guess we’re going out!”

“Yeah!” Sirocco cried. “Hey, before we go, can someone make me some shoofly pie for breakfast? It was so yummy in my dream.”

Sumatra gaped at Sirocco.

“Don’t push your luck, night owl!” she blurted.

Sirocco laughed.

“Hey,” he defended himself, “you can’t blame me for trying!”

The fillies laughed, too, as they threw together a much-easier-than-shoofly-pie breakfast: some apples, oats, and carrots. Then—chattering excitedly—they tromped up to the tree house’s top floor and gathered at the front door.


As the horses got ready to take flight, Sumatra used her teeth to tie her ribbon-y security blanket around her neck.

Kona twisted her head around and tucked her teddy bear tightly under her flower necklace so he wouldn’t fall off while she flew.


And Brisa used her teeth to hook Brisina’s sparkly reins over one of the jewels in her magic halo.

“Why are you all bringing your sleep buddies?” Sirocco asked with a teasing grin. “You’re not scared of the dark, are you?”

“No!” Kona said defensively. She turned around and gave Charles a protective nuzzle with her silky soft nose. “It’s just … you never know when you’re going to need your teddy bear, that’s all.”

Sumatra and Brisa nodded emphatically.

“We’re not scared,” Sumatra agreed, snuggling her blanket. “We’re prepared.

“Don’t you want to bring Jeepers?” Brisa asked Sirocco.

“Nope! Why would I do that?” Sirocco scoffed, waving his hoof at Brisa. “Let’s go already,” he urged the fillies. “It’s time for a little night adventure!”